La banque de données terminologiques et linguistiques du gouvernement du Canada.


Fiche 1 2012-01-16


Subject field(s)
  • Titles of Federal Government Programs (Canadian)
  • Geology

... a 10 year vision statement by the National Geological Surveys Committee(NGSC), approved by all of Canada's Mines Ministers in 2000, that focused on the continuing need for reliable geoscience knowledge relating to mineral, energy and groundwater resources, compatible with the Intergovernmental Geoscience Accord.


It identified geoscience knowledge as a key competitive advantage, essential to maintaining Canada as a pre-eminent global destination for exploration investment.


This project was active from 2003-2005 and has now been completed.


  • Titres de programmes fédéraux (Gouvernement canadien)
  • Géologie

[...] énoncé de vision de 10 ans qui a été formulé par le Comité national des commissions géologiques (CNCG) et qui a été approuvé par les ministres canadiens des Mines en 2000 [et portant] principalement sur le besoin constant de connaissances géoscientifiques fiables sur les ressources en minéraux utiles, en énergie et en eau souterraine, conformément à l'Accord géoscientifique intergouvernemental.


On y expliquait que les connaissances géoscientifiques représentent un avantage concurrentiel clé permettant au Canada de demeurer un lieu de choix pour l'exploration à l'échelle mondiale.


Ce projet était actif de 2003-2005 et il est maintenant complété.


Conserver la fiche 1

Fiche 2 2009-01-27


Subject field(s)
  • Hydrology and Hydrography

[The] rising of the water level or piezometric surface in and around a pumped well after stoppage of pumping [or the] rising movement of the water table or the piezometric surface caused by recharge following upon a period of depletion.


... groundwater pumping will continue to be conducted in an environmentally conservative manner as was done during the 1990-91 and 1991-92 runoff years until there has been a substantial recovery in soil moisture and water table conditions in areas of Types B, C, and D vegetation that have been affected by groundwater pumping. The Standing Committee will establish annual pumping programs based on an evaluation of current conditions, including soil moisture level, water table depth, degree of water table recovery, soil type, vegetation conditions, the results of studies pertaining to vegetation recovery, and compliance with the goals of the Agreement.


The plant communities that we monitor require periodic connection to the groundwater for long-term survival and recovery from drought. Unfortunately, the on/off status often is not an accurate indicator of whether groundwater is reaching the plant root zone, but the rise of water above the water table due to capillarity is detected easily by the monitoring. Using the soil water and groundwater data, we determine which monitoring sites are connected with the water table and which still need water table recovery.


Recovery cycle.


  • Hydrologie et hydrographie

Mouvement ascendant du niveau de l'eau ou de la surface piézométrique à l'intérieur et autour du puits après un arrêt du pompage [ou en raison d'une] réalimentation faisant suite à une période d'épuisement.


Campo(s) temático(s)
  • Hidrología e hidrografía

Elevación del nivel de agua o de la superficie piezométrica en y alrededor de un pozo de bombeo, después de cesar el bombeo [o] movimiento ascendente del nivel freático o de la superficie piezométrica causado por la recarga que sigue a un período de agotamiento.

Conserver la fiche 2

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