La banque de données terminologiques et linguistiques du gouvernement du Canada.


Fiche 1 2010-05-14


Subject field(s)
  • Weather Stations and Meteorological Instruments and Equipment

An inflatable sphere released at apogee from a sounding rocket.


robin sphere. ... The sphere is inflated by evaporation of a contained liquid on release. A corner reflector is ejected as the sphere inflates, permitting track during descent by a precision radar.


The PWN-12A is another sounding rocket using ... a dart with a ROBIN (Rocket Balloon Instrument) Inflatable Falling Sphere payload. At an apogee of about 115 km (70 miles), the dart releases a ... metalized mylar balloon ... While it is slowly descending back to earth, the balloon is tracked by a high-precision radar ... on the ground. Minimum tracking altitude is about 30 km (18 miles), where the ambient pressure will cause the balloon to collapse. Using the balloon's known mass and volume, the radar track can be used to calculate atmospheric data like wind speed/direction and air density.


The other type of meteorological payload that can be used on a meteorological rocket consists of a falling ROBIN sphere that is used when probing the atmosphere to over 100 km altitude. These altitudes are above the normal operating levels for the thermistors aboard the rocketsonde. ... This ROBIN sphere is a spherical shaped balloon constructed of a thin (0.0001 mm thick) radar-reflective mylar material that is inflated with a small charge of inert gas to a known mass and volume. The dart containing the sphere typically reaches an altitude of 115 km where the sphere is deployed and inflated. When the sphere is inflated to super-pressure of approximately 10-12 mb, the sphere will reach a 1 meter (3.3. ft) diameter. When the balloon descends to an altitude of approximately 30 km, the air pressure outside the sphere will become greater than that inside, causing the sphere to collapse.

  • rocket-balloon instrument
  • falling sphere


  • Stations, instruments et équipements météorologiques

catasphère : Dispositif gonflé après avoir été éjecté d'une fusée à haute altitude; ses mouvements sont suivis au cours de sa chute pour obtenir des mesures de la densité de l'air et des vents en altitude.


Campo(s) temático(s)
  • Estaciones, instrumentos y equipos meteorológicos

esfera en caída libre: Dispositivo que se infla después de ser expulsado de un cohete en la atmósfera superior, obteniéndose medidas de la densidad y de los vientos en las capas superiores al seguir sus movimientos durante su caída libre hacia la Tierra.

  • esfera en caída libre
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Fiche 2 2010-05-14


Subject field(s)
  • Weather Stations and Meteorological Instruments and Equipment

Device inflated after ejection from a rocket in the upper atmosphere and allowed to fall back to Earth; its movements are monitored to provide measurements of the air density and the upper winds.


Falling sphere. ... Radar tracking of the descent rate of small spheres released from rockets gives a measure of atmospheric drag, from which densities and temperatures can be inferred.


  • Stations, instruments et équipements météorologiques

Dispositif gonflé après avoir été éjecté d'une fusée à haute altitude; ses mouvements sont suivis au cours de sa chute pour obtenir des mesures de la densité de l'air et des vents en altitude.


Campo(s) temático(s)
  • Estaciones, instrumentos y equipos meteorológicos

Dispositivo que se infla después de ser expulsado de un cohete en la atmósfera superior, obteniéndose medidas de la densidad y de los vientos en las capas superiores al seguir sus movimientos durante su caída libre hacia la Tierra.

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