La banque de données terminologiques et linguistiques du gouvernement du Canada.

PLACEMENT TYPE [16 fiches]

Fiche 1 2015-01-29


Subject field(s)
  • Medical Instruments and Devices
  • Vessels (Medicine)

Balloon cardiac catheters improve or restore coronary blood flow. Doctors often use this type of coronary intervention to inhibit the effects of coronary artery disease where dangerous plaque build-up clogs arteries that supply blood to the heart. After placement with a guide wire, an inflatable balloon sits on the tip of the catheter and expands inside the artery to increase coronary circulation, allow for stent placement and deflates for removal after the artery is opened... An over-the-wire balloon catheter has two lumens : one for the guide wire and the other for balloon inflation. The guide wire exists independent of the balloon so two operators must perform the coronary procedure. A criticism of the over-the-wire catheter includes increased radiation exposure due to increased fluoroscopy time during balloon placement.


  • Instruments et appareillages médicaux
  • Vaisseaux (Médecine)


Conserver la fiche 1

Fiche 2 2012-05-03


Subject field(s)
  • Racquet Sports

Any shot which goes by (passes) an opponent who is close to the net. Usually refers to a shot hit with much pace, as opposed to a slice shot.


When Voinea drilled a passing shot near his body, Becker took a few menacing steps toward him.


Short points are usually going to be the essence in doubles where twice the number of players crowd the court, making rallies less likely and attempts at passes more likely to be foiled.


Not to be confused with "passing shot winner". A "passing shot" is a shot that a defensive player is forced to make in order to place the ball behind the opposing net player. Such a shot may or may not go over the net or may or may not land within the opposing court. Successful of not, the attempt is called a "passing shot". And only if it is successful, does one call it a "passing shot winner". Related term :placement(generic term for any type of shot that is hit to an open area of the court; usually refers to shots made without much pass). Related term : buggywhip shot.


The "passing shot" is also called a "pass shot".


accurate passing shot, backhand passing shot, blistering (forehand) passing shot, (angled/short) crosscourt passing shot, down-the-line passing shot, forehand passing shot, hard passing shot, slice backhand passing shot, soft passing shot, strong passing shot; passing shot lane.


to cut off a pass(ing shot), dare one’s opponent to hit the passing shot, hit a passing shot, intercept a passing shot, overplay a passing shot, slam a (cross-court) passing shot.

  • pass-shot


  • Sports de raquette

Coup droit, revers, volée ou demi-volée, destiné à passer du premier coup sur les côtés (et non par un lob) un adversaire qui est monté au filet, soit à l'obliger à volleyer dans des conditions difficiles pour conclure au coup suivant.


Un débordement survient quand la balle frappée en croisé ou en parallèle, arrive derrière l'adversaire alors qu'il avance.


Coup qui peut être effectué le long de la ligne ou croisé. «Passing-shot» : terme utilisé en France. Terme connexe : coup gagnant. En français le terme générique «coup de débordement» peut avoir deux équivalents anglais, selon le contexte : 1) passing shot 2) forcing shot. À la différence du terme «forcing shot» que l'on peut utiliser dans n'importe quelle situation lors d'un match, il faut que son adversaire soit installé au filet avant qu'on puisse qualifier son coup de «passing shot». Termes connexes (moins précis) : tir imparable, coup hors de portée.


Le lob offensif est en fait un passing-shot haut qui, bien exécuté, incitera l'adversaire à plus de prudence dans ses montées.


coup de débordement brossé, coup de débordement rasé de frais, coup de débordement en slice; défier un coup de débordement (=force the passing shot, dare one's opponent to go for a passing shot), intercepter un coup de débordement, loger un coup de débordement (dans des trous de souris).


Campo(s) temático(s)
  • Deportes de raqueta

[Revés plano :] Trayectoria rectilínea. La pelota se golpea delante de la rodilla derecha. Ideal para el passing-shot.


passing-shot paralelo.

Conserver la fiche 2

Fiche 3 2006-07-14


Subject field(s)
  • Pharmacodynamics

Definition of Controlled Release. A system that : delivers an agent at a controlled rate for an extended time; might localize drug action by spatial placement near where it is needed; might target drug action by using techniques to deliver drug to a particular cell type.


Controlled drug delivery occurs when a polymer, whether natural or synthetic, is judiciously combined with a drug or other active agent in such a way that the active agent is released from the material in a predesigned manner. The release of the active agent may be constant over a long period, it may be cyclic over a long period, or it may be triggered by the environment or other external events. In any case, the purpose behind controlling the drug delivery is to achieve more effective therapies while eliminating the potential for both under- and overdosing.

  • controlled release system
  • controlled release drug delivery system
  • controlled drug-delivery system
  • controlled-release drug-delivery system


  • Pharmacodynamie

[...] les systèmes à libération contrôlée dont le principe consiste à inclure une molécule biologiquement active au sein d'une matrice ou d'un réservoir capable d'assurer sa libération progressive au niveau du site d'administration (tube digestif, peau, muscle, etc...), si possible selon un profil cinétique donné.


La conception de systèmes de libération contrôlée de médicaments est l'un des grands domaines d'application des nanotechnologies. Depuis quelques années, il est possible d'administrer des hormones peptidiques (LH-RH, hormones de croissance, ...) grâce à des micro-capsules : les peptides actifs sont enfermés dans une coque faite d'acides lactiques ou de polymères composés d'acides lactiques et glycoliques. La libération de l'hormone dépend de la cinétique de dégradation des polymères.


Conserver la fiche 3

Fiche 4 2006-06-08


Subject field(s)
  • Industrial Tools and Equipment
  • Gemmology

A mechanical device used for developing and polishing facets on faceted stones in a regular geometric manner.


In machines of this type the dop stick with the gem attached to it, is fitted into a "quill" which can be positioned at various precise angles via the "protractor. "The quill moves up and down on the mast, which gives great control over the depth of cut, and a slotted index gear gives accurate control over the radial placement of facets. Stones cut on such equipment are usually described as "custom cut. "


  • Outillage industriel
  • Gemmologie

On utilise une facetteuse pour polir la pierre, elle est constituée par un disque (ou plateau) et le support de la tige de taille.


Équipement utilisé pour la taille des pierres de couleur. Pour la taille des diamants, on utilise la pince (tang).


Conserver la fiche 4

Fiche 5 2003-05-05


Subject field(s)
  • Medical and Hospital Organization

A category referring to patients who require another type of care but still occupy an acute care bed, awaiting placement, for example, in a chronic care unit, nursing home, or other extended care institution.


(Canadian Institute for Health Information)


  • Organisation médico-hospitalière

(Institut canadien d'information sur la santé)


Campo(s) temático(s)
  • Organización médica y hospitalaria
Conserver la fiche 5

Fiche 6 2000-11-16


Subject field(s)
  • Taxation
  • Operating Systems (Software)

Reflects type of action associated with an individual' s placement.


  • Fiscalité
  • Systèmes d'exploitation (Logiciels)

Correspond au type de mesure concernant le placement d'une personne.


Conserver la fiche 6

Fiche 7 1997-03-25


Subject field(s)
  • Layout (Graphic Arts)

The arrangement of a book, magazine, or other publication so that text and illustrations follow a desired format. The layout includes directions for marginal data, pagination, marginal allowances center headings and sideheads, placement and size of display and body type, and placement of illustrations.


With the advent of electronic publishing, the terms layout and make-up have become almost synonymous since distinctions between the conceptual and assembly phases are no longer clear-cut.


  • Maquette et mise en page

Art de disposer, sur une surface, les éléments constitutifs d'un ouvrage. Le format étant déterminé, la mise en page comprend l'encombrement du texte proprement dit, la proportion des marges, le choix des caractères, le rythme des blancs, la place des éléments accessoires, la proportion et la répartition des illustrations.


Conserver la fiche 7

Fiche 8 1997-03-25


Subject field(s)
  • Typesetting and Imagesetting

In phototypesetting, the placement of space between lines of type.


In metal type composition, "linespacing" or "leading" constitutes the insertion of leads (metal strips) between lines of type and paragraphs.


  • Composition (Imprimerie)

Action ou manière de mettre des interlignes entre les lignes d'un texte pour les aérer, les espacer, les rendre plus lisibles.


Conserver la fiche 8

Fiche 9 1991-03-13


Subject field(s)
  • Strength of Materials
  • Civil Engineering
  • Soil Mechanics (Engineering)
  • Technical Textiles

Construction Site Damage Effects. The effects of construction operations and equipment should be considered in the selection of reinforcement materials and properties for design.... these properties should be determined by tension testing of reinforcing material specimens that have been subjected to the proposed placement and construction procedures.... compaction of blast rock against geotextile or geogrid may cause damage that reduces these materials’ tensile strengths and moduli.... Christopher and Holtz... provide tables for the required degree of geotextile "survivability"(resistance to damage during construction) as a function of subgrade conditions, construction equipment, and type of cover or backfill material.


  • Résistance des matériaux
  • Génie civil
  • Mécanique des sols
  • Textiles techniques

Surviabilité : Qualité de ce qui est surviable.


Surviable : Se dit d'un matériel capable de continuer à fonctionner en dépit d'agressions extérieures pouvant aller de la simple nuisance jusqu'aux effets du combat sur les matériels militaires.


Équivalence proposée par analogie au domaine militaire.


Géotextile : produit textile utilisé dans le génie civil.


Conserver la fiche 9

Fiche 10 1991-03-13


Subject field(s)
  • Strength of Materials
  • Execution of Work (Construction)

Construction Site Damage Effects. The effects of construction operations and equipment should be considered in the selection of reinforcement materials and properties for design.... these properties should be determined by tension testing of reinforcing material specimens that have been subjected to the proposed placement and construction procedures... compaction of blast rock against a geotextile or geogrid may cause damage that reduces these materials’ tensile strengths and moduli... Christopher and Holtz... provide tables for the required degree of geotextile "survivability"(resistance to damage during construction) as a function of subgrade conditions, construction equipment, and type of cover or blackfill material.


See record "construction site/chantier de construction".


  • Résistance des matériaux
  • Exécution des travaux de construction

Voir la fiche[chantier de construction/construction site].


Conserver la fiche 10

Fiche 11 1991-03-13


Subject field(s)
  • Strength of Materials
  • Execution of Work (Construction)

Construction Site Damage Effects. The effects of construction operations and equipment should be considered in the selection of reinforcement materials and properties for design.... these properties should be determined by tension testing of reinforcing material specimens that have been subjected to the proposed placement and construction procedures.... compaction of blast rock against a geotextile or geogrid may cause damage that reduces these materials’ tensile strengths and moduli.... Christopher and Holtz... provide tables for the required degree of geotextile "survivability"(resistance to damage during construction) as a function of subgrade conditions, construction equipment, and type of cover or backfill material.


See record "construction site/chantier de construction".


  • Résistance des matériaux
  • Exécution des travaux de construction

Voir la fiche [chantier de construction/construction site].


Conserver la fiche 11

Fiche 12 1990-10-31


Subject field(s)
  • Erosion and Weathering (Geol.)
  • Soil Mechanics (Engineering)

Erosion control Mattress... the placement of revetment mats on slopes to be protected is one of the methods of erosion control.... The mattress generally consist of double layers of woven fabric forms placed on the slope to be protected and filled with concrete or grout.... this type of forming system is a simple, fast, and economical technique for the placement of concrete for slope protection both above and below the water without the need for dewatering.... For normal installations, the fabric forms, prefabricated to job specifications and dimensions, are simply spread over the terrain, which has received minimal grading. The fabric form is then pumped full of mortar.... This same concept can be used where slide problems are caused by eroding of the toe of the slopes, and where access is difficult for placement of rip-rap.


  • Érosion et corrosion (Géologie)
  • Mécanique des sols

Tapis parafouille : Matelas de protection de fondation d'ouvrages reposant dans le lit de fleuves ou de rivières contre l'action érosive du courant.


Tapis parafouilles (...) fonctions du géotextile (...) Filtre : le géotextile limite jusqu'à stabilisation la migration de particules fines du sol support vers le tapis parafouille sous l'action des courants de percolation, empêche ainsi une érosion interne de ces sols et une ruine consécutive de l'ouvrage de protection, tout en maintenant la libre circulation de l'eau. Séparation : le géotextile délimite les matériaux formant le tapis parafouille et les sols sous-jacents et évite leur interpénétration.


Conserver la fiche 12

Fiche 13 1990-07-03


Subject field(s)
  • Surveying

FINISH GRADE STAKES(1) Description : Wooden stakes 2" X 2" are usually used with the tops of the stakes coloured red or blue. Blue or red tops, as they are called, indicate the actual finished elevation of final grade to which the completed facility is to be constructed and are used when the grade is within a short distance of the final elevation. These stakes are not normally used in combat road construction except where steep slopes are involved. This type of stake will normally require a guard stake to protect it and indicate its location, although on large projects it may be impractical to use guards with each one.(2) Placement and Marking. There is no marking on these stakes other than the coloring on the top. The coloring can be other than red or blue. They may be set for use in two different ways : a. With the stake being exactly at the finished grade; or b. With the top of the stake being at a certain distance above the finished grade as decided upon by the surveyor and construction foreman.


  • Arpentage


Conserver la fiche 13

Fiche 14 1989-05-30


Subject field(s)
  • Artificial Intelligence

The BLOCKS tutor(Brown and Burton, 1978b) is based on a game in manipulatory mathematics that uses the concept of(attribute blocks)(Greenes et al., 1972) to exercise the student's deductive abilities of the type necessary for(troubleshooting.) In the game as implemented, a block is defined by three attributes : its size(large or small), its color(red, yellow, green, or blue), and its shape(triangle, square, circle, or diamond). In the card A and card B each state one attribute value(e. g., large) or the negation of a value(e. g., not blue). Thus they each define a set of blocks. These two sets, with their union and their intersection, define four areas as shown in the diagram. The contents of the two cards are not shown to the student, who must deduce them by a sequence of queries. For each query, he chooses one block and asks the system in which of the four areas the block should be placed according to the cards’ contents. If each new block is chosen judiciously, knowing where it belongs narrows the range of possible values for the cards until these values are uniquely determined. The skill of the game is then to select blocks whose placement is expected to provide a maximum of information about the cards. This is analogous to selecting optimal measurements in(troubleshooting.)


  • Intelligence artificielle

Voir entrée d'attributs, génération d'attributs.


Conserver la fiche 14

Fiche 15 1988-03-21


Subject field(s)
  • Orthopedic Surgery
  • Surgical Instruments

Cup pusher. Application : Used in conjunction with the 40933-39 Cup Holder and Guide as an auxiliary handle in positioning and stabilizing the(...) Charnley type acetabular cup. Insertion of the Cup Pusher shaft end into the corresponding depression in the Cup Holder and Guide provides a more direct line of force facilitating placement of the cup into the cement.


  • Chirurgie orthopédique
  • Instruments chirurgicaux

Dès [que le ciment est en place], la cupule est posée dessus puis enfoncée et orientée en même temps avec le pousse-cupule.


Conserver la fiche 15

Fiche 16 1985-04-17


Subject field(s)
  • Operating Systems (Software)

A designed type of placement in which the memory is divided into units of equal length, called page frames, while segments are divided into units of the same length, called pages. During execution, a page can be placed in any available page frame.


  • Systèmes d'exploitation (Logiciels)

Système de gestion de la mémoire dans lesquels la pagination est complétée par un dispositif automatique de gestion de segments, ce qui permet soit de minimiser les temps de recherche en table, soit d'augmenter la capacité de la mémoire virtuelle d'un utilisateur.


Conserver la fiche 16

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