La banque de données terminologiques et linguistiques du gouvernement du Canada.


Fiche 1 2006-12-19


Subject field(s)
  • Practice and Procedural Law
  • Legal Actions
  • Private Law

A judgment taken against a debtor by the creditor, based on the debtor’s written consent.


confession of judgment. A judgment entered after a written confession by the debtor without the expense of ordinary legal proceedings.


A typical confession of judgment is :"The undersigned irrevocably authorizes any attorney to appear in any court of competent jurisdiction and confess a judgment without process in favor of the creditor for such amount as may then appear unpaid hereon, and to consent to immediate execution upon such judgment. "


  • Droit judiciaire
  • Actions en justice
  • Droit privé

L'acquiescement au jugement emporte soumission aux chefs de celui-ci et renonciation aux voies de recours sauf si, postérieurement, une autre partie forme régulièrement un recours. Il est toujours admis, sauf disposition contraire.


acquiescement à un jugement : Exécuter un jugement dont l'exécution est obligatoire, même si l'on a fait appel, ne signifie pas acquiescer à un jugement.


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Fiche 2 2006-12-11


Subject field(s)
  • Business and Administrative Documents
  • Legal Actions
  • Practice and Procedural Law

An extraordinary document by which a debtor authorizes his or her creditor’s attorney to enter a confession in court that allows judgment against the debtor.


A creditor may ask the borrower to sign a cognovit note when credit is extended. If the debtor falls into arrears the creditor can obtain a judgment against the person without notification to the debtor. There is usually little the debtor can do to attack the judgment when it is discovered.


Judgment note. A promissory note authorizing an attorney, holder, or clerk of court to appear for the maker of the note and confess, or assent to, a judgment to be entered against the maker due to default in the payment of the amount owed. A judgment note is also called a cognovit note and is invalid in many states.


Cognovit [L., he has acknowledged.] (Law) An instrument in writing whereby a defendant in an action acknowledges a plaintiff’s demand to be just.


  • Écrits commerciaux et administratifs
  • Actions en justice
  • Droit judiciaire

Le ministre acquiesce par écrit à cette demande, en date du 9 septembre 1997. Une copie certifiée conforme de la résolution ainsi qu'une copie de la lettre d'acquiescement ont été produites, en liasse, sous la cote I-1.


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