La banque de données terminologiques et linguistiques du gouvernement du Canada.

TRAIN LOTS [4 fiches]

Fiche 1 2019-01-31


Subject field(s)
  • Rail Transport Operations
  • Rail Traffic Control

A system for automatically controlling train movement, enforcing train safety, and directing train operations by computers.


ATC [automatic train control] is the package which includes ATP [automatic train protection], ATO [automatic train operation] and ATS [automatic train supervision].... There are lots of variations of ATC around the world but all contain the basic principle that ATP provides safety and is the basis upon which the train is allowed to run. ATO provides controls to replace the driver, while ATS checks the running times and adjusts train running accordingly.


  • Exploitation (Transport par rail)
  • Circulation des trains


Campo(s) temático(s)
  • Explotación (Transporte ferroviario)
  • Circulación de trenes

Control Automático de Trenes (ATC). Mediante el ATC se garantiza la seguridad en el movimiento de los viajeros de modo automático y se realiza la gestión centralizada de la línea. Se trata de un sistema "driverless", tanto en línea como en cocheras y estacionamientos, basado en Moving Block (cantonamiento móvil).


ATC: según su sigla en inglés (automatic train control).

Conserver la fiche 1

Fiche 2 2012-03-23


Subject field(s)
  • Rail Transport Operations
  • Rail Traffic Control
  • Mass Transit

ATC [automatic train control]... is the package which includes ATP [automatic train protection], ATO [automatic train operation] and ATS [automatic train supervision].... There are lots of variations of ATC around the world but all contain the basic principle that ATP provides safety and is the basis upon which the train is allowed to run. ATO provides controls to replace the driver, while ATS checks the running times and adjusts train running accordingly.


automatic train supervision; ATS: term and abbreviation recommended by the Terminology Committee and standardized by the Validation Committee of the Sustainable Mobility Glossary.


  • Exploitation (Transport par rail)
  • Circulation des trains
  • Transports en commun

surveillance automatique de la marche des trains : terme recommandé par le Comité de terminologie et normalisé par le Comité de validation du Lexique de la mobilité durable.


Campo(s) temático(s)
  • Explotación (Transporte ferroviario)
  • Circulación de trenes
  • Transporte público

La novedad de los sistemas basados en Moving Block [cantonamiento móvil] consiste en controlar la posición de todos los trenes de forma continua, de manera que la "ventana" de seguridad en la que un tren puede moverse, se desplaza de forma continua en función entre otras cosas, de la posición de los demás trenes de la línea. Las prestaciones del Moving Block combinadas con las funcionalidades del Sistema ATS (Supervisión Automática de Trenes), garantiza una respuesta rápida y eficaz a fluctuaciones en la demanda de viajeros y una reducción considerable en el intervalo de paso de los trenes.


ATS: según su sigla en inglés (automatic train supervision).

Conserver la fiche 2

Fiche 3 2012-03-23


Subject field(s)
  • Rail Transport Operations
  • Rail Traffic Control

ATC [automatic train control]... is the package which includes ATP [automatic train protection], ATO [automatic train operation] and ATS [automatic train supervision].... There are lots of variations of ATC around the world but all contain the basic principle that ATP provides safety and is the basis upon which the train is allowed to run. ATO provides controls to replace the driver, while ATS checks the running times and adjusts train running accordingly.


automatic train operation; ATO: term and abbreviation recommended by the Terminology Committee and standardized by the Validation Committee of the Sustainable Mobility Glossary.


  • Exploitation (Transport par rail)
  • Circulation des trains

conduite automatique des trains : terme recommandé par le Comité de terminologie et normalisé par le Comité de validation du Lexique de la mobilité durable.


Campo(s) temático(s)
  • Explotación (Transporte ferroviario)
  • Circulación de trenes

ATO: según su sigla en inglés (automatic train operation).

Conserver la fiche 3

Fiche 4 2006-03-21


Subject field(s)
  • Training of Personnel
  • Internet and Telematics
  • Education Theory and Methods

However, the rare skills should not be the focus of learning. The most good comes from taking an organization's most common jobs and creating training for them, not for the top positions or the few that are critical. Organization can gain the competitive edge by improving the jobs performed by lots of people. There's such volatilily in organizations these days that the cost of re-training new people become prohibitive. E-learning is, of course, the more cost-efficient way to train any new employee.


  • Perfectionnement et formation du personnel
  • Internet et télématique
  • Théories et méthodes pédagogiques

Utilisation de compétences spécifiques rares.


Campo(s) temático(s)
  • Capacitación del personal
  • Internet y telemática
  • Teorías y métodos pedagógicos
Conserver la fiche 4

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