La banque de données terminologiques et linguistiques du gouvernement du Canada.

DRYING-DRUM [1 fiche]

Fiche 1 2000-02-15


Subject field(s)
  • Concrete Facilities and Equipment

Component of mixing plant in which materials are mixed together.


Two types of plants are used to make hot mix asphalt concrete, the batch type mixing plant and the drum mix plant A batch plant mixes, then drops individual batches of hot mix asphalt concrete and a drum mix plant is a continuous flow type of production plant. In a batch type mixing plant different sizes of aggregates are drawn from a multi-bin cold feed system into an enclosed counter flow rotary drum. After the aggregate is dried, it is lifted to the top of the batching tower and on to a screen system which separates the aggregate into different sizes and then drops the different sizes into individual bins. Aggregate is then drawn from the hot bins in predetermined amounts, weighed and dropped into a pug mill mixer with the correct amount of liquid asphalt. The batch is mixed, then dropped into a waiting truck or sent to a surge bin until trucks arrive. In a drum mix plant a metered, four compartment, cold feed bin system supplies the exact amount of the required size of aggregates to the rotating drum mixer The drum mixer is an inclined, parallel flow dryer/mixer in which the aggregate is dried and heated in the upper section of the drum, then mixed with liquid in the lower part of the drum. From the drum the hot mix is discharged into a hot elevator which lifts the finished product to a surge hopper or storage silo both equipped to load trucks.

  • drying-drum


  • Outillage et installations (Bétonnage)

L'objectif d'une centrale d'enrobage est de produire, à partir de divers matériaux, un béton bitumeux (appelé "enrobé") qui sera transporté à chaud vers le chantier d'épandage, pour former la couche supérieure du revêtement des infrastructures routières [...] Ces centrales fonctionnent en cycle continu ou non, à tambour sécheur ou non, et peuvent atteindre une productivité de 100 à 400 tonnes par heure [...] Les tapis doseurs se déversent sur un tapis collecteur qui apporte les granulats à l'entrée du tambour sécheur rotatif, qui est destiné à évacuer l'humidité et à porter les granulats à une température d'environ 150 °C, compatible au mélange avec le bitume.


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