La banque de données terminologiques et linguistiques du gouvernement du Canada.

FEINT SHOT [1 fiche]

Fiche 1 2012-05-03


Subject field(s)
  • Racquet Sports

poaching: a strategy in doubles play in which the player closest to the net extends the range of his reach by cutting in front of his or her partner in order to attempt a volley on the return of serve intended for his partner waiting near the baseline.


There is a slight difference between "poaching" and "interception". The first term implies a resolve to move over to one’s partner’s side of the court, whether one is expecting to make contact with the ball or not. The second term implies less doubt as to whether the ball will come or not. It will come and the player will meet the ball to put it away. In general, the French term "interception" conveys both English meanings. In English, the term "poaching" denotes a strategy as well as a set of specific actions used in doubles play; the term "poach" is the result of these actions. The French term "braconnage" denotes the action, while the term "interception" denotes the result. Related terms: crisscrossing, switching, to intervene.


You can advance the cause of your pairing by improving the ability to use the player nearer the net [net guard] to intervene, or fake to do so, in the exchanges. The interception of the return of serve or a mid-rally shot will demonstrate your resolve to dominate that court position... Even if your success rate is not all it could be, the threat you pose may be sufficient to earn other points, and to feint the interception when you have no intention of following through can induce a weak response which can be put away by your team-mate... The poaching shot is usually down the sidelines, wide of the opposing net guard.


fake poach; to set up a poach.


  • Sports de raquette

En double, résultat de l'action selon laquelle un joueur placé au filet anticipe le retour adverse, croise et réussit (ou manque) un coup destiné à son partenaire; action de cueillir la balle sur le retour adverse.


L'interception n'est pas à rechercher systématiquement, c'est un coup d'opportunité. Terme connexe : braconnage [action].


Ce joueur excelle à frapper des services «canon» et des interceptions fulgurantes.


Campo(s) temático(s)
  • Deportes de raqueta

En caso de cruce, su compañero deberá permutar su puesto.

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