La banque de données terminologiques et linguistiques du gouvernement du Canada.

KW H [8 fiches]

Fiche 1 2011-02-07


Subject field(s)
  • Types of Motor Vehicles and Bicycles
  • Trade Names

... Assystem City Car... is remarkably easy to park, and not only because of its compact dimensions(3. 60 m long, 1. 60 m wide and 1. 60 m tall), or its light weight(only 600 kg), but also because it has three axles, a central one, with two wheels, and one wheel in each extreme of the car(front and end). These single wheel axles are the ones responsible for moving and turning the Assystem City Car. The front wheel is powered by an electrical engine with 20 kW(about 27 cv), which can push the car to 50 km/h of top speed and has 30 km of autonomy, basically what regular people need to go to work and back home every day. For the roads, there is a little combustion engine that delivers 60 cv in the rear axle. It can lead the vehicle to a top speed of 130 km/h and, with its 30 l fuel tank, can carry the Assystem City Car to up to 600 km. Both engines can be used together, what turns this car into a hybrid. This vehicle, albeit small, can carry up to five people and their luggage. It has a low gravity center, what enhances dynamics, its oval shape prevents serious accident consequences and, when visibility is low, a screen takes the place of the regular windshield and shows the driver infrared images of the road, guiding him/her safely to destination.


Assystem City Car: A trademark of Assystem.


  • Sortes de véhicules automobiles et de bicyclettes
  • Appellations commerciales

Assystem City Car [...] Les innovations portent notamment sur l'interface homme-machine. Les commandes des fonctions du véhicule sont regroupées sur un écran tactile situé sur une console centrale. Des menus contextuels permettent d'accéder au contrôle des organes et au système multimédia. Les éléments de confort comprennent radio, GPS [Global Positioning Systems], téléphonie et vidéo. Assystem a développé intégralement le logiciel de restitution de l'environnement extérieur, grâce aux 4 caméras externes et exploité le concept de «réalité augmentée» pour un affichage plus visible des informations d'aide à la conduite et de sécurité. Le véhicule se veut «communiquant», puisqu'il est équipé d'un accès à Internet, téléphone, TV numérique, lecteur DVD et MP2. Le véhicule se veut en outre respectueux de l'environnement, à travers deux éléments prinicipaux : - une motorisation hybride qui permet d'économiser de l'énergie [;] - une structure «dual frame», c'est-à-dire que le véhicule est doté d'une coque modulaire indépendante du chassis porteur en aluminium qui facilite le recyclage et répond déjà aux normes européennes devant entrer en vigueur en 2008 qui prévoient que les véhicules doivent être conçus pour être très recyclables, avec 85 % d'éléments recyclables, 10 % d'éléments valorisables, et seulement 5 % d'éléments non réexploitables.


Ce véhicule a été conçu en collaboration avec le groupe Assystem (spécialiste de l'ingénierie industriel et du conseil en innovation) et le designer Franco Sbarro.


Assystem City Car: Marque de commerce de la société Assystem.


Conserver la fiche 1

Fiche 2 2007-08-31


Subject field(s)
  • Metrology and Units of Measure
  • Measurements of Electricity

The watt-hour(symbol W·h or Wh) is a unit of energy. It is most commonly used on household electricity meters in the form of the kilowatt-hour(kW·h or kWh), which is 1, 000 watt-hours. It is not used in the International System of Units(SI), despite being based on the watt, as the hour is not a SI unit. The SI unit of energy is the joule(J), equal to one watt-second. It is, however, a commonly used unit, especially for measuring electric energy. 1 watt-hour is equivalent to 3, 600 joules(1 W x 3600 s), the joule being the canonical SI unit of energy. Thus a kilowatt-hour is 3, 600, 000 joules or 3. 6 megajoules.... The kilowatt-hour is commonly used for electrical and natural gas energy. Many electric utility companies use the kilowatt-hour for billing.


Megawatt-hours are used for metering of larger amounts of electrical energy. For example, a power plant’s daily output is likely to be measured in megawatt-hours.


plural: kilowatt-hours or kilowatthours. Lots of variants can be found, but they should be avoided: kilowattshours, kilowatts hour, kilowatts hours, kilowatt hours, kilowatts-hour, kilowatts-hours, kilowatts/hour, kilowatts/hours, kilowatt/hours.


  • Unités de mesure et métrologie
  • Mesures de grandeurs électriques

Unité d'énergie ou de travail équivalant au travail accompli pendant une heure par une machine d'une puissance de 1000 watts.


Unité utilisée pour la facturation de l'énergie électrique.


Au pluriel : des kilowattheures ou des kilowatts-heures. À éviter : kilowatts-heure, kilowatt-heures, kilowatts heure, kilowatts heures, kilowatt heures, kilowatts/heure, kilowatts/heures, kilowatt/heures.


Conserver la fiche 2

Fiche 3 2007-08-31


Subject field(s)
  • Metrology and Units of Measure
  • Measurements of Electricity

The electrical energy developed during 1 hour by a power of 1 watt, equal to 3,600 joules.


The watt-hour(symbol W·h or Wh) is a unit of energy. It is most commonly used on household electricity meters in the form of the kilowatt-hour(kW·h or kWh), which is 1, 000 watt-hours. It is not used in the International System of Units(SI), despite being based on the watt, as the hour is not a SI unit. The SI unit of energy is the joule(J), equal to one watt-second. It is, however, a commonly used unit, especially for measuring electric energy. 1 watt-hour is equivalent to 3, 600 joules(1 W x 3600 s), the joule being the canonical SI unit of energy. Thus a kilowatt-hour is 3, 600, 000 joules or 3. 6 megajoules.


... a 50 Wh battery can sustain a 10 watt load for 5 hours.


plural: watt-hours or watthours. Lots of variants can be found, but they should be avoided: wattshours, watts hour, watts hours, watt hours, watts-hour, watts-hours, watts/hour, watts/hours, watt/hours.


  • Unités de mesure et métrologie
  • Mesures de grandeurs électriques

Énergie de 3 600 joules, mise en jeu pendant 1 heure, par une puissance d'un watt.


Au pluriel : des wattheures ou des watts-heures. À éviter : watts-heure, watt-heures, watts heure, watts heures, watt heures, watts/heure, watts/heures, watt/heures.


Conserver la fiche 3

Fiche 4 2002-06-04


Subject field(s)
  • Types of Aircraft
  • Air Forces

The Harvard, an American aircraft, universally regarded as the best combat trainer available ... 533 were ordered for training in Canada in 1940


The Harvard... was a twin-seat trainer with a completely enclosed glss canopy, a tall body and low set rectangular wings.... It was powered by a 440 KW Pratt & Whitney R-1340-AN-1 engine. It's top speed was 208 mph(355 km/h), with a ceiling of 24280 ft(7400 m) and a range of 745 mi(1200 km). It could be armed with two 0. 50 inch machine guns for target practice.


  • Types d'aéronefs
  • Forces aériennes


Conserver la fiche 4

Fiche 5 2000-02-28


Subject field(s)
  • Ovens, Furnaces and Boilers (Heating)

Type of Oil Burner : Mechanical Atomizing(Register type) ;Size Range, 1/h(kW) : 303 and up(3516) ;Fuel Grade : No. 2 to 6; Usual Application : Boilers, industrial furnaces.


Industrial warm-air furnaces, or heavy-duty furnaces, are available with capacity in excess of 1,000,000 Btu per hour. Used for schools, churches, commercial buildings, and industrial buildings.


  • Fours et chaudières (Chauffage)


Conserver la fiche 5

Fiche 6 1990-01-08


Subject field(s)
  • Ovens, Furnaces and Boilers (Heating)

The basic difference between residential and commercial furnaces is the size and heating capacity of the equipment. The output capacity of a commercial furnace may range from 43 kW(150 000 Btu/h) to over 300 kW(1 000 000 Btu/h).... Besides the difference in capacity, commercial equipment is built more durably and has more sophisticated control systems.


  • Fours et chaudières (Chauffage)


Conserver la fiche 6

Fiche 7 1986-07-04


Subject field(s)
  • Energy Transformation
  • Refrigeration Engineering
  • Geophysics

Geothermal air conditioning in New Zealand... The maximum heating load is 0. 5 Gcal/h(about 585 kW thermal) while the lithium bromide absorption cooling unit requires an input of 0. 575 Gcal/h(about 668 kW thermal), requiring 1. 47 heat units per single heat unit of cooling.


  • Transformation de l'énergie
  • Techniques du froid
  • Géophysique


Conserver la fiche 7

Fiche 8 1986-06-25


Subject field(s)
  • Air Conditioning and Heating
  • Gas and Oil Heating
  • Geophysics

Geothermal air conditioning in New Zealand... The climatic range to be contented with is from-4°C to +30°C. The maximum heating load is 0. 5 Gcal/h(about 585 kW thermal) while the lithium bromide absorption cooling unit requires an input of 0. 575 Gcal/h(about 668 kW thermal), requiring 1. 47 heat units per single heat unit of cooling.


  • Conditionnement de l'air et chauffage
  • Chauffage au gaz et au mazout
  • Géophysique


Conserver la fiche 8

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