La banque de données terminologiques et linguistiques du gouvernement du Canada.


Fiche 1 1985-05-15


Subject field(s)
  • Legal Documents
  • Patents (Law)
  • Copyright, Patent and Trademark Law

... an agreement that provides for the licensing of a patent by one patent owner in return for a license under a different patent owned by another.


Cross Licenses ... Such a license sometimes becomes an economic necessity where neither party is willing to sell or assign its patent to the other but also neither party can make, use or sell its patented invention to its best commercial advantage without the benefit of the other party's patent. Therefore the owners of the patents will cross-license each other for the right to use each other's patent. Cross licenses are most often made between owners of "interfering" or "blocking" patents. Such interfering or blocking patents cover different aspects of the same invention. For example, if a basic patent is owned by one party and an improvement patent on the same invention is owned by another party, a cross license is warranted because the parties must have the benefit of both patents in order to practice the improvement to its best commercial advantage.

  • cross licence


  • Documents juridiques
  • Brevets d'invention (Droit)
  • Propriété industrielle et intellectuelle


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