La banque de données terminologiques et linguistiques du gouvernement du Canada.

FLOW RECORDER [7 fiches]

Fiche 1 1996-05-13


Subject field(s)
  • Analytical Chemistry

A device for the extremely sensitive measurement of the refractive index of liquids; used as a detector in liquid chromatography.


The most universal continuous detector for liquid chromatography is the differential refractometer. This detector is universal only to the extent that one can select an eluent the refractive index of which differs from that of the solutes. Pure eluent flows through one cell of the detector while column effluent flows through the other cell. When a solute with a refractive index different from that of the solvent enters the detector, an imbalance occurs, which is transmitted to the recorder. The differential refractometers are relatively insensitive to trace and minor components, and detector stability is greatly affected by small temperature and flow fluctuations, thus requiring very good flow and temperature controls.


  • Chimie analytique

Le réfractomètre différentiel mesure en continu la différence d'indice de réfraction entre la phase mobile et l'effluent de la colonne chromatographique. La limite de détection dépend à la fois de la nature du soluté et de celle de la phase éluante.


Conserver la fiche 1

Fiche 2 1996-05-13


Subject field(s)
  • Analytical Chemistry

Semiconductive Thin Film Detector. Using the known principle that the adsorption and desorption of gases cause a change in electrical conductivity of semiconductors, Seiyama et al. developed a new chromatographic detector for gaseous components.... The current, depending upon the resistance of the film, is converted to voltage by the variable resistance, which is fed without amplification to a recorder. Resistance also adjusts the input voltage of the recorder at desired sensitivity. Using zinc oxide as an example of a typical film material, the conductivity of its film maintains a fixed value when the nitrogen carrier gas is passed at a constant flow rate throught the borosilicate glass tube. When a small amount of another gas or vapor is added to the carrier gas, its conductivity is changed.


  • Chimie analytique


Conserver la fiche 2

Fiche 3 1996-04-04


Subject field(s)
  • Analytical Chemistry

... monochromatic UV photometer available from Du Pont; similar designs are widely used in modern LC. UV radiation at 254 nm from a low-pressure mercury lamp shines on the entrance of a flow cell and is transmitted through this sample cell and strikes the analytical prototube. Radiation from the source also is directed through a neutral-density filter, and then to the reference photocell. Current from these photocells is fed to log amplifiers, which generate an output linear with solute concentration. The output signal to the recorder normally is attenuated with a simple bridge network.


  • Chimie analytique


Conserver la fiche 3

Fiche 4 1986-05-08


Subject field(s)
  • Measuring Instruments (Engineering)
  • Hydrology and Hydrography

A recorder for registering the rate of flow of water; generally, used with a rapid sand filter.


  • Instruments de mesure (Ingénierie)
  • Hydrologie et hydrographie

Débitmètre pouvant noter d'une façon continue le débit de l'eau.


Conserver la fiche 4

Fiche 5 1982-08-13


Subject field(s)
  • Equipment and Tools (Water Supply)
  • Metering Instruments
  • Water Treatment (Water Supply)

The operation of a Chlorinator can be monitored simply by an on-off device or continuously by means of a chlorine flow gauge or recorder.


  • Équipement et outillage (Alimentation en eau)
  • Compteurs de consommation et débitmètres
  • Traitement des eaux

Le contrôle du fonctionnement d'un chloromètre peut n'être qu'un simple contrôle par tout ou rien ou un contrôle continu grâce à un indicateur ou à un enregistreur de débit de chlore.


Conserver la fiche 5

Fiche 6 1982-08-13


Subject field(s)
  • Measuring Instruments (Engineering)
  • Equipment and Tools (Water Supply)

Degrémont model 418 Chlorinator can be equipped with various accessories such as a nil-chlorine flow detector and a remote indicator or recorder of the amount of chlorine distributed.


  • Instruments de mesure (Ingénierie)
  • Équipement et outillage (Alimentation en eau)

Chloromètre Degrémont 418 [...] Il peut être équipé de différents accessoires tels que détecteur de manque de débit de chlore, indicateur ou enregistreur à distance de quantité de chlore distribuée.


Conserver la fiche 6

Fiche 7 1982-08-13


Subject field(s)
  • Metering Instruments
  • Water Treatment (Water Supply)

The operation of a Chlorinator can be monitored simply by an on-off device or continuously by means of a chlorine flow gauge or recorder.


  • Compteurs de consommation et débitmètres
  • Traitement des eaux

Le contrôle du fonctionnement d'un chloromètre peut n'être qu'un simple contrôle par tout ou rien ou un contrôle continu grâce à un indicateur ou à un enregistreur de débit de chlore.


Conserver la fiche 7

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