La banque de données terminologiques et linguistiques du gouvernement du Canada.
Fiche 1 - données d’organisme interne 2010-05-19
Fiche 1, Anglais
Fiche 1, Subject field(s)
- Provincial Government Bodies and Committees (Canadian)
- Union Organization
Fiche 1, La vedette principale, Anglais
- Union of Northern Workers
1, fiche 1, Anglais, Union%20of%20Northern%20Workers
correct, Territoires du Nord-Ouest
Fiche 1, Les abréviations, Anglais
- UNW 1, fiche 1, Anglais, UNW
correct, Territoires du Nord-Ouest
Fiche 1, Les synonymes, Anglais
- Northwest Territories Public Service Association 2, fiche 1, Anglais, Northwest%20Territories%20Public%20Service%20Association
ancienne désignation
Fiche 1, Justifications, Anglais
Record number: 1, Textual support number: 1 OBS
The Union of Northern Workers(UNW) or the Northwest Territories(NWT) Public Service Association as it was known then, began organizing employees of the new Territorial Government in 1969. In 1988, the Government of Northwest Territories(GNWT) passed the Union of Northern Workers Act which officially changed the name of the organization and recognized the UNW as the bargaining agent for its members working for the government. The UNW is a component(partner) of the Public Service Alliance of Canada(PSAC). The PSAC provides the UNW and its members with some specialized services. They do organizing drives, lobby governments at the federal level, provide legal advice, and representation in arbitrations. The UNW provides direct service to its members, representing them in job appeals, grievances and everyday workplace problems. UNW also prepares bargaining demands for contract negotiations. UNW Service Officers help ensure that the terms and conditions are enforced for each of the 25 Collective Agreements that apply to our UNQ members. 1, fiche 1, Anglais, - Union%20of%20Northern%20Workers
Fiche 1, Français
Fiche 1, Domaine(s)
- Organismes et comités de gouvernements provinciaux canadiens
- Organisation syndicale
Fiche 1, La vedette principale, Français
- Syndicat des travailleurs du Nord
1, fiche 1, Français, Syndicat%20des%20travailleurs%20du%20Nord
correct, nom masculin, Territoires du Nord-Ouest
Fiche 1, Les abréviations, Français
Fiche 1, Les synonymes, Français
- Association de la fonction publique des Territoires du Nord-Ouest 2, fiche 1, Français, Association%20de%20la%20fonction%20publique%20des%20Territoires%20du%20Nord%2DOuest
ancienne désignation, nom féminin
Fiche 1, Justifications, Français
Fiche 1, Espagnol
Fiche 1, Justifications, Espagnol
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TERMIUM Plus®, la banque de données terminologiques et linguistiques du gouvernement du Canada
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