La banque de données terminologiques et linguistiques du gouvernement du Canada.


Fiche 1 2012-06-16


Subject field(s)
  • National Bodies and Committees (Canadian)
  • Administration (Indigenous Peoples)

Established in 1992, the Gwich’in Tribal Council(GTC) is an Aboriginal organization that represents Gwich’in Beneficiaries in the Mackenzie-Delta of the Northwest Territories and across Canada. The objectives of the GTC are to : protect and preserve the rights, interest and benefits of the Gwich’in in reference to their use, ownership and management of lands, waters, and resources in the Gwich’in Settlement Area; retain, preserve and enhance the traditional and cultural values, customs and language of the Gwich’in in a changing society; develop and promote economic, social, educational and cultural programs that will enable the Gwich’in to become self-sufficient and full participating members in a global society; uphold the rights, interest and benefits of the Gwich’in in reference to the Constitution Act, Treaty 11 and the Gwich’in Comprehensive Land Claim Agreement; and The GTC accomplishes these objectives through various wholly-owned organizations such as the Gwich’in Settlement Corporation, the Gwich’in Social and Cultural Institute, and the Gwich’in Development Corporation.


  • Organismes et comités nationaux canadiens
  • Administration (Peuples Autochtones)

Le Conseil tribal des Gwich’in a désigné l’Institut social et culturel pour assumer les nombreuses responsabilités patrimoniales découlant de l’Entente sur la revendication territoriale globale des Gwich’in, signée en 1992 avec le gouvernement du Canada.


Conserver la fiche 1

Fiche 2 2011-04-11


Subject field(s)
  • Various Proper Names
  • Spacecraft

JERS-1 is an Earth Observation Satellite to cover the global land area for national land survey, agriculture, forestry, and fishery, environmental protection, disaster protection, and coastal monitoring, etc. focusing on observation around the world and resource exploitation.


  • Appellations diverses
  • Engins spatiaux
  • Satellite japonais d'exploration des ressources terrestres


Campo(s) temático(s)
  • Denominaciones varias
  • Naves espaciales
Conserver la fiche 2

Fiche 3 2005-12-08


Subject field(s)
  • Tourism (General)
  • Ecology (General)

A type of tourism that focuses on nature-related experiences (e.g. whale watching) and that helps people appreciate and understand natural resources and their conservation.


Ecotourism concerns itself with the flora, fauna, geology, and ecosystems of an area as well as the people(caretakers) who live nearby, their needs, their culture and their relationship to the land. It views natural areas both as "home to all of us" in a global sense("eco" meaning home) but "home to nearby residents" specifically. It is envisioned as a tool for both conservation and sustainable development, especially in areas where local people are asked to forgo the consumptive use of resources for other uses.


Ecological tourism to organic farms as a tool to help small farmers make a sometimes difficult transition from conventional agriculture to ecological agriculture.


Ecotourism is a broad term which encompasses nature tourism, adventure tourism, ethnic tourism, responsible or wilderness-sensitive tourism, soft-path or small-scale tourism, low-impact tourism, and sustainable tourism. Scientific, educational, or academic tourism (such as biotourism, archetourism, and geotourism) are also forms of ecotourism. The definition of the term stresses the destinations and objectives of ecotourism from the traveler’s point of view.


ecotourism; eco-tourism: terms used by Parks Canada.


Promotion of ecotourism, sustainability of ecotourism.


Small ecotourism operator, sustainable ecotourism plan, sustainable ecotourism product.


  • Tourisme (Généralités)
  • Écologie (Généralités)

Forme de tourisme qui privilégie les expériences liées à la nature (p. ex. l'observation de baleines) et qui aide les gens à apprécier et à comprendre les ressources naturelles et leur conservation.


L'écotourisme a de nombreuses définitions mais son objectif général devrait être de fournir une occasion de développer le tourisme de manière à réduire au minimum les effets négatifs de cette branche d'activité et un moyen d'encourager activement la protection de la biodiversité exceptionnelle de la Terre. S'il est bien maîtrisé, l'écotourisme peut être un précieux instrument pour financer la protection des régions écologiquement sensibles et le développement socioéconomique des populations qui y vivent ou qui habitent à proximité.


écotourisme : terme en usage à Parcs Canada.


Durabilité de l'écotourisme, plan d'écotourisme durable, promotion de l'écotourisme, viabilité de l'écotourisme, voyagiste spécialisé en écotourisme.


Campo(s) temático(s)
  • Turismo (Generalidades)
  • Ecología (Generalidades)

Tipo de turismo que promueve viajar en forma responsable a áreas relativamente vírgenes con el propósito de disfrutar y apreciar sus atractivos naturales; lo anterior, sin alterar el medio ambiente y favoreciendo la participación activa y el beneficio socioeconómico de las poblaciones locales.


[El ecoturismo] afecta también a la forma en que la industria hotelera y agencias de viajes organizan sus actividades (por ejemplo, en el tipo de jabón o de papel que utilizan).


turismo ecológico: término extraído del CAPITAL Business Dictionary con la autorización de LID Editorial Empresarial.


Plan sostenible de ecoturismo, producto sostenible de ecoturismo, promoción del ecoturismo, sostenibilidad del ecoturismo.


Pequeña empresa de ecoturismo.

Conserver la fiche 3

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