La banque de données terminologiques et linguistiques du gouvernement du Canada.

BACK PICK [8 fiches]

Fiche 1 2021-03-16


Subject field(s)
  • Geological Research and Exploration
  • Archaeology

The roots of systematic geophysical prospection can be traced back to a survey done... in 1893-5. [A] technique known as "bowsing" [was employed] where a pick handle was beaten on the ground and differences in the sound produced indicated disturbances beneath the soil...


  • Recherches et prospections géologiques
  • Archéologie


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Fiche 2 2016-12-06


Subject field(s)
  • Audio Technology

A microphone that responds equally well to sounds reaching it from the front and rear, corresponding to sound incidences of 0 and 180°.


Mikes are... classified by the way they pick up sound. Unidirectional : only sound in front of the mike is transmitted. Bidirectional : sound picked up in front and back, but not to the sides.


bidirectional microphone: term standardized by the USA Standards Institute.


  • Électroacoustique

Microphone directionnel dont la réponse présente un maximum accentué pour deux directions, généralement opposées, de l'onde acoustique incidente. [Définition normalisée par l'AFNOR et reproduite avec son autorisation.]


Microphone. - On le qualifie d'unidirectionnel, de bidirectionnel ou d'omnidirectionnel selon qu'il est sensible aux sons venant d'une seule direction, de deux directions ou de toutes les directions.


Les micros directionnels sont de trois sortes : unidirectionnels [...]; bidirectionnels (ou «huit») pratiques pour les interviews; micros spéciaux très directionnels [...]


Le microphone bidirectionnel est très utile pour effectuer des enregistrements d'interviews entre deux personnes du fait que sa gamme s'étend sur deux directions opposées.


microphone bidirectionnel : terme normalisé par l'AFNOR.


Conserver la fiche 2

Fiche 3 2016-07-04


Subject field(s)
  • Intercoms

The term PLAR(private line automatic ringdown) was used to distinguish this service from its predecessor service PLMR(private line manual ringdown) back in the days of the crank operated telephone.... In PLAR operation, two telephones are dedicated for point-to-point voice communication. When both phones are idle, "on-hook", all is quiet. When a phone at one end is picked up, "off-hook", the phone at the other end would instantly ring to alert the other end to pick up. Waiting for [a] dial tone and dialing a number are not needed, thus saving valuable time. When both phones are off-hook, ringing stops and voice communication is established.

  • private line automatic ring down


  • Interphones

Pour les portiers phoniques à un seul bouton, une fonction appelée sonnerie automatique de ligne privée ou (private line automatic ringdown ou PLAR) est possible. Lorsque la fonction PLAR est configurée [...], dès que le téléphone est décroché, le ou les [postes] configurés sonnent avec un afficheur prédéfini.


Conserver la fiche 3

Fiche 4 2011-07-11


Subject field(s)
  • Trade Names
  • Locks and Locksmithing

Collecting the Medeco reward probably requires that you pick one of their newer Biaxial locks, which include the forward and backward pin alignments as well as left and right.... I believe that these are the biaxials. They are no big deal; the chisel points are offset forward or back by. 025". It effectively gives each pin twice the keying versatility, since the key cut can be the right depth and twist, but if it's not under the chisel tip, you lose. A master key for this system would have two cuts right next to each other that would address either offset [and I believe they would be at the same height, since it's difficult to cut two different heights only. 050" apart and have enough "meat" left to turn the pin].


Biaxial pin tumbler lock, mortise cylinder, key.


Biaxial®: A trademark of Medeco Security Locks, Inc.

  • Biaxial


  • Appellations commerciales
  • Serrurerie

Biaxial® : Marque de commerce de la société Medeco Security Locks, Inc.

  • Biaxial


Conserver la fiche 4

Fiche 5 2010-11-16


Subject field(s)
  • Physical Education, Coaching and Sport Psychology

Start this exercise by kneeling with one knee at the end of a weight bench. Support your body with the hand on the weight bench. Pick up a dumbbell with your other hand. Keep your back straight and flat in line with the bench. Do not arch your back. Lift the dumbbell straight up keeping your arm close to your body. Touch the weight to your chest, hold for one to two seconds. Slowly move weight back down till arm is almost fully extended. The movement back down to begin position should be slow to build muscle.


  • Éducation physique, entraînement des athlètes et psychologie du sport

L'exercice s'effectue debout, avec un haltère, en plaçant un genoux sur un banc droit. Buste incliné, dos bien droit, conservez l'équilibre avec une main posée sur le banc. De l'autre main prenez l'haltère, bras tendu vers le bas, paume vers le corps. Pliez votre bras jusqu'à être dans le prolongement de votre corps en fléchissant le coude. Soufflez en montant l'haltère, inspirer en revenant à la position de départ.


Conserver la fiche 5

Fiche 6 2006-08-03


Subject field(s)
  • Paddle Sports

[A] stroke used for forward motion and to counteract the tendency of the bow to swing away from the paddling side.


A canoe being paddled forward will veer to the side opposite the side on which the stern paddler is paddling. The J-stroke helps correct this problem without having to switch paddling sides.


If you just paddle like that, the canoe ends up going off to one side, right? Okay, to prevent this, the stern person should do the "J" stroke every second or third stroke. This is probably the trickiest stroke to pick up : you do about three-quarters of a normal stroke, then instead of bringing the paddle straight back, you give the blade a one-quarter turn outward to put a tiny reverse sweep on the end of the stroke.


Accomplished woodsmen can paddle all day without undue fatigue, using the J-stroke for propulsion and steering.


  • Sports de pagaie

Le coup en J. Ce mouvement sert à rectifier la trajectoire du canot vers la gauche et n'est utilisé que par l'avironneur arrière.


Je prends pour acquis qu'on sait que le coup en J pratiqué à l'arrière à ce moment sert à faire tourner le canot vers la droite.


Conserver la fiche 6

Fiche 7 2006-02-09


Subject field(s)
  • Collection Items (Museums and Heritage)

[A] sealed [bubble-shaped] container with a scene inside immersed in liquid that contains flakes of some substance that looks like snow.


Everything inside looks still until you pick the snowglobe up and shake it then set it back down.


Even though some "snowglobes" or "snowdomes" do not show a bubble shape, these are always referred to as such.


  • Objets de collection (Muséologie et Patrimoine)

Contenant hermétique en forme de bulle renfermant un décor en trois dimensions qui baigne dans un liquide comprenant des milliers de petites particules imitant la neige.


Qui, dans sa vie, n'a pas au moins une fois agité l'une de ces petites boules que l'on ramène en souvenir de voyage, afin de voir la neige tourbillonner follement sur le paysage qu'elle contient?


Bien que certaines «boules à neige» n'épousent pas la forme d'une bulle, on emploie toujours ce terme pour qualifier cet objet de collection.


Conserver la fiche 7

Fiche 8 1998-09-30


Subject field(s)
  • Textile Industries
  • Fabric Nomenclature

A British twilled silk cloth whose face is a 2-up, 1-down twill with the back made from a 12-shaft satin weave with a base of 5 or 7. Hard-twist crepe yarn is used in the warp, while the filling has little or no twist(zero twist). It is woven one face pick, one back pick.


  • Industries du textile
  • Nomenclature des tissus


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