La banque de données terminologiques et linguistiques du gouvernement du Canada.

BACK FIELD [51 fiches]

Fiche 1 2023-05-31


Subject field(s)
  • Collaboration with the FAO
  • Environmental Management
  • Surveys (Public Relations)
  • Commercial Fishing

Post-capture identification procedures will be completed in a shaded location and/or out of direct sunlight, and fishes will immediately be released back into their habitat following identification. Measures to minimize the impacts to the species will be monitored for effectiveness and adjustments will be made if necessary. These adjustments would be made by members of the field crew to ensure a high survival rate of captured and sampled fishes.

  • postcapture identification procedure


  • Collaboration avec la FAO
  • Gestion environnementale
  • Enquêtes et sondages (Relations publiques)
  • Pêche commerciale

Les procédures d'identification post-capture seront réalisées dans un emplacement ombragé, à l'abri de la lumière directe du soleil, et les poissons seront immédiatement retournés dans leur habitat après l'identification. On surveillera l'efficacité des mesures visant à réduire au minimum les répercussions sur les espèces, et des rectifications seront apportées au besoin. Ces rectifications seront effectuées par les membres de l'équipe de terrain pour s'assurer d'un taux de survie élevé des poissons capturés et échantillonnés.

  • procédure d'identification postcapture


Campo(s) temático(s)
  • Colaboración con la FAO
  • Gestión del medio ambiente
  • Encuestas (Relaciones públicas)
  • Pesca comercial
Conserver la fiche 1

Fiche 2 2020-08-19


Subject field(s)
  • Military Tactics
  • Field Artillery

The opening line... was always positioned in front of the enemy's most forward positions. Medium artillery had to engage lines at least 300 yards... back from the opening line. Field gun safety distances for dismounted infantry were 150 yards if the line of fire was overhead and 200 yards if fire was from a flank. The opening line was engaged... long enough for the assaulting troops to move from their start line to within 150 or 200 yards, then fire lifted to the next line. Creeping was normally used for dismounted attacks, rolling for tank and mounted ones.


  • Tactique militaire
  • Artillerie de campagne


Campo(s) temático(s)
  • Táctica militar
  • Artillería de campaña
Conserver la fiche 2

Fiche 3 2019-05-31


Subject field(s)
  • Packaging
  • Food Industries
  • Collaboration with the FAO

[A] package that is not intended to be sold directly to the consumer, but only from one food business operator to another.


Nonretail containers include cardboard boxes, plastic bins, totes, or other containers used to transport fruits and vegetables to the warehouse, farmers market, or retailer. Such containers must be labeled with information that allows the product to be traced back to the farm and field where it was grown. Nonretail containers on the farm include only raw agricultural products, but these rules apply as well to processed(e. g., frozen) products kept in bulk storage by processors.


  • Emballages
  • Industrie de l'alimentation
  • Collaboration avec la FAO

Emballage alimentaire qui n'est pas destiné à la vente directe au consommateur, mais seulement à la vente d'un exploitant d'une entreprise alimentaire à un autre.


Conserver la fiche 3

Fiche 4 2019-03-07


Subject field(s)
  • Occupation Names (General)
  • Sales (Marketing)

An executive responsible for controlling the operation of field (outdoor) personnel engaged in selling.


Duties of the field sales manager include : leading a team of sales representatives and coaching them in their respective field; liaising with upper management ensuring sales targets are met; analysing current marketplace and feeding back important market and competitive information; training sales team on sales techniques, administration and product; planning, executing, and managing sales strategies; generating new leads and developing existing customers; responding to customer enquiries; work with marketing team to deliver improvements in brand engagement scores across different territories.


  • Désignations des emplois (Généralités)
  • Vente


Conserver la fiche 4

Fiche 5 2017-03-14


Subject field(s)
  • Mythology
  • Arts and Culture (General)
  • Exploration (History)

The myth of the frontier hero traces its roots back to antiquity. In many ways, the frontier hero is reminiscent of classical heroes from Greco/Roman and Judeo/Christian mythologies. The classical heroes were either blessed by gods or were demigods by divine birth. Like the classical heroes, the frontier hero's bravery, dedication to purpose, willingness to sacrifice and extraordinary abilities – especially in the field of combat – set him apart from other men.


The rugged, independent frontier hero was mythologized into an archetype in 19th-century literary epics set on the Western frontier ...


  • Mythologie
  • Arts et Culture (Généralités)
  • Explorations (Histoire)

Ce qui donne une telle importance à la mobilité du héros de l'Ouest, c'est qu'elle contribue à la puissance du mythe : comme ses hauts faits sont chantés dès qu'ils sont accomplis, et comme leur récit parcourt la frontière, le héros itinérant est toujours précédé, où qu'il aille, par sa propre légende, diffusée d'abord par la presse populaire et les chansons, ce qui renforce son prestige et son efficacité.


Conserver la fiche 5

Fiche 6 2016-05-25


Subject field(s)
  • Baseball and Softball

Most teams will bunt the ball toward the first-base line because the third baseman is charging hard; the second baseman then covers first. It is very important to get an out on this play. Lots of teams use the fake bunt and swing, or what is called the "slash."


Slash bunt. This offensive play takes place when the defense is expecting a bunt and is charging hard prior to the pitch getting ready to field the bunt. Show bunt and when the defense charges pull the bat back with a choked up grip and put the ball in play, on the ground.


  • Baseball et softball


Campo(s) temático(s)
  • Béisbol y softball

Amago de toque y bateo [...]: El bateador, cuando inicia el movimiento el lanzador, se coloca en forma de tocar la bola, pero rápidamente vuelve a colocar el bate hacia la posición de bateo normal y realizará el swing duro y agresivo hacia la bola. Se utiliza para llamar la atención a la defensa contraria, de que se acerquen para defender un toque y sorprenderla con un batazo duro.

Conserver la fiche 6

Fiche 7 2016-02-04


Subject field(s)
  • Electrical Domestic Appliances
  • Household Cleaning and Maintenance

A fan for a vacuum cleaner has a fan housing, a motor and an impeller. The fan housing has an inlet, an outlet, a scroll-shaped side wall, a back wall and a flat front wall.... The invention relates to the field of vacuum cleaner fans. In conventional vacuum cleaners, a fan drives dirt laden air into a filter bag.


  • Appareillage électrique domestique
  • Appareils de nettoyage et d'entretien (Arts ménagers)

[L'invention] concerne une soufflerie d'aspirateur se composant d'un logement de soufflerie, d'un moteur électrique et d'une turbine. Le logement de soufflerie comprend un orifice d'admission, un orifice de sortie, une paroi latérale spiralée, une paroi arrière et une paroi avant plane.


Conserver la fiche 7

Fiche 8 2015-01-19


Subject field(s)
  • Nuclear Physics
  • Atomic Physics
  • Plasma Physics
  • Thermonuclear fusion

The electromagnetic micro-instability generated when the energy of the particles is larger in the direction along the magnetic field than in the plane perpendicular to the field[.]


[This instability is] due to the centrifugal force which acts on the plasma flowing along a curved field line causing the whole field pattern to oscillate back and forth.


Alfvén-wave instability; fire-hose instability: terms standardized by ISO in 1997.


  • Physique nucléaire
  • Physique atomique
  • Physique des plasmas
  • Fusion thermonucléaire

Micro-instabilité électromagnétique qui prend naissance lorsque l'énergie longitudinale des particules est supérieure à leur énergie transversale[.]


Cette instabilité est due à la force centrifuge agissant sur le plasma en mouvement le long d'une ligne de force courbée et entraîne une oscillation transversale de toutes les lignes de force magnétiques.


instabilité d'onde d'Alfvén; instabilité à saccades; instabilité «lance d'incendie» : termes normalisés par l'ISO en 1997.


Conserver la fiche 8

Fiche 9 2014-07-02


Subject field(s)
  • Surgery

[The patient] would have to be turned on his back so that his heart could be shocked back to life. Working swiftly they stuffed the operating field with sponges, covered it with towels and gently turned the inert body over.


  • Chirurgie

Partie du corps sur laquelle porte une intervention chirurgicale et, plus particulièrement, ensemble des régions et organes découverts après l'incision chirurgicale de la paroi et au niveau desquels porte l'intervention.


champ opératoire : terme retenu par le réseau Entraide Traduction Santé et par l'Institut canadien d'information sur la santé.


Campo(s) temático(s)
  • Cirugía
Conserver la fiche 9

Fiche 10 2011-11-17


Subject field(s)
  • Climatology

... a soil/duff drought index [developed by Keetch and Byram (1968]) that ranges from 0 (no drought) to 800 (extreme drought) and is based on soil capacity of 8 inches of water. Factors in the index are maximum daily temperature, daily precipitation, antecedent precipitation, and annual precipitation.


The Keetch Byram Drought Index(KBDI) provides a daily measure of soil dryness, which, in turn, gives an indication of water stress in plants. The KBDI represents the net effect of precipitation and evapotranspiration in producing cumulative moisture deficiency in deep duff or upper soil layers. The KBDI has a range from 0(no drought or soil moisture deficiency, i. e. soil at field capacity) to 2000(extreme drought, maximum soil moisture deficiency possible). The index can be viewed as the amount of rain needed to bring the soil back to saturation, with one mm of rain reducing the index by 10 points. The 0-2000 point scale is divided into three drought classes : 0-999=Low; 1000-1499=Moderate; 1500-2000=High. The KBDI is simple to calculate as it uses only two, daily weather observations-maximum temperature and 24-hour rainfall. The system functions in a book-keeping fashion where estimates of daily evapo-transpiration and measurements of precipitation increase or decrease the value of yesterdays index. The KBDI by itself is not a Fire Danger Rating System as it gives no indicate of the ease of ignition of the vegetation, or of the rate of fire spread, fire intensity and difficulty of control. It does however serve as a useful measure of drought occurrence.


Keetch-Byram Drought Index (KBDI): ... 0 - 200: Soil moisture and large class fuel moistures are high and do not contribute much to fire intensity. Typical of spring dormant season following winter precipitation. 200 - 400: Typical of late spring, early growing season. Lower litter and duff layers are drying and beginning to contribute to fire intensity. 400 - 600: Typical of late summer, early fall. Lower litter and duff layers actively contribute to fire intensity and will burn actively. 600 - 800: Often associated with more severe drought with increased wildfire occurrence. Intense, deep burning fires with significant downwind spotting can be expected. Live fuels can also be expected to burn actively at these levels.


... the Palmer Drought Index (PDI) and the Keetch-Byram Drought Index (KBDI) ... were [both] developed by John Keetch and George Byram, and originally were developed as aids for agriculture. The ... KBDI is used extensively in the eastern states and also in some parts of the west.


In the metric system the value of the index is usually assumed to range from 0 to 200 mm (even though 800 points actually corresponds to 204 mm).


Keetch-Byram Drought Index [is] a commonly-used drought index adapted for fire management applications ...


"Duff" is ... an important term in the fire weather program of the US Forest Service, used to describe the partially decayed organic matter on the forest floor which can become highly combustible during drought periods and contribute to the longevity and spread of forest fires. ... the Keetch-Byram Drought Index is sometimes referred to as the soil/duff drought index because it is a measure of how dry the soil and duff layers are.


  • Climatologie

On écrirait mieux «sècheresse».


sècheresse : Cette graphie, puisée des Rectifications de l'orthographe recommandées par le Conseil supérieur de la langue française, est attestée dans le Petit Robert (2006).

  • indice de sècheresse Keetch-Byram


Conserver la fiche 10

Fiche 11 2011-11-09


Subject field(s)
  • Communication and Information Management
  • Marketing Research
  • Sales (Marketing)
  • Customer Relations

Customer Intelligence is a new generation of customer experience management. “By pulling together multiple threads of consumer data—from mystery shopping, to customer satisfaction, to 800 call center, to social media—and coupling it with store financial metrics, retailers can understand the gaps associated with end-to-end customer experience before, during and after the sale. This approach is critical to improving customer conversion, margin and revenue.”


Providing customer management solutions, namely, accounts receivable management and customer relationship management; outsourcing in the field of accounts receivable functions, namely management of personnel, back office functions, credit analysis and approval, billing and invoicing; customer intelligence reporting and tracking, namely compiling and monitoring customer information and financial data and reporting thereon;...


  • Gestion des communications et de l'information
  • Étude du marché
  • Vente
  • Relations avec la clientèle

Offre de solution de gestion de la clientèle, nommément gestion de comptes débiteurs et gestion des relations avec les clients; externalisation dans le domaine des fonctions liées aux comptes débiteurs, nommément gestion de personnel, fonctions administratives, analyse et approbation de crédit, facturation; rapports sur les renseignements sur la clientèle et suivi connexe, nommément compilation et suivi des renseignements sur la clientèle et des données financières de la clientèle, ainsi qu'élaboration de rapports connexes; services de gestion pour tous les aspects financiers du processus de vente, [...]


renseignements sur la clientèle : pluriel d'usage.

  • renseignement sur la clientèle


Conserver la fiche 11

Fiche 12 2011-08-02


Subject field(s)
  • Surveying

A later survey that reestablishes points and boundaries of the original survey.


To create a resurvey, the surveyors went back to the field.


resurvey: term used at Natural Resources Canada - Earth Sciences Sector.


  • Arpentage

Arpentage d'une limite déjà arpentée, effectué pour corriger des erreurs, pour rétablir des bornes disparues ou pour poser des bornes supplémentaires sur la limite.


Dans le cas d'un réarpentage d'un lot, corriger, le cas échéant, le lot cadastral afin que celui-ci corresponde aux données de ce nouvel arpentage.


réarpentage : terme en usage à Ressources naturelles Canada - Secteur des sciences de la Terre.


Conserver la fiche 12

Fiche 13 2011-06-10


Subject field(s)
  • Engineering Tests and Reliability
  • Aeronautical Engineering and Maintenance

Engine designers spend substantial time and money on computer simulations... of rotors to predict LCF [low-cycle fatigue] life, but these simulations are not sufficiently reliable, however, to be the sole tool in managing design life. After design and before extensive field use, it is important to measure the LCF life of a new or modified design in a spin test machine. These machines(called “spin pits”) are designed to cycle the rotor from some low speed to operational speed then back again.


  • Fiabilité, contrôle et essais (Ingénierie)
  • Aérotechnique et maintenance

Cabine protégée et spécialement conçue pour effectuer des essais en survitesse de disques ou de rotors jusqu'à leur point de rupture.


Étude des vibrations de rotors en fosse de survitesse.


Campo(s) temático(s)
  • Fiabilidad y ensayos (Ingeniería)
  • Ingeniería aeronáutica y mantenimiento
Conserver la fiche 13

Fiche 14 2010-07-28


Subject field(s)
  • National Bodies and Committees (Canadian)
  • Engineering

The Canadian Aboriginal Science and Engineering Association is a private, non-profit organization, which seeks to significantly increase the number of Aboriginal scientists and engineers in the nation and to develop technologically informed leasers within the Aboriginal community. CASEA's ultimate goal is to be catalyst for the advancement of Aboriginal peoples as they seek to become self-reliant and self-determined members of society. CESEA in partnership with the American Indian Science and Engineering Society begins working as early as elementary school through the development of science and math camps, teacher training and mentor ship programs to strengthen Aboriginal students’ educational background in math and science, and to prepare them for the academic pressures of post-secondary school life. At the college and university levels, scholarships will be developed and sought from corporate sponsors. Recruiting opportunities to further prepare Aboriginal students for successful science and engineering careers will be available through the CASEA contact network. Each CASEA student is asked to give back to the Aboriginal community after graduation; thus CASEA students become more than professionals in the technology field, they become architects of a new destiny for Aboriginal peoples.


  • Organismes et comités nationaux canadiens
  • Ingénierie


Conserver la fiche 14

Fiche 15 2009-05-25


Subject field(s)
  • Surgical Instruments

A surgical instrument used for holding open the edges of a wound or incision or for drawing back underlying organs, tissues and structures adjacent to the operative field.


[Retractors are] a group of instruments used for holding the incision open to provide exposure of the surgical area. Retractors are available in various styles including pointed or blunt hook ends, wire loops or blades of various widths and depths. Small models held by the fingers or hand retract skin and subcutaneous tissue in shallow surgical areas. Larger models retract muscle tissue and organs in deeper surgical areas.


Flexible, hand held, hand operating, pediatric, rake, ribbon, right angle, self retaining, self-retaining operating retractor.


  • Instruments chirurgicaux

Appareil destiné à écarter les deux lèvres d'une incision chirurgicale ou les bords d'une cavité naturelle pour accéder aux organes profonds.


Pour obtenir une exposition de qualité du champ opératoire, les chirurgiens ont naturellement recours aux écarteurs chirurgicaux.


Certains [écarteurs] nécessitent la présence d'un aide qui les maintient dans la position voulue (par exemple, écarteur de Farabeuf, crochet de Hartmann, valves de Mayo ou de Leriche). D'autres ne nécessitent pas l'aide d'un tiers, qu'ils soient fixés indirectement à la table d'opération (par des piquets : Toupet; par des compas : Rochard; ou par des cadres : Bergeret) ou qu'ils soient autostatiques, à crémaillère ou à ressort (par exemple, écarteurs abdominaux de Gosset ou de Ricard, écarteurs thoraciques de Finochietto).


Écarteur abdominal, rectal, vaginal, vésical.


Écarteur à genoux, à nerfs, à plâtre, à prostate, de lèvres, pour plâtre.


Campo(s) temático(s)
  • Instrumental quirúrgico

Instrumento para mantener separados los bordes de una herida o laspartes musculares de una amputación.

Conserver la fiche 15

Fiche 16 2009-02-17


Subject field(s)
  • Audio Technology

A moving-conductor microphone in which the diaphragm is attached to a coil positioned in a fixed magnetic field. The sound waves strike the diaphragm, moving it, and hence the coil, back and forth.


  • Électroacoustique

Microphone dont l'élément vibrant est constitué d'une bobine qui se déplace dans le champ d'un aimant permanent.


[Le microphone dynamique] est en fait un haut-parleur inversé. Un diaphragme léger, solidaire d'une bobine mobile dans un champ magnétique uniforme, est soumis à des vibrations qui engendrent un courant proportionnel aux déplacements de la bobine mobile. Ces microphones, assez peu fragiles et d'excellente qualité, sont en fait les plus fragiles et d'excellente qualité, sont en fait les plus nombreux. Ils sont utilisés en reportage et en studio (musique et parole). Ils sont peu sensibles à l'humidité.


L'AFNOR déconseille l'emploi du terme «microphone électrodynamique» dans ce sens spécifique, y attribuant un sens plus générique.


microphone à bobine mobile : terme normalisé par la Commission électrotechnique internationale (CEI) et l'AFNOR.


microphone électrodynamique : terme normalisé par la Commission électrotechnique internationale (CEI).


Campo(s) temático(s)
  • Electroacústica

Micrófono en el que el diafragma es solidario a una bobina flexible montada en el campo magnético de un imán permanente que se mueve bajo la acción de las ondas sonoras, induciéndose así la correspondiente FEM [fuerza electromotriz] en la bobina.

Conserver la fiche 16

Fiche 17 2009-01-14


Subject field(s)
  • Flight Instruments and Equipment (Aeroindustry)
  • Aircraft Piloting and Navigation
  • Navigation Instruments
  • Launching and Space Maneuvering

Laser Position Measurement. A commercially available position measuring device, Lasernet, was donated by the Namco Controls Corporation. A single narrow-beam laser is continuously swept across the field at a fixed height. A reflector of known geometry on the vehicle reflects the beam back to the device, which reports the initial angle, in the local geographic frame, at which a reflection is detected and the angular width over which the reflection is continuously detected. Knowing the geometry of the reflector, which should be independent of the heading of the aircraft, is sufficient to determine the vehicle's two-dimensional position in the local geographic frame.

  • position measuring apparatus


  • Instruments et équipement de bord (Constructions aéronautiques)
  • Pilotage et navigation aérienne
  • Instruments de navigation
  • Lancement et manœuvres dans l'espace

La centrale à inertie est un appareil de mesure du positionnement très utilisé en raison de son autonomie et de sa faible sensibilité aux perturbations externes. On en trouve à bord des avions de ligne, des sous-marins, ou des missiles intercontinentaux. Elle est aujourd'hui souvent couplée à un GPS : ce système hybride permet de réduire les erreurs, et donc d'améliorer la qualité de la mesure.


Conserver la fiche 17

Fiche 18 2008-09-22


Subject field(s)
  • Ceremonial and Traditions (Military)

Joint Task Force Afghanistan(JTF-Afg) and other soldiers from the International Security Assistance Force(ISAF) community pay tribute to fallen soldiers during a ramp ceremony held at the Kandahar Air Field. Soldiers slowly carry their fallen comrades,... to the waiting [CC130] Hercules transport for the journey back to Canada.


The ramp ceremony must not be confused with the repatriation ceremony that is held upon the soldier’s return to his or her country. In Canada, the repatriation ceremony takes place at Canadian Forces Base Trenton, Ontario.


  • Cérémonial et traditions (Militaire)

Les soldats de la Force opérationnelle interarmées Afghanistan (JTF-Afg) ainsi que d'autres soldats de la Force internationale d'assistance à la sécurité (FIAS) rendent hommage aux camarades tombés au combat lors d'une cérémonie d'adieu tenue à l'aérodrome de Kandahar. Des soldats ont lentement porté leurs camarades tombés au combat, [...] jusqu'à l'avion de transport [CC130] Hercules devant les ramener au Canada.


La cérémonie d'adieu ne doit pas être confondue avec la cérémonie de rapatriement qui a lieu au retour du soldat dans son pays. Au Canada, la cérémonie de rapatriement a lieu à la Base des Forces canadiennes Trenton, en Ontario.


Conserver la fiche 18

Fiche 19 2008-08-08


Subject field(s)
  • Photoelectricity and Electron Optics
  • Solar Energy

An additional electrical field on the back of [a] crystalline solar cell [that] increases the current yield.


In recent years, however, a design called the back-surface field... has become popular.... An additional p+ layer is diffused into the back side of the cell before the metal contact is deposited.


  • Photo-électricité et optique électronique
  • Énergie solaire

Afin de collecter les paires électron-trou créées par les radiations de grandes longueurs d'onde du spectre solaire, on a imaginé de réaliser un champ électrique par transition abrupte de dopage, sur la face arrière de la pile solaire, dans la zone même du contact ohmique. Ce champ électrique arrière s'appelle BSF (Back Surface Field).


Conserver la fiche 19

Fiche 20 2008-02-25


Subject field(s)
  • Atmospheric, Climatic and Meteorological Phenomena
  • Search and Rescue (Paramilitary)

The person who has overall command of the rescue, and who makes decisions and directs the rescue personnel at the [accident] site.


[Organized Rescue] The Field Rescue Leader has overall command of the rescue effort. He/she may be the First Party Leader and have control from the beginning of the search effort, or arrive with a subsequent party and take over responsibility from the First Party Leader.... The Field Rescue Leader maintains control of the entire field operations of the rescue, and is the one with a view to the "big picture". With a large enough rescue team, this is best accomplished by taking a back seat to the actual searching, and positioning oneself in a suitable location to think clearly watch the rescue unfold.


  • Phénomènes météorologiques, climatiques et atmosphériques
  • Recherche et sauvetage (Paramilitaire)

Personne qui dirige l'opération de sauvetage, qui prend les décisions à cet égard et qui affecte des tâches précises aux secouristes.


Vous êtes témoins d'un accident d'avalanche. [...] Que faire quand l'avalanche s'arrête ? [...] Vous êtes plusieurs, il faut : nommer un chef d'opération qui coordonnera les recherches, mais si possible n'y participera pas. Il s'agit du plus expérimenté ou du plus calme; il doit faire très rapidement un diagnostic de la situation, à partir de la taille de l'avalanche, de sa nature, du nombre de sauveteurs disponibles et du nombre de victimes ensevelies.


Le chef de l'opération est responsable de l'ensemble des activités de sauvetage. Il peut s'agir du chef du premier groupe. Dans un tel cas, il prend le contrôle des opérations dès le début. Il peut aussi arriver avec un groupe subséquent et alors relever du chef du premier groupe à ce titre.


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Fiche 21 2007-06-29


Subject field(s)
  • Titles of Federal Government Programs (Canadian)
  • Crop Protection

The Cover Crop Protection Program(CCPP) is a national initiative that provides financial assistance to Canadian producers who are unable to seed commercial crops due to spring flooding or excessive field moisture. Objectives of the CCPP are to : improve the capacity of affected farmers to meet increased costs associated with land restoration and improvement due to flooding; improve short-term cash flow concerns for farmers; recognize the hardships faced by farmers due to flooding; and help reduce further soil erosion by enabling farmers to re-seed affected lands, bringing them back into production.


  • Titres de programmes fédéraux (Gouvernement canadien)
  • Protection des végétaux

Le Programme de cultures de couverture (PCC) est une initiative nationale qui vise à aider financièrement les producteurs canadiens qui ne peuvent ensemencer de cultures commerciales en raison d'inondations printanières ou d'une humidité excessive des champs. Les objectifs du PCC sont les suivants : Améliorer la capacité des producteurs touchés d'assumer les frais supplémentaires liés au rétablissement et à l'aménagement des terres inondées. Aider à régler les problèmes de liquidités à court terme des producteurs. Tenir compte des difficultés économiques auxquelles les producteurs font face à la suite d'inondations. Aider à réduire l'érosion accélérée du sol en permettant aux producteurs de réensemencer les terres inondées et de les remettre en exploitation.

  • Programme de protection du couvert végétal


Conserver la fiche 21

Fiche 22 2007-03-22


Subject field(s)
  • Astrophysics and Cosmography

Plasmas in space are permeated by magnetic fields. A good way to think about cosmic magnetic fields is in terms of field lines. These behave like rubber bands embedded in the plasma, so that as the plasma flows, the field lines are pulled and stretched along with it. When they are stretched enough they can pull back on the plasma.


  • Astrophysique et cosmographie

Beaucoup de processus vitaux se manifestent à la surface de notre globe sous l'action du champ magnétique cosmique.


Conserver la fiche 22

Fiche 23 2007-01-31


Subject field(s)
  • Launching and Space Maneuvering

Orbit control [consists in] controlling satellites to keep [them] flying on the designated orbit. When a satellite flies in low earth orbit(LEO), it gradually descends due to air drag. It is necessary to push the satellite back to the original orbit by activating station-keeping thrusters. Geostationary satellites do not descend due to air drag, however, they do de-orbit from their designated stationary position because the gravitational field of the Earth is not uniform and because the gravitational pull of the Sun and the Moon alters their orbit. In a similar way, geostationary satellites are pushed back to their original position by activating station-keeping thrusters.


orbit control: term officially approved by the RADARSAT-2 Terminology Approval Group (RTAG).


  • Lancement et manœuvres dans l'espace

Maintien d'un satellite sur son orbite.


Contrôle d'orbite autonome pour le maintien à poste de satellites.


contrôle d'orbite : terme uniformisé par le Groupe de travail de la terminologie de RADARSAT-2 (GTTR).


Campo(s) temático(s)
  • Lanzamiento y maniobras en el espacio

Mantenimiento de un satélite artificial dentro de sus boxes de órbita y actitud por medio de la ejecución de maniobras de corrección.

Conserver la fiche 23

Fiche 24 2007-01-13


Subject field(s)
  • Insects, Centipedes, Spiders, and Scorpions
  • Beekeeping

A worker bee at least three weeks old that works in the field to collect nectar, pollen, water, and propolis.


First the field bee goes out and collects nectar, which it stores in an internal honey sac. They bring it back to the hive and transfer it to the house bee tongue to tongue.


  • Insectes, mille-pattes, araignées et scorpions
  • Élevage des abeilles

Abeille âgée de plus de 21 jours qui visite les fleurs, recherche et collecte du nectar; par extension, celle qui transporte de l'eau récolte du pollen, du miellat.


Pour attirer ces indispensables butineuses, les fleurs produisent une substance, le nectar, mélange subtil d'eau et de sucres sécrété par les nectaires [...] L'abeille butineuse l'aspire avec sa trompe, l'emmagasine dans son jabot, où les enzymes naturels que contient sa salive entrent en action, et le transporte à la ruche.


Campo(s) temático(s)
  • Insectos, ciempiés, arañas y escorpiones
  • Cría de abejas

Abeja vieja, recolectora.

Conserver la fiche 24

Fiche 25 2006-05-23


Subject field(s)
  • Remote Sensing

The orientation of the radar beam relative to the Earth’s surface.


Polarization of the radar signal is the orientation of the electromagnetic field and is a factor in the way in which the radar signal interacts with ground objects and the resulting energy reflected back. Most radar imaging sensors are designed to transmit microwave radiation either horizontally polarized(H) or vertically polarized(V), and receive either the horizontally or vertically polarized backscattered energy.


Polarimetric radars, like RADARDAT-2, are able to transmit and receive both horizontal and vertical polarizations. With this configuration, four linearly polarized signals are measured coherently in the scattering matrix: HH, HV, VH, and VV. Consequently, the user can derive additional information about the target to aid in the analysis.


polarization: term officially approved by the RADARSAT-2 Terminology Approval Group (RTAG).


Polarization channel, polarization of the radar signal.


Quad-polarization mode.


Radar polarization signature.

  • polarisation
  • radar polarisation


  • Télédétection

Le REM [rayonnement électromagnétique] se caractérise [notamment] par [...] la polarisation, qui caractérise la variation du plan dans lequel oscille l'onde. Si cette variation est aléatoire, l'onde est dite non polarisée. Si ce plan reste fixe, la polarisation est dite rectiligne.


La polarisation représente la mesure de l'orientation du plan d'oscillation du signal radar, déterminée par l'antenne du radar. En effet, l'antenne d'un radar peut être ajustée de façon différente à l'émission et à la réception du signal. Les radars utilisés en télédétection sont habituellement conçus pour transmettre un signal polarisé soit horizontalement, soit verticalement. De même, le radar peut recevoir un signal polarisé dans le plan horizontal, dans le plan vertical ou encore dans les deux plans. On désigne habituellement le plan horizontal par la lettre H et le plan vertical par la lettre V. Une image radar peut donc représenter un signal HH (transmission horizontale, réception horizontale), VV (transmission verticale, réception verticale), HV (transmission horizontale, réception verticale) ou vice versa.


RADARSAT-2 est conçu pour transmettre alternativement un signal H et un signal V de même que pour recevoir simultanément ces signaux, créant ainsi des données polarimétriques. Cette particularité permet au capteur de générer des images dans une variété de polarisations (HH, VV, HV et VH). Les données radars en polarisation parallèle ou croisée présentent des caractéristiques spécifiques liées aux propriétés des surfaces observées. Il est donc possible d'accentuer certaines propriétés de surfaces, telles l'humidité ou la rugosité du sol, en choisissant la polarisation appropriée ou encore en combinant diverses polarisations.


polarisation : terme uniformisé par le Groupe de travail de la terminologie de RADARSAT-2 GTTR).


Canal de polarisation.


Polarisation radar.


Mode à polarisation en quadrature.


Campo(s) temático(s)
  • Teledetección

Proceso mediante el cual una onda electromagnética sólo evoluciona en determinados planos.


De una onda o de un vector de campo.

Conserver la fiche 25

Fiche 26 2004-11-16


Subject field(s)
  • Environmental Studies and Analyses

Most of the scientific and technical problems associated with environmental impact assessment can ultimately be traced back to the natural variability inherent in many physical and biological phenomena. Natural systems, and components of them, are highly dynamic, and patchiness in space and variation over time is common. Often superimposed on random variations are seasonal fluctuations and multi-year cycles. Also, some variables may be on non-horizontal trajectories in the long term, that is, ’moving baselines. ’The field scientists involved in impact assessment face one of their greatest challenges in dealing with such dynamic environmental baselines.

  • non-horizontal trajectories


  • Études et analyses environnementales

[...] certaines variables semblent suivre une progression non linéaire, c'est-à-dire que leurs bases varient.


Termes non équivalents. Solution d'adaptation traductionnelle.


Conserver la fiche 26

Fiche 27 2004-10-21


Subject field(s)
  • Geophysics
  • Space Physics

All magnetic objects produce invisible lines of force that extend between the poles of the object. An easy way to visualize this is to spread iron filings on a sheet of paper and place a bar magnet under the paper. The iron filings will arrange themselves around the magnet and along the magnetic field lines. In the simplest terms, Earth can be thought of as a dipole(2-pole) magnet. Magnetic field lines radiate between Earth's north and south magnetic poles just as they do between the poles of a bar magnet. Charged particles become trapped on these field lines(just as the iron filings are trapped), forming the magnetosphere. Earth's magnetic field lines are not as symmetrical as those of the bar magnet. The impact of the solar wind causes the lines facing sunward to compress, while the field lines facing away from the Sun stream back to form Earth's magnetotail. The magnetosphere extends into the vacuum of space from approximately 80 to 60, 000 kilometers(50 to 37, 280 miles) on the side toward the Sun, and trails out more than 300, 000 kilometers(186, 500 miles) away from the Sun.


  • Géophysique
  • Physique spatiale

Le champ magnétique terrestre trouve son origine au centre de la Terre où les mouvements rapides du magma riche en fer et en nickel transforment la Terre en un immense aimant. En surface ; le champ magnétique varie d'un lieu à l'autre. Cette variation est à l'origine des mouvements de l'aiguille de la boussole lorsque l'on se déplace. Elle permet également à certains animaux, comme les pigeons, de s'orienter. Le champ magnétique varie aussi dans le temps. Les variations dans le temps sont dues à des changements à l'intérieur de la Terre mais aussi à des courants électriques dans la haute atmosphère. Des variations séculaires, associées aux fluctuations dans le noyau de la Terre, sont responsables du déplacement du pôle magnétique nord à travers l'Arctique. Les variations dues à des courants électriques dans la partie ionisée de l'atmosphère (l'ionosphère) sont elles quotidiennes et plus ou moins périodiques. Le champ magnétique peut également varier rapidement lorsque la magnétosphère est perturbée par des changements dans l'activité solaire (orage magnétique). Ces perturbations de notre cavité protectrice sont irrégulières et imprévisibles [...]


Campo(s) temático(s)
  • Geofísica
  • Física espacial
Conserver la fiche 27

Fiche 28 2004-10-04


Subject field(s)
  • Audiovisual Techniques and Equipment
  • Photography

[On a screen-focusing camera, ] lens panel... hinged about its axis so that it can be used, in conjunction with the swing back, to control perspective and/or relocate the plane of maximum sharpness producing a similar result to an increase of the depth of field.


  • Audiovisuel (techniques et équipement)
  • Photographie

Sur une chambre noire munie d'un châssis à verre dépoli, porte-objectif qui s'articule sur son axe, parallèlement à la bascule arrière, afin d'assurer un meilleur contrôle de la perspective et/ou de réaligner le plan de la limite de netteté afin de produire un résultat comparable à une augmentation de la profondeur de champ.


Conserver la fiche 28

Fiche 29 2004-09-09


Subject field(s)
  • Photography

On a screen focusing camera, a hinged back which can be turned at an angle to the vertical to improve the perspective of the image and extend the depth of field covered.


  • Photographie

[Sur un appareil-photo muni d'un châssis à verre dépoli le] rôle de la bascule arrière est de modifier la perspective et/ou d'augmenter la profondeur de champ.


Conserver la fiche 29

Fiche 30 2004-02-16


Subject field(s)
  • Environmental Studies and Analyses
  • Air Pollution

An atmospheric analysis method involving manual collection of air in evacuated containers such as glass flasks and stainless-steel bottles.


The containers are pumped down in the laboratory and then carried to the field, where the sample is instantaneously collected by merely opening a valve. The vessels containing the gaseous samples are then brought back to the laboratory for analysis.


  • Études et analyses environnementales
  • Pollution de l'air

Méthodes de mesure et de contrôle de la pollution de l'air [...]. Échantillonnages instantanés. Dans certains cas, il peut être intéressant de capter des «bouffées d'air pollué». Suivant les cas, on utilisera des flacons de verre ou des enveloppes en caoutchouc ou en matière plastique. L'air aspiré dans le flacon ou le ballon peut être ramené en laboratoire et analysé si les concentrations de polluants sont suffisantes.


«Prélèvement» sous-entend «prélèvement d'échantillons».


Conserver la fiche 30

Fiche 31 2003-10-16


Subject field(s)
  • Petroleum Distillation

The Shell Middle Distillate Synthesis(SMDS) plant now operational at Bintulu, Malaysia, is the latest in a series of partnership projects between Shell companies and the people of Malaysia that stretches back for more than 100 years. The new plant uses advanced technology to convert natural gas, abundantly available from the Central Luconia field offshore Sarawak, into liquid fuels of high purity. These fuels can also be used as components to upgrade lower quality stock derived from conventional crude oil processing. In addition, the plant can produce high-value waxes, as well as feedstocks for detergents and lubricants. The product mix can be varied to meet market needs. The SMDS technology was developed at the Shell laboratory in Amsterdam(KSLA) over a period of 20 years. After commercial and technical assessment, Bintulu was chosen in preference to sites in other parts of the world as an appropriate location for the employment of SMDS technology in the first commercial plant.


February 2003, Royal Dutch Shell (Netherlands) announced its plans to build two GTL facilities with a combined capacity of 75 000 bbls/d. QP is looking to employ Shell’s middle distillates synthesis (SDMS) technology to convert gas into diesel and kerosene.


  • Distillation du pétrole

technologie SMDS développée par Shell pour la synthèse des distillats moyens.


Conserver la fiche 31

Fiche 32 2003-05-08


Subject field(s)
  • Forage Crops

If trefoil is seeded to a field previously in Kentucky bluegrass, the bluegrass will slowly come back on its own without having to be reseeded. If a spring-seeded trefoil field contained no bluegrass, overseed it in the early fall with 2 pounds per acre of bluegrass. This permits the trefoil to get established before the bluegrass becomes competitive.


  • Culture des plantes fourragères


Conserver la fiche 32

Fiche 33 2003-02-24


Subject field(s)
  • Soil Science

The amount of moisture required to restore a soil sample to its field capacity.


... Soil Moisture Deficit(SMD)... is the amount of water that is required to bring a soil back to field capacity once some of the available water has been used up. Irrigation typically takes place when a predetermined SMD has been reached. This SMD may typically be 30-70% or so of the available water figure. Example :-If field capacity is 22 mm, and the available water capacity is 14 mm(this means that there is 8 mm of water which is unavailable to the plant!), then you may decide to irrigate when the SMD has reached within the range 4 mm-10 mm(i. e. between 30% and 70% of 14 mm) : If you wait until there is a SMD of 30%, there will be 4 mm of available water left in the soil, in this example. The deficit is not brought back to field capacity in practice, but maybe 80-90% of it as this allows for any unforeseen rainfall that may occur. Thus, 90% of this example field capacity is 20 mm,(i. e. 90/100 x 22 mm).


  • Science du sol

Quantité d'humidité nécessaire pour ramener un échantillon de sol à sa capacité au champ.


Campo(s) temático(s)
  • Ciencia del suelo

Cantidad de humedad requerida para que una muestra representativa del suelo recupere su capacidad de campo.

Conserver la fiche 33

Fiche 34 2002-11-19


Subject field(s)
  • Medical and Dental Services (Military)

The ambulance train was used... to move injured soldiers from field hospitals to rear areas for transport back to the States and from seaports stateside to move injured from ships to general hospitals.


  • Service de santé et service dentaire (Militaire)


Conserver la fiche 34

Fiche 35 2002-10-23


Subject field(s)
  • Electrical Component Manufacturing Equipment
  • Stators and Rotors (Electrical Components)
  • Servomechanisms
  • Flight Instruments and Equipment (Aeroindustry)

Synchro torque receivers... are electrically identical to torque transmitters of the same size except for the addition of some form of damping. In some sizes of 400-Hz synchros, units are designated as torque receivers but may be used as either transmitters or receivers. Unlike the transmitter, the receiver has an electrical input to its stator and a mechanical output from its rotor. The synchro receiver's function is to convert the electrical data supplied to its stator from the transmitter, back to a mechanical angular position through the movement of its rotor. This function is accomplished when the rotor is connected to the same ac source as the transmitter and assumes a position determined by the interaction of its magnetic field with the magnetic field of the stator.


  • Matériel et équipement électriques
  • Stators et rotors (Composants électrotechniques)
  • Servomécanismes
  • Instruments et équipement de bord (Constructions aéronautiques)

Synchro amplificateur de signaux (CRA-3). Le CRA-3 est conçu pour fonctionner avec la centrale gyroscopique de cap et de verticale et d'autres systèmes de compas [...] Le CRA-3 se compose d'un amplificateur transistorisé, d'un transformateur de commande et d'un moteur avec train d'engrenages conçu pour entraîner quatre synchro transmetteurs de couple à puissance élevée de grandeur onze, un synchro différentiel et deux résolvers, pouvant tous être excités séparément. Chaque synchro transmetteur de couple est capable d'entraîner jusqu'à quatre synchro récepteurs à couple élevé.

  • synchrorécepteur
  • synchro-récepteur


Conserver la fiche 35

Fiche 36 2002-05-24


Subject field(s)
  • Titles of International Programs
  • Plant and Crop Production

IPALAC is an outgrowth of an approach used by BGU's Institute for Agriculture & Applied Biology in the development of Israel' s Negev desert. Since its establishment(in 1956), this Institute has introduced thousands of plant species and evaluated their potential for filling a niche in the Israeli context-either as crops or as elements of environmental enhancement activities(landscaping and afforestation). Some years back a group of researchers at the Institute concluded that the approach used so successfully in the Negev could be applied in the global battle against desertification, and their working paper on the subject was adopted by UNESCO in November 1994. IPALAC commenced its activities in 1996, and since that time has organized training programs, workshops and conferences and has initiated a number of field projects, with particular emphasis on the needs of Africa.

  • International Program for Arid Land Crops


  • Titres de programmes internationaux
  • Cultures (Agriculture)

Appellation et abréviation confirmées par l'organisme.

  • Programme international de développement des cultures des terres arides


Campo(s) temático(s)
  • Títulos de programas internacionales
  • Producción vegetal
Conserver la fiche 36

Fiche 37 2002-04-12


Subject field(s)
  • Scientific Instruments
  • Computer Display Technology

His rifle includes a built-in digital compass and a digital video camera capable of sending instant images back to base so his commanders can look over his shoulder while he's in the field.


Record created as part of a collaborative pilot project between the Université du Québec à Hull and the Terminology and Standardization Directorate of the Translation Bureau.


  • Instruments scientifiques
  • Techniques d'affichage (Ordinateurs)

Fiche réalisée dans le cadre d'un projet pilote de collaboration entre l'Université du Québec à Hull et la Direction de la terminologie et de la normalisation du Bureau de la traduction.


Conserver la fiche 37

Fiche 38 2002-03-05


Subject field(s)
  • Orbital Stations

The Space Shuttle stops within 50 meters of Mir, which is approximately one-half the length of a football field. From that position the Space Shuttle waits for clearance from Mission Control to continue. When the command is given to continue, the Reaction Control System is activated again and the Space Shuttle closes in on Mir at a speed of about 0. 05 meters per second until it reaches a distance of about 9 meters. There, the Space Shuttle stops again and waits for approximately 5 minutes. The Commander and Pilot make sure they can see the docking target clearly and fine-tune the alignment of the Space Shuttle with the docking target. A large black cross called the Stand-off Cross is mounted 30 centimeters(cm) above the back plate in the center of the target. When the Commander has the Stand-off Cross squarely in line with the docking target, he or she maneuvers the Space Shuttle and makes contact with the docking ring. Once a series of hooks is engaged, the Space Shuttle is then successfully docked with Mir.


docking target: term officially approved by the International Space Station official approval Group (ISSOAG).


  • Stations orbitales

Voici le module d'habitation Zvezda [...] Le «bras» que l'on voit en bas à gauche porte une cible [d'amarrage] dont se servent justement les Progress et les Soyouz pour se guider.


cible d'amarrage : terme uniformisé par le Groupe de travail de la terminologie de la Station spatiale internationale (GTTSSI).


Conserver la fiche 38

Fiche 39 2002-02-11


Subject field(s)
  • Farming Techniques
  • Tillage Operations (Agriculture)

The ridge of soil resulting when a furrow slice is lapped over the first furrow slice when starting the plowing operations.


When a bottom(of a moldboard plow) turns the soil, throwing to one side a ribbon of soil that is called the furrow slice. When plowing is started in the middle of a strip of land, a furrow is plowed across the field; on the return trip, a furrow slice is lapped over the first slice. This leaves a slightly higher ridge than the second, third, and other slices. The ridge is called a back furrow.


  • Techniques agricoles
  • Travaux du sol (Agriculture)

Petite élévation rectiligne, constituée par les deux bandes de terre qu'une charrue, munie d'un seul corps de pièces travaillantes, retourne et appuie l'une contre l'autre en un aller et retour; la terre de l'axe de l'ados reste en place.


Campo(s) temático(s)
  • Técnicas agrícolas
  • Labores de cultivo (Agricultura)
Conserver la fiche 39

Fiche 40 1999-12-21


Subject field(s)
  • The Sun (Astronomy)

erupting prominences. Although prominence equilibria are maintained on a long period of time, many quiescent prominences do ultimately erupt in a dramatic event lasting only a few hours. Incredibly, the eruption always occurs outwards, away from the surface, indicating that the magnetic field which originally supported the prominence has suddenly released its stored energy. This energy release is sufficient to drive the dense plasma outwards against the Sun's huge gravitational pull. After the eruption, most of the material does eventually fall back down towards the surface and the prominence will often reform again at the same location over the course of a few days.


  • Soleil (Astronomie)

[...] protubérance de très courte durée (de quelques minutes à quelques secondes), associée à une éruption. Elle présente parfois des éjections de matière à une vitesse supérieure à la vitesse de libération.


protubérance solaire : elle est dite de type éruptive lorsqu'elle peut s'élever à plusieurs rayons solaires.


Protubérances quiescentes, lentes et relativement basses. Protubérances éruptives (plus de 100000 km de hauteur).


Conserver la fiche 40

Fiche 41 1994-04-27


Subject field(s)
  • Television (Radioelectricity)
  • Video Technology

The field rate of 60 Hz is the vertical scanning frequency. This is the rate at which the electron beam completes its cycles of vertical motion, from top to bottom and back to top again. Therefore, vertical deflection circuits for either the camera tube or the picture tube operate at 60 Hz. The time of each vertical scanning cycle for one field is 1/60 s.


  • Télévision (Radioélectricité)
  • Vidéotechnique

La fréquence de balayage vertical est égale à la fréquence de trame, soit 60 Hz. C'est la fréquence à laquelle le faisceau électronique accomplit ses cycles de mouvement vertical de haut en bas et de retour en haut. Par conséquent, les circuits de déviation verticale du tube analyseur et du tube image fonctionnent à la fréquence de 60 Hz. La période de chaque cycle de balayage vertical d'une trame est de 1/60 s.


Conserver la fiche 41

Fiche 42 1994-01-26


Subject field(s)
  • Corporate Security
  • Electrical Engineering
  • Security Devices

a video switcher that has the ability to automatically display a camera view for a zone that has initiated an alarm via the CCTV system. Alarm inputs are located in the field with the CCTV cameras and share the same system for transmitting both the alarm data and video data back to the auto-alarming switcher.


  • Sécurité générale de l'entreprise
  • Électrotechnique
  • Dispositifs de sécurité


Conserver la fiche 42

Fiche 43 1991-08-23


Subject field(s)
  • Crop Protection
  • Farm Equipment

A device for exterminating grashoppers which consists of a shallow pan partly filled with a mixture of water and kerosene which is attached to the front of a tractor or automobile and pushed slowly over a field causing grasshoopers to fly up and fall back into the solution.


It is less efficient than poisoning.


  • Protection des végétaux
  • Matériel agricole

Appareil utilisé anciennement pour ramasser et détruire les criquets dans les cultures.


Conserver la fiche 43

Fiche 44 1990-05-02


Subject field(s)
  • Environmental Studies and Analyses
  • Ecology (General)

Most of the scientific and technical problems associated with environmental impact assessment can ultimately be traced back to the natural variability inherent in many physical and biological phenomena. Natural systems, and components of them, are highly dynamic, and patchiness in space and variation over time is common. Often superimposed on random variations are seasonal fluctuations and multi-year cycles. Also, some variables may be on non-horizontal trajectories in the long term, that is, ’moving baselines. ’The field scientists involved in impact assessment face one of their greatest challenges in dealing with such dynamic environmental baselines.


  • Études et analyses environnementales
  • Écologie (Généralités)


Conserver la fiche 44

Fiche 45 1988-01-20


Subject field(s)
  • Environmental Studies and Analyses
  • Ecology (General)

Most of the scientific and technical problems associated with environmental impact assessment can ultimately be traced back to the natural variability inherent in many physical and biological phenomena. Natural systems, and components of them, are highly dynamic, and patchiness in space and variation over time is common. Often superimposed on random variations are seasonal fluctuations and multi-year cycles. Also... some variables may be on non-horizontal trajectories in the long term, that is, moving baselines. The field scientists involved in impact assessment face one of their greatest challenges in dealing with such dynamic environmental baselines.


  • Études et analyses environnementales
  • Écologie (Généralités)


Conserver la fiche 45

Fiche 46 1988-01-08


Subject field(s)
  • Environmental Studies and Analyses

Most of the scientific and technical problems associated with environmental impact assessment can ultimately be traced back to the natural variability inherent in many physical and biological phenomena. Natural systems, and components of them, are highly dynamic, and patchiness in space and variation over time is common. Often superimposed on random variations are seasonal fluctuations and multi-year cycles. Also,... some variables may be on non-horizontal trajectories in the long term, that is, ’moving baselines. ’The field scientists involved in impact assessment face one of their greatest challenges in dealing with such dynamic environmental baselines.


  • Études et analyses environnementales


Conserver la fiche 46

Fiche 47 1986-12-18


Subject field(s)
  • Aircraft Piloting and Navigation
  • Aircraft Propulsion Systems

Engine failure on take-off. If an engine fails immediately after take-off, land straight ahead-do not attempt to turn back into the field.


  • Pilotage et navigation aérienne
  • Propulsion des aéronefs

A partir du moment où la panne moteur est envisagée l'avion doit pouvoir continuer à voler de l'altitude de croisière tous moteurs en fonctionnement, vers un aérodrome de dégagement (...)


Terme uniformisé par le CUTA opérations aériennes.


Conserver la fiche 47

Fiche 48 1985-10-24


Subject field(s)
  • Photography

When the wide angle lens is used [on a tripod], the front and back carriages must be mounted on the camera bed in front of the tripod hinge clamp to provide a clear field of view. Most of the camera bed then extends to the rear of the tripod hinge clamp. If panoramic sequence pictures are to be made, clamp the bed so that the lens swings approximately over the tripod centre.


  • Photographie


Conserver la fiche 48

Fiche 49 1985-10-24


Subject field(s)
  • Photography

The vertical swing front [of a view camera] is used to focus and increase the depth of field when the vertical swing back is set off centre. When the vertical swing back is tilted away from centre, the film plane is not parallel to the image produced by the lens.


  • Photographie


Conserver la fiche 49

Fiche 50 1981-06-02


Subject field(s)
  • Track and Field

The draw back of the shoulder occurs during the withdrawal phase of the javelin throw. Source : Canadian Amateur Track and Field Association.


  • Athlétisme

Source: Association canadienne d'athlétisme amateur.


Conserver la fiche 50

Fiche 51 1975-03-11


Subject field(s)
  • Audio Technology
  • Permanent Magnets

when a sound wave strikes the front or back of the ribbon, the ribbon moves in the field of the magnet.


  • Électroacoustique
  • Aimants permanents

les ondes acoustiques provoquent le déplacement d'un ruban placé dans le champ magnétique d'un aimant permanent.


Conserver la fiche 51

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