La banque de données terminologiques et linguistiques du gouvernement du Canada.


Fiche 1 2003-06-17


Subject field(s)
  • Orbital Stations
  • Research Experiments in Space

Extra Vehicular Activity Radiation Monitor... The purpose of EVARM is to carry out flight experiments to investigate and characterize the doses received by different parts of an astronauts body(e. g., skin, eyes, and blood-forming organs) during an EVA. The doses will be analyzed with respect to the time and position of the EVA as well as the orbit, altitude, and attitude of the Station. A relatively new type of electronic radiation dosimeter, the Metal Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect Transistor(MOSFET) will be used to collect dose measurements.


EVARM is designed for use with the NASA Extravehicular Mobility Unit, or spacesuit, worn by both Space Station and Space Shuttle crewmembers during Station operations. The experiment consists of a storage/badge reader unit and 12 badges - a set of three each for up to four spacewalkers. The sets are designated EV-1, EV-2, EV-3 and EV-4, corresponding to the designation of each potential spacewalker. When not in use, the badges are placed in the storage-reader box, which is stored in the Human Research Facility payload rack. The badge contains a silicon chip specially designed by Thomson-Nielsen - called a Metal Oxide Silicon Field Effect Transistor (MOSFET) - that continuously measures total radiation dosage and a connector that plugs into the badge reader. The reader that can download badge is shown placed in a pocket in the lower left leg of an astronaut liquid cooling garment. Badges also are placed in the front torso and fabric communications cap of the spacesuit undergarment (NASA/JSC). During normal operations, the Station crew will record the background radiation dosage on each badge and transmit it to the ground every week. Shortly before a spacewalk by Station or Shuttle crew members, the crew will measure the radiation dosage of each badge to be used in the spacewalk. A set of three badges will be inserted into pockets sewn into the front torso and front leg areas of the liquid cooling undergarment and the top of the fabric communications cap of each spacesuit. Those locations were selected because of the radiation hazard to sensitive soft tissues such as eyes and internal organs, as well as the hazard to the skin on the arms and legs, which are not as well shielded as the torso. Shortly after the spacewalk, the crew will plug each badge set into the badge reader. They will later transfer the data to the Human Research Facility laptop computer for transmission to the payload team on the ground.


extra vehicular activity radiation monitor; EVARM : term and abbreviation officially approved by the International Space Station official approval Group(ISSOAG).


  • Stations orbitales
  • Travaux de recherche dans l'espace

[...] l'expérience des dosimètres (EVARM pour Extra-Vehicular Activity Radiation Monitor). [...] EVARM permettra de mesurer l'intensité du rayonnement auquel sont soumis les astronautes pendant les sorties extravéhiculaires (EVA). Pour mesurer l'exposition aux rayonnements uniquement pendant les sorties extravéhiculaires, les astronautes seront équipés de petits dispositifs ou badges électroniques à l'intérieur de leur combinaison EVA. Ces dispositifs enregistreront l'intensité du rayonnement à divers endroits sur le corps des astronautes pendant qu'ils travaillent à l'extérieur de la navette ou de la Station spatiale internationale.


dosimètre pour activités extravéhiculaires; EVARM : terme et abréviation uniformisés par le Groupe de travail de la terminologie de la Station spatiale internationale (GTTSSI).


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