La banque de données terminologiques et linguistiques du gouvernement du Canada.


Fiche 1 1989-06-27


Subject field(s)
  • Artificial Intelligence

Methods that use vision to locate a workpiece and the sites on it suitable for gripping have been reported by Birk, Kelley, and Wilson. The proposed three approaches, each of which utilizes two distinct phases called the instruction phase and the execution phase. ... An approach called "heuristic acquisition" uses rules based on a priori knowledge of the workpiece and its hold sites. Here, the instruction phase consists of testing different heuristics for acquiring a part, such as "look for the hole that is large enough to insert a finger into" or "find a flat surface large enough to accommodate the cup on a SAVG". During execution, the image of the workpiece is examined to satisfy the heuristics for that part, and the robot proceeds. Since a heuristic does not guarantee that there is a solution, safety mechanisms such as contact sensors must be included to protect both the robot and the part from damage.


Contrast with appearance acquisition.


  • Intelligence artificielle

Voir acquisition de connaissance, acquisition de traits visibles, heuristique.


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