La banque de données terminologiques et linguistiques du gouvernement du Canada.

INTET [2 fiches]

Fiche 1 2016-04-29


Subject field(s)
  • Position Titles
  • Engineering

People holding the title "International Engineering Technologist" are registered in the national section of the International Engineering Technologist (IntET) register for the country they received licensure from, and may receive credit when seeking registration or licensure in the jurisdiction of another country that is a member of the International Engineering Technologist Agreement.


IntET: This title is usually followed by a parenthesis in which the name or the acronym of the country where the person received its certification is written. For example: IntET(Canada) or IntET(NZ).


  • Titres de postes
  • Ingénierie

IntET : Ce titre est habituellement suivi d'une parenthèse renfermant le nom ou l'acronyme du pays où la personne a reçu sa certification. Par exemple, IntET(Canada) ou IntET(NZ).


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Fiche 2 1997-11-11


Subject field(s)
  • Various Proper Names
  • Scientific Co-operation
  • Environment

Established in 1994 by the Asian and Pacific Centre for Technology Transfer (APCTT).

  • International Network for Environmentally Sound Technology Transfer


  • Appellations diverses
  • Coopération scientifique
  • Environnement


Campo(s) temático(s)
  • Denominaciones varias
  • Cooperación científica
  • Medio ambiente
Conserver la fiche 2

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TERMIUM Plus®, la banque de données terminologiques et linguistiques du gouvernement du Canada
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