La banque de données terminologiques et linguistiques du gouvernement du Canada.


Fiche 1 2000-01-19


Subject field(s)
  • Textile Industries
  • Thread Spinning (Textiles)
  • Textiles: Preparation and Processing

Air vortex spinning depends on using kinetic energy of a spinning stream of air to the yarn forming inside the specific and immobile vortex ... a method of opto-electronic visualisation of motion of yarn in the spinning chamber during the air vortex spinning process will be developed ... The optimisation of the spinning process will concern the selection of process parameters and the shape of the spinning chamber and should result in a decrease in the non-uniformity of the number of twists of the yarn obtained and an improvement in its life and service qualities ... we plan to work out the method of visualisation of yarn movement in the spinning chamber during the air vortex spinning process ... We are going to check the process of vortex spinning for different rows of materials and linear masses of yarn. We would like to reduce the inequalities of torsion number in obtaining yarn.


  • Industries du textile
  • Filature (Textiles)
  • Apprêt et traitements divers (Textiles)


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