La banque de données terminologiques et linguistiques du gouvernement du Canada.


Fiche 1 2015-05-21


Subject field(s)
  • Engineering Tests and Reliability
  • Aeronautical Engineering and Maintenance
  • Aircraft Maneuvers

An airborne check of a specific non-critical aircraft system or subsystem.


A flight functional is not a maintenance test flight, as the item has been proven airworthy via ground test or verification. It is not intended to confirm proper function of a non-critical item while airborne.


flight functional: term and definition officially approved by the Air Force Terminology Panel (Trenton).


  • Fiabilité, contrôle et essais (Ingénierie)
  • Aérotechnique et maintenance
  • Manœuvres d'aéronefs

Vérification en vol d'un système ou d'un sous-système aéronautique particulier qui n'est pas essentiel au vol.


Un essai fonctionnel en vol n'est pas un vol d'essai de maintenance, car l'état de navigabilité de l'élément en question a été confirmé au moyen d'essais ou de vérifications au sol. L'objectif est de confirmer le bon fonctionnement de systèmes non essentiels en cours de vol.


essai fonctionnel en vol : terme et définition uniformisés par le Groupe d'experts en terminologie de la Force aérienne (Trenton).


Conserver la fiche 1

Fiche 2 2011-12-08


Subject field(s)
  • Law of Contracts (common law)
  • Government Contracts
  • Industry-Government Relations (Econ.)
  • Military (General)

Airworthiness Verification, Product Conformity Inspection and Airworthiness Reverification of Bundeswehr Aircraft, Aircraft Systems and Flight Essential Equipment. 1. General. 1. 1. The establishment of airworthiness in respect of aircraft, aircraft systems and flight essential equipment, and system compatibility in respect of nonessential equipment, ground support and test equipment, and ground facilities, in connection with development and/or procurement, and the restoration of airworthiness in respect of aircraft, aircraft systems and flight essential equipment, and system compatibility in respect of nonessential equipment, ground support and test equipment, and ground facilities, in connection with modification or maintenance, in accordance with the following regulations, together with demonstration of the same, are integral to fulfillment of contract by the contractor. This responsibility extends to all subcontractual obligations and services. With regard to contracts subject to the General Terms and Conditions for Development Contracts with the Industry(Allgemeine Bedingungen für Entwicklungsverträge mit der Industrie, ABEI), 1 para. 1 of these Terms is not applicable in conjunction with this Annex.


Refers to contracts undertook by the armed forces of Germany.


  • Droit des contrats (common law)
  • Marchés publics
  • Relations de l'industrie avec l'État (Écon.)
  • Militaire (Généralités)

Expression se rapportant à des contrats conclus par les forces armées de l'Allemagne.


Conserver la fiche 2

Fiche 3 2004-12-17


Subject field(s)
  • Federal Government Bodies and Committees (Canadian)
  • Astronautics

The Payload Support Center(PSC) is being implemented at the CSA [Canadian Space Agency] to conduct payload activities such as communication protocols verification and procedure validation & verification. The PSC will support crew training and mission simulations. The results of the PSC and DFL tests will be used in the final certification of a payload. In addition, the PSC will play an important role during the on-orbit operation of a payload. The payload flight backup unit or engineering model will be installed in the PSC and will be available to help the payload operators in case of any on-orbit problem. By using a duplicate of the payload in the PSC, the operators, with the help of the technical team, will be able to duplicate the situation and determine the proper corrective procedures. Those procedures will then be either forwarded to the on-orbit crew or to the ground operations personnel to correct the anomaly. The PSC includes the EXPRESS Rack Simulator, the Suitcase Simulator(when required), a workbench area for payload developers and a connection to the CSA Payload Telescience Operations Center(PTOC).


Payload Support Center; PSC: term and abbreviation officially approved by the International Space Station official approval Group (ISSOAG).


  • Organismes et comités fédéraux (Gouvernement canadien)
  • Astronautique

[...] le Centre de soutien de mission de charges utiles (PMSC) qui se situe au Centre spatial John H. Chapman de l'Agence spatiale canadienne à Saint-Hubert, Québec [...] se compose du Centre de soutien de charges utiles (PSC) et du Centre de télé-exploitation de charges utiles (PTOC). Le PSC a été mis sur pied pour appuyer les activités de certification et d'intégration des charges utiles canadiennes. L'installation permet aux développeurs de charges utiles, aux chercheurs principaux et au personnel chargé de l'exploitation au sol de suivre une formation sur le fonctionnement de leurs charges utiles, de vérifier les procédures d'exploitation et les protocoles de communications, de simuler des missions et d'appuyer des opérations de charges utiles en temps réel à partir de leur poste d'exploitation au sol. Le PSC servira également à l'intégration des échantillons et à des tests de vérifications d'échantillons.


Centre de soutien des charges utiles; PSC : terme et abréviation uniformisés par le Groupe de travail de la terminologie de la Station spatiale internationale (GTTSSI).

  • PSC


Conserver la fiche 3

Fiche 4 2003-02-27


Subject field(s)
  • Spacecraft

A set of special equipment, called Verification Flight Instrumentation(VFI), along with standard orbiter and Spacelab operational instruments, is used to gather data on Spacelab's performance during the mission. VFI sensors situated on Spacelab pallets and in the orbiter provide information on how well Spacelab itself responds to the demands of flight.


  • Engins spatiaux


Conserver la fiche 4

Fiche 5 2003-02-27


Subject field(s)
  • Engineering Tests and Reliability
  • Orbital Stations

Verification flight test. The primary objective of the Spacelab 2 mission is to test Spacelab systems and subsystems.... The verification program carried out on 51-F/Spacelab 2 is designed to test the performance capabilities of these new components and to verify the compatibility of Spacelab with the orbiter and the scientific payload.


  • Fiabilité, contrôle et essais (Ingénierie)
  • Stations orbitales


Conserver la fiche 5

Fiche 6 1991-10-10


Subject field(s)
  • Flight Controls (Aeroindustry)

Inspection and observation [windows]. The windows used for examining compartments and equipment in and about the airplane, and astrodomes used for celestial navigation.


Four types of windows are installed on the aircraft [Lockheed] Flight station windows; cabin windows; door windows; inspection and observation windows... Inspection and observation windows are installed in various places where they can be used for alternate verification of important functions or for special decision-making situations. The following inspection devices and observation windows are used : Inspection tube for nose landing gear locking. Optical viewer(peephole) in flight station door. Window in door to electrical service center. Optical viewers in floor access panels to cargo compartments and galley compartment.


  • Commandes de vol (Constructions aéronautiques)

Fenêtres de visite et d'observation. Fenêtres servant à examiner les compartiments et équipements situés à l'intérieur et à l'extérieur de l'aéronef, et astrodômes servant à la navigation astronomique.


Caravelle. (...) On distingue quatre catégories de hublots : - Les glaces de pare-brise. - Les hublots de cabine (comprenant les hublots des issues de secours) - Les hublots de portes avant, gauche et droite. - Les fenêtres de visite et d'observation.


Conserver la fiche 6

Fiche 7 1991-01-03


Subject field(s)
  • Flight Controls (Aeroindustry)

Inspection and observation [windows]. The windows used for examining compartments and equipment in and about the airplane, and astrodomes used for celestial navigation.


Four types of windows are installed on the aircraft [Lockheed] Flight station windows; cabin windows; door windows; inspection and observation windows.... Inspection and observation windows are installed in various places where they can be used for alternate verification of important functions or for special decision-making situations. The following inspection devices and observation windows are used : Inspection tube for nose landing gear locking. Optical viewer(peephole) in flight station door. Window in door to electrical service center. Optical viewers in floor access panels to cargo compartments and galley compartment.


  • Commandes de vol (Constructions aéronautiques)

Fenêtres de visite et d'observation. Fenêtres servant à examiner les compartiments et équipements situés à l'intérieur et à l'extérieur de l'aéronef, et astrodômes servant à la navigation astronomique.


Caravelle. (...) On distingue quatre catégories de hublots: - Les glaces de pare-brise. - Les hublots de cabine (comprenant les hublots des issues de secours). - Les hublots de portes avant, gauche et droite. - Les fenêtres de visite et d'observation.


Conserver la fiche 7

Fiche 8 1986-01-07


Subject field(s)
  • Aircraft Propulsion Systems

After selection for an aircraft, flight clearance and calibration of flight-test engines follows. Later, when the engine has achieved its thrust/SFC goals, it comes back for Production Verification(PV) testing.


  • Propulsion des aéronefs


Conserver la fiche 8

Fiche 9 1985-11-07


Subject field(s)
  • Launching and Space Maneuvering

The pioneering Spacelab 1 mission of late-November/early-December 1983 was officially described as a verification flight to prove that the European-designed and-built habitable space laboratory aboard Shuttle could actually work.


  • Lancement et manœuvres dans l'espace


Conserver la fiche 9

Fiche 10 1985-04-24


Subject field(s)
  • Computer Programs and Programming

A computer program used to simulate the execution characteristics of a target computer using a sequence of instructions of a host computer. The instruction simulator provides bit-for-bit fidelity with the results that would be produced by the target computer following the same operations and initial conditions. Instruction simulators are a major tool used in the verification and validation of flight software.


  • Programmes et programmation (Informatique)


Conserver la fiche 10

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