La banque de données terminologiques et linguistiques du gouvernement du Canada.

WAR WIMP [1 fiche]

Fiche 1 2012-09-06


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  • Translation (General)

A public person who advocates or fervently supports military solutions to political problems and who has personally declined to take advantage of a significant opportunity to serve in uniform during wartime.


... it looks like the "chicken-hawks" are at it again. These people who were too chicken to go to war (or even serve in the military) become middle-aged hawks looking for an opportunity to send others to kill and be killed.


In England during World War I, as thousands were dying pointlessly in the trenches, pretty girls went around handing white feathers -- a symbol of cowardice -- to men who weren't in uniform. The one group currently being handed white feathers who may deserve them are the so-called "war wimps" or "chicken hawks" -- prominent Americans helping to spread war fever today who avoided service during Vietnam.


The general trump-it-all insult that the antiwar crowd aims at the pro-war crowd these days is a neat little portmanteau term that manages to impute, at once, cowardice, ignorance, selfishness, bloodlust (as long as the blood spills from others' veins) and hypocrisy: "chicken hawk.


  • Traduction (Généralités)


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