La banque de données terminologiques et linguistiques du gouvernement du Canada.


Fiche 1 2024-02-28


Subject field(s)
  • Lasers and Masers

In the field of laser-processing of materials, the extension in recent years to picosecond and subpicosecond lasers has brought attention to the important differences between conventional micromachining science, using nanosecond lasers, and new strong-field interactions driven exclusively by intense ultrafast laser pulses.

  • sub-picosecond laser


  • Masers et lasers

Le rayonnement créé par interaction d'un laser subpicoseconde [...] avec une cible solide est apparu rapidement comme une source unique de photons X avec une durée de l'ordre d'une à dix picosecondes.

  • laser sub-picoseconde


Conserver la fiche 1

Fiche 2 2024-02-28


Subject field(s)
  • Tillage Operations (Agriculture)
  • Cropping Systems

Strip tillage is an agricultural practice that involves tilling only a narrow strip of soil where seeds will be planted, while leaving the rest of the field untilled. It combines the benefits of both conventional tillage and no-till farming methods.


  • Travaux du sol (Agriculture)
  • Systèmes de culture

Technique de culture qui consiste à ne travailler le sol que sur d'étroites bandes de terre où seront réalisés les semis.


travail du sol en bandes : désignation et définition publiées au Journal officiel de la République française le 12 septembre 2023.


Conserver la fiche 2

Fiche 3 2020-11-18


Subject field(s)
  • Track and Field

A high jump performed from a standing position, without a run-up.


The standing high jump was an Olympic Track and Field event held in 1900, 1904, 1906, 1908 and 1912. Unlike the conventional high jump event, which is part of the current track and field program, the standing version does not allow any run-up. The technique is performed from a position with both feet together.


  • Athlétisme

Saut en hauteur effectué sans course d'élan.


Conserver la fiche 3

Fiche 4 2016-05-06


Subject field(s)
  • Wood Products
  • Reconstituted-Wood Products
  • Structural Framework

[A] solid structural engineered wood product created by layering wood veneers, strands or flakes with exterior type adhesives into blocks of material[, which] are cured in a heated press and sawn to consistent sizes that are easily worked in the field using conventional construction tools.


[This category] includes products such as laminated veneer lumber (LVL), parallel strand lumber (PSL), laminated strand lumber (LSL).


  • Produits du bois
  • Bois reconstitués
  • Charpentes

[...] produit structural de bois d’ingénierie créé en superposant des placages, des lamelles ou des particules de bois collés ensemble au moyen d’adhésifs d’extérieur pour former des blocs de bois[, qui] durcissent dans une presse chaude puis sont sciées en pièces uniformes pouvant facilement être travaillées sur les chantiers avec des outils de construction courants.


Sont inclus dans cette catégorie le bois en placage stratifié (LVL), le bois de copeaux parallèles (PSL) et le bois de longs copeaux lamellés (LSL).


Conserver la fiche 4

Fiche 5 2016-02-04


Subject field(s)
  • Electrical Domestic Appliances
  • Household Cleaning and Maintenance

A fan for a vacuum cleaner has a fan housing, a motor and an impeller. The fan housing has an inlet, an outlet, a scroll-shaped side wall, a back wall and a flat front wall.... The invention relates to the field of vacuum cleaner fans. In conventional vacuum cleaners, a fan drives dirt laden air into a filter bag.


  • Appareillage électrique domestique
  • Appareils de nettoyage et d'entretien (Arts ménagers)

[L'invention] concerne une soufflerie d'aspirateur se composant d'un logement de soufflerie, d'un moteur électrique et d'une turbine. Le logement de soufflerie comprend un orifice d'admission, un orifice de sortie, une paroi latérale spiralée, une paroi arrière et une paroi avant plane.


Conserver la fiche 5

Fiche 6 2014-01-08


Subject field(s)
  • Conductivity and Superconductivity (Electricity)
  • Conservation of Electricity

The SMES stores energy in the magnetic field built up by a DC [direct current] current flowing through the superconducting coil. In a conventional coil made of copper wire the magnetic energy would be rapidly dissipated as heat due to the resistance of the wires. If superconducting wires are used, energy can be stored for a long time.


  • Conductivité et supraconductivité (Électricité)
  • Conservation de l'électricité

Système [qui] permet de stocker de l'énergie sous la forme d'un champ magnétique créé par la circulation d'un courant continu dans un anneau supraconducteur refroidi sous sa «température critique».


L'énergie peut être stockée dans un inducteur de résistance nulle (supraconducteur) pendant un temps qui peut être théoriquement infini.


Conserver la fiche 6

Fiche 7 2013-12-18


Subject field(s)
  • Optics
  • Atomic Physics

SNOM is the acronym for "scanning near-field optical microscopy, "an alternative name for NSOM(near-field scanning optical microscopy). The basic principle of such a kind of technique is quite simple : light passes through a sub-wavelength diameter aperture and illuminates a sample that is placed within its near field, at a distance much less than the wavelength of the light. The resolution achieved is far better than that which conventional optical microscopes can attain.


Microscopists are now in a position to transfer the refinements of the past 100-year techniques for enhancing contrast and highlighting specific features, such as polarization contrast, immunofluorescence and phase contrast to scanning near-field optical microscopy. With existing scanned-probe microscopes we can "see" the nanometer realm of molecules and microcircuits. As the same technology is applied to optical microscopy, we may eventually come to see that world in the familiar terms of light, shadow and color.


  • Optique
  • Physique atomique

Ces interactions se produisent à l'échelle moléculaire, c'est pourquoi il est très important d'analyser les propriétés physico-chimiques de la surface à l'échelle atomique et moléculaire. Pour ce faire nous utilisons dans notre groupe les techniques de microscopie à champ proche à balayage : microscopie à effet tunnel (STM), microscopie à force atomique ou effet de force (AFM-SFM), microscopie optique à champ proche à balayage (SNOM).


L'équipe [...] a réussi à visualiser ce phénomène biologique en recourant à la microscopie optique à balayage à champ proche (NSOM). Cette technologie d'imagerie éclaire la cellule en canalisant la lumière dans une sonde à fibre optique plus petite qu'un micron. La minuscule ouverture de la sonde (guère plus de 50 nanomètres de diamètre) interdit la diffraction des rayons lumineux qui réduit normalement la résolution en microscopie classique.


Campo(s) temático(s)
  • Óptica
  • Física atómica

El grupo de investigación [...] ha desarrollado un nuevo método de fabricación de nanoagujas localizadas en el interior de muestras de distintos materiales, que presentan un amplio rango de aplicaciones, como la la preparación de muestras para análisis por microscopía electrónica de transmisión (TEM) y transmisión-barrido (STEM), para técnicas de microscopía óptica de barrido de campo cercano, tomografía electrónica y microscopía de sonda atómica.

Conserver la fiche 7

Fiche 8 2013-09-23


Subject field(s)
  • Armour
  • Wheeled Vehicles (Military)

.. LAST™ armour is a unique armour system for use on aircraft and ground vehicles. It's lightweight, rapidly deployable, field installable and battle proven. LAST armour can be tailored to defeat specific threats, including small arms fire, heavy machine gun armour piercing rounds, 30 mm automatic cannon fire and improvised explosive devices. A major feature that differentiates LAST armour from conventional armour solutions is its unique high-strength hook-and-loop fastening system. Benefits are : LAST Armour can be installed in the field by the crew without the need for cutting, welding, drilling or other specialised equipment; It is applicable to both soft-skinned and armoured platforms which require upgraded protection; Modular kits can be readily moved between platforms and can typically be transferred within one hour; The modular design allows straightforward repair of battle damage; The hook-and-loop technology minimises the need for metallic fixings that could contribute to the spall threat.


LAST: light-appliqué armour systems technology.


LAST armour; LAST armor: The acronym "LAST" is followed by the letters "TM" in superscript.


  • Arme blindée
  • Véhicules à roues (Militaire)


Conserver la fiche 8

Fiche 9 2013-05-01


Subject field(s)
  • Trade Names
  • Paints and Varnishes (Industries)

Sigma-Aldrich Materials Science, in collaboration with Nanocor Corporation, is pleased to offer a line of montmorillonite nanoclays. To make the clays compatible with hydrophobic polymers, they are surface exchanged with alkylammonium cations; the five Nanomer [registered trademark] I clays differ in the chemical nature of their surface bound cations. Cationic clay layers of the Nanoclay, Nanomer [registered trademark] PGV (682659) are hydrophilic and can be dispersed in aqueous polymers.


New Nanomer-insulation coatings based on polymer matrix nanocomposites show considerably high partial electric discharge stability. Conventional polymer-insulation coatings suffer from quick ageing in an alternating electric field due to overvoltage by partial discharge. The new Nanomer-insulation coatings can compensate such deficits by nano scaled particles exhibiting special electronic structure.


Nanomer®: A trademark of Nalco.

  • Nanomer


  • Appellations commerciales
  • Peintures et vernis (Industries)

[Marque de commerce désignant un] vernis composite qui emprisonne de minuscules particules de céramique dont la taille est de l'ordre du nanomètre.


Un polycarbonate recouvert d'une couche de Nanomer devient aussi résistant aux rayures que le verre et offre une très haute résistance à l'impact.


La modification de la résine industrielle UF avec des nanoparticules de type Nanomer 130E a donné une nouvelle résine qui permet de réduire d'une façon appréciable les émanations de formaldéhyde.


Nanomer® : Marque de commerce de la société Nalco.

  • Nanomer


Conserver la fiche 9

Fiche 10 2012-10-31


Subject field(s)
  • Remote Sensing

Remote sensing enables large-scale observation of areas that would be inaccessible or otherwise difficult to access using conventional methods of data retrieval. Remote sensing is also cost-effective and safer than collecting data in the field. A satellite can capture images of an area of concern in minutes that could take a researcher years to collect in the field. The type of remote sensing mentioned on this site deals with images collected by satellites that orbit the Earth. This data is then sent to different agencies and organizations to be used to study the environment in question.


data retrieval: term officially approved by the RADARSAT-2 Terminology Approval Group (RTAG).


  • Télédétection

Aucun élément de la conception du système et du choix du support d'archivage ne doit interdire la prolongation de la durée opérationnelle des archives, des catalogues et des dispositifs connexes de consultation et de récupération de données jusqu'à au moins dix ans de plus que la durée du satellite.


récupération de données : terme uniformisé par le Groupe de travail de la terminologie de RADARSAT-2 (GTTR).


Conserver la fiche 10

Fiche 11 2012-01-23


Subject field(s)
  • Organic Farming
  • Agricultural Chemicals
  • Crop Protection

Pesticides despersed by the wind with possible unintended negative impact on other plants.


The NOSB was very concerned about pesticide drift-contamination from chemicals carried by the wind from adjoining conventional field. To prevent such drift, the NOSB could have refused organic certification to so called "split operations" which include both organic and conventional forming.


Drift: Movement of a pesticide through the air to non-target sites.


  • Agriculture biologique
  • Agents chimiques (Agriculture)
  • Protection des végétaux

Déviation de produits chimiques au cours d'application, mettant en danger l'homme, l'environnement et les animaux domestiques ou sauvages


Campo(s) temático(s)
  • Agricultura biológica
  • Agentes químicos (Agricultura)
  • Protección de las plantas
Conserver la fiche 11

Fiche 12 2011-09-01


Subject field(s)
  • Wastewater Treatment
  • Sewers and Drainage

Another alternative to traditional absorption field design is the use of a design modification known as capillary seepage trench, which is widely used in Japan. The capillary seepage trench is similar to conventional seepage trench except that it has an impermeable liner at the bottom of the trench, which extends part way up the trench's sidewalls.


  • Traitement des eaux usées
  • Égouts et drainage


Conserver la fiche 12

Fiche 13 2008-08-25


Subject field(s)
  • Semiconductors (Electronics)
  • Photoelectricity and Electron Optics
  • Solar Energy

[A solar] cell that is based on the effect of a layer of stationary positive charges on the surface of a P-doped layer.


One speaks of an inversion layer because the part of the P layer near the surface practically acts as a N layer-i. e. is basically inverted-due to the electric field from the stationary charges on the surface. The advantage of these cells is that they can be manufactured in only six steps at relatively low temperatures, while conventional monocrystalline and polycrystalline cells require up to 17 individual steps.


MIS: metal insulator semiconductor.

  • metal insulator semiconductor inversion layer solar cell


  • Semi-conducteurs (Électronique)
  • Photo-électricité et optique électronique
  • Énergie solaire

Cellule solaire dont l'élaboration repose sur l'effet causé par une couche de charges positives stationnaires à la surface d'une couche dopée p.


Conserver la fiche 13

Fiche 14 2007-01-13


Subject field(s)
  • Television (Radioelectricity)
  • Television Arts

A television system that offers picture quality substantially improved over conventional receivers, for signals originated in standard 525-line or 625-line format, by processing that involves the use of field store and/or frame store(memory) techniques at the receiver.


The Improved Definition Television system is considered as a transitional technology based on the old-fashioned NTSC (National Television Standards Committee) standard.


The Dictionary of New Media is available at: <a href="http://hepdigital.com/" title="http://hepdigital.com">http://hepdigital.com</a>.


  • Télévision (Radioélectricité)
  • Télévision (Arts du spectacle)

Système de diffusion dans lequel l'équipement existant est utilisé pour transmettre des signaux améliorés.


Le signal ne présente aucune différence sur un téléviseur ordinaire, mais il est amélioré sur les téléviseurs intégrant les fonctionnalités requises.


Conserver la fiche 14

Fiche 15 2005-11-14


Subject field(s)
  • Electric Rotary Machines - Types
  • Wind Energy

A SRG [switched reluctance generator] differs from conventional machines in that it does not have any windings or permanent magnets on [a wind turbine] rotor. The stator typically consists of slots containing a series of coil windings, the energisation of which is electronically switched to generate a moving field.


  • Machines tournantes électriques - types
  • Énergie éolienne


Conserver la fiche 15

Fiche 16 2003-11-25


Subject field(s)
  • Radiological Physics (Theory and Application)

This unique combination of surface and transmission X-ray analysis provides a complete elemental characterisation of a sample in one simple step. The innovative design of the XGT-5000 allows for a non-destructive analysis at normal atmospheric pressure. It incorporates a novel coaxial arrangement of the X-ray beam and the optical visual image to enable fast and accurate sample positioning.


The recently developed and ground breaking Horiba X-ray Guide Tube(XGT) incorporated within the system provides a spatial resolution down to 10 [mu] m, an unprecedented performance in the field of micro X-ray analysis. The new capabilities and functionality of the XGT-5000 expands the technique of X-ray elemental analysis from the conventional applications of material research to emerging fields of interest such as biology, mineralogy and environmental analysis.


  • Physique radiologique et applications


Campo(s) temático(s)
  • Física radiológica (Teoría y aplicación)
Conserver la fiche 16

Fiche 17 2003-10-16


Subject field(s)
  • Petroleum Distillation

The Shell Middle Distillate Synthesis(SMDS) plant now operational at Bintulu, Malaysia, is the latest in a series of partnership projects between Shell companies and the people of Malaysia that stretches back for more than 100 years. The new plant uses advanced technology to convert natural gas, abundantly available from the Central Luconia field offshore Sarawak, into liquid fuels of high purity. These fuels can also be used as components to upgrade lower quality stock derived from conventional crude oil processing. In addition, the plant can produce high-value waxes, as well as feedstocks for detergents and lubricants. The product mix can be varied to meet market needs. The SMDS technology was developed at the Shell laboratory in Amsterdam(KSLA) over a period of 20 years. After commercial and technical assessment, Bintulu was chosen in preference to sites in other parts of the world as an appropriate location for the employment of SMDS technology in the first commercial plant.


February 2003, Royal Dutch Shell (Netherlands) announced its plans to build two GTL facilities with a combined capacity of 75 000 bbls/d. QP is looking to employ Shell’s middle distillates synthesis (SDMS) technology to convert gas into diesel and kerosene.


  • Distillation du pétrole

technologie SMDS développée par Shell pour la synthèse des distillats moyens.


Conserver la fiche 17

Fiche 18 2003-04-07


Subject field(s)
  • Space Weapons
  • Advanced Technology Weapons

Kinetic energy kill systems can either be of the rocket-propelled missile type, or of the hypervelocity gun system. The High Frontier study sees the deployment of carrier satellites with conventional missiles as a practical proposition. The total mass of such a system precludes comprehensive deployment. A more promising area for research into kinetic energy kill systems is to be the hypervelocity electromagnetic railgun. This system uses a high energy electromagnetic field to accelerate a hit-to-kill projectile to speed of the order of 5-25 km per second. Again, the power requirements for such a system are prodigious, and are likely to need nuclear generators.


  • Armes orbitales
  • Armes de haute technicité


Conserver la fiche 18

Fiche 19 2003-03-25


Subject field(s)
  • Electric Motors
  • Permanent Magnets

A family of motors in which a permanent magnet replaces the stator winding.


In some small PM DC motors, the rotor is still fed by a conventional brush-and-commutator system. A more important type of PM motor has a stator with three windings producing a rotating field, as in induction and synchronous motors. The rotor consists of one or more permanent magnets that interact with the rotating field so as to align the poles in the rotor with the poles of the rotating field. The speed of the motor is the speed of the rotating field. Because there is no rotor current and the rotor magnetic field is constant, there are no losses in the rotor, helping to make PM motors more efficient... that induction motors.


The most common form of a PM motor is the brushless DC motor, also known as an electronically commutated motor (ECM).

  • permanent-magnet motor


  • Moteurs électriques
  • Aimants permanents

Les progrès accomplis dans la construction des aimants permanents permettent aujourd'hui la construction de moteurs pour lesquels l'inducteur est remplacé par un aimant. Cette technique, très utilisée pour les petits moteurs (servomécanismes, jouets), s'applique maintenant à des puissances beaucoup plus grandes (plusieurs dizaines de kilowatts).

  • moteur à aimants permanents


Conserver la fiche 19

Fiche 20 2002-07-17


Subject field(s)
  • Cooking Appliances
  • Hotel Equipment

New technology is set to invade the most important room in the house : the kitchen. Soon you’ll be able to throw out that ancient microwave and cook with a "flashbake" oven using photons, or units of electromagnetic radiation. This oven cooks food just like a conventional oven-cooking from the outside and browning food but in half the time. Appliances are also getting safer. A breakthrough called an induction stove focuses a magnetic field above the burner that boils water in 20 seconds, but will not burn anything else. Only the content of the pot become hot.


  • Appareils de cuisson des aliments
  • Équipement hôtelier

La cuisinière à induction, c'est un peu l'arlésienne de l'électroménager : tout le monde en a entendu parler avec enthousiasme, mais personne - ou presque - n'en a vu. LA PRESSE lève un coin du voile. La table de cuisson à induction appartient à la famille des surfaces en vitrocéramique [...].


Conserver la fiche 20

Fiche 21 1999-09-18


Subject field(s)
  • Titles of Federal Government Programs (Canadian)
  • Construction Methods

Canada Centre for Mineral and Energy Technology(CANMET), the research and development arm of Natural Resources Canada, is working in partnership with the Canadian Home Builders’ Association to champion the design and construction of more environmentally appropriate, energy-efficient housing. The Advanced Houses Program, an initiative under Canada's Green Plan to reduce global warming, provides industry with the opportunity to develop and field test new products and technologies. Under the Advanced Houses Program, ten prototype homes, all winners of a national design competition, are being constructed across Canada. Each Advanced House is designed to minimize its impact on the external environment by consuming less than one-quarter the energy and one-half the water of a conventional canadian home and has a significantly better level of comfort and indoor air quality.

  • Advanced Houses Programme


  • Titres de programmes fédéraux (Gouvernement canadien)
  • Procédés de construction

Le Centre canadien de la technologie des minéraux et de l'énergie (CANMET), l'organisme de recherche-développement de Ressources naturelles Canada, s'est joint à l'Association canadienne des constructeurs d'habitations pour promouvoir des concepts et des techniques de construction plus écologiques et plus éconergétiques. Pour donner suite aux recommandations du Plan vert relatives au réchauffement planétaire, on a lancé le Programme de la maison performante, qui fournit à l'industrie les moyens d'essayer en conditions réelles de nouveaux produits et technologies. Dans le cadre du Programme de la maison performante, on a construit dix maisons prototypes réparties à travers le Canada. Tous ces projets ont été sélectionnés par un concours national. On a conçu chacune de ces maisons pour réduire à un strict minimum son impact sur l'environnement. Elles consomment moins d'un quart de l'énergie et la moitié de l'eau utilisées dans une maisons ordinaire canadienne et les niveaux de confort et de qualité de l'air y sont bien plus élevés.


Conserver la fiche 21

Fiche 22 1996-11-12


Subject field(s)
  • Plant and Crop Production
  • Farming Techniques

It is conventional to distinguish between mechanistic crop models, in which all quantified processes have a sound physical or physiological basis, and empirical models consisting of functions that are chosen, often arbitrarily, to fit measurements from field or laboratory.


  • Cultures (Agriculture)
  • Techniques agricoles


Conserver la fiche 22

Fiche 23 1987-07-13


Subject field(s)
  • Lasers and Masers
  • Optics

While in conventional lasers the laser is pumped incoherently, devices leading to optical bistability can be viewed as lasers which are driven coherently by an external field.


  • Masers et lasers
  • Optique

Propriété qu'ont certains dispositifs optiques de pouvoir se trouver dans deux états stables distincts (pour simplifier : opaque-transparent) et de permettre la réalisation de composants effectuant les opérations logiques élémentaires (ET, OU, NON ...).


Conserver la fiche 23

Fiche 24 1985-03-13


Subject field(s)
  • Information Processing (Informatics)

When a unit record containing a coding field is used for a single item code and the set of codes of the terms which describe the item, the grouping in conventional; for example, a personnel file in which each individual is represented by a card are punched codes for his or her age, sex, education, and salary.


  • Traitement de l'information (Informatique)


Conserver la fiche 24

Fiche 25 1983-01-07


Subject field(s)
  • Electric Motors

Some motors use an ingenious field system designed for a d. c. machine which operates on thyristor power supplies. The poles used consists of stacks of "C" shaped laminations which divide the yoke into four separate parts(for a four-pole motor) which are integral with the opposite halves of adjacent poles. This is called the Dynalam field system with split main poles [developed by the Electro Dynamic Construction Co Ltd](...). The advantage of this split-pole arrangement is illustrated in Fig. 8. 7 which gives a diagrammatic comparison of flux distribution in the field system of Dynalam motors and conventional d. c. machines.


  • Moteurs électriques

On connaît ce moteur sous sa marque de commerce.


Conserver la fiche 25

Fiche 26 1982-11-09


Subject field(s)
  • Electric Motors

The d. c. permanent magnet motor has a conventional wound armature, and a commutator, on the rotor, with the field on the stator supplied by either Alnico or ceramic permanent magnets.


  • Moteurs électriques

Moteur à aimants permanents, type MC2. On distingue (fig.5) les aimants en ferrites ou encore en céramiques qui ont une induction rémanente utile (...) et les aimants fer-aluminium-nickel-cobalt (appelés Ticonal ou Alnico) qui ont, au contraire, une forte induction rémanente utile (...) mais un champ coercitif plus faible (...).


Conserver la fiche 26

Fiche 27 1980-11-07


Subject field(s)
  • Telecommunications Transmission

The minimum conventional value of the field strength necessary to permit satisfactory reception, under specified conditions in the presence of noise and interference from other transmitters. Observation : where there is no possibility of ambiguity, the expression "nominal field strength" may be used.


  • Transmission (Télécommunications)

Valeur nominale conventionnelle du champ d'un émetteur pour que le signal puisse être utilisé dans des conditions spécifiées en présence de bruit et de brouillage dus à d'autres émetteurs. Observation : s'il n'y a aucune ambiguïté, on peut utiliser l'expression «champ nominal».


Conserver la fiche 27

Fiche 28 1979-04-24


Subject field(s)
  • Statistical Graphs and Diagrams

Line graphs differ from each other by differences in scale rulings. The most commonly employed are the arithmetic and semilogarithmic rulings.(...) Arithmetically ruled graphs are designed to show changes in absolute amount.(...) Even when an arithmetic graph is properly constructed, it has severe limitations(...) [First], it is difficult to compare relative rates of change in the series. Second, when series that differ greatly in magnitude are compared, it frequently becomes difficult to determine the extent of the fluctuations in the series with the smaller values. Third, an arithmetic graph does not help the reader to determine whether one series of data is increasing or decreasing at a more rapid rate than other series on data that are plotted in the same field.(...) In order to overcome these limitations [one can] use semilogarithmic ruling rather than the conventional arithmetic ruling for line graphs.


  • Diagrammes et graphiques (Statistique)

Graphique obtenu en portant en abscisses et en ordonnées des longueurs proportionnelles aux grandeurs réelles à représenter.


Les graphiques arithmétiques rendent de grands services lorsqu'il s'agit de comparer des valeurs absolues (...) Les graphiques arithmétiques ne doivent pas être utilisés pour représenter les variations relatives, car ils les déforment; ils deviennent inutilisables quand il s'agit de représenter des variations qui, très petites à l'origine, deviennent considérables par la suite. Il faut alors les remplacer par des graphiques logarithmiques ou semi-logarithmiques.


Conserver la fiche 28

Fiche 29 1977-11-29


Subject field(s)
  • Scientific Measurements and Analyses
  • Geological Research and Exploration
  • Geophysics

The "Enslin"(...) method [of induction profiling] employs a straight grounded-wire as the source. The horizontal component of the field which is tangential is measured along semi-circles about one of the electrodes. Measurements are not made near the wire in order to avoid the region of strong primary fields. The measurements can be made with conventional turam or radio reference equipment, or with other specialized equipment.


  • Mesures et analyse (Sciences)
  • Recherches et prospections géologiques
  • Géophysique

[La] "méthode d'Enslin" [est une méthode de sondage électromagnétique,] conçue et mise au point par J.F. Enslin (1955) (...) [Cette méthode fait] l'emploi d'un câble relié au sol par deux électrodes ponctuelles et dans lequel circule un courant, alternatif. Le câble connecté à une génératrice de courant sert de source de champ magnétique primaire. La composante horizontale du champ résultant tangente à la surface du sol est mesurée le long de demi-cercles autour d'une des électrodes ponctuelles. On n'effectue pas de mesures le long de câble afin d'éviter la région des champs primaires de grande intensité. On effectue les mesures à l'aide d'une unité turam ou tout autre équipement spécialisé de ce genre. Le champ tangentiel résultant demeure constant suivant le demi-cercle autour de l'électrode ponctuelle si le sous-sol est homogène (...)


Conserver la fiche 29

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