La banque de données terminologiques et linguistiques du gouvernement du Canada.

COOL STORAGE [13 fiches]

Fiche 1 2019-11-26


Subject field(s)
  • Air Conditioning and Heating
  • Modern Construction Methods

Thermal cool storage relies on an inexpensive storage medium with a high specific or latent heat(such as water, ice, or eutectic salts) to store cooling produced during off-peak hours for use during peak hours. Refrigeration is provided by conventional chillers or industrial-grade ice-making units which charge the storage tanks during off-peak hours. On-peak cooling is provided by circulating chilled liquid from storage through the building's fan coils or a secondary heat exchanger.


  • Conditionnement de l'air et chauffage
  • Procédés de construction modernes

Le stockage du froid peut être effectué en utilisant des plaques eutectiques adaptées au niveau de température souhaité.


Campo(s) temático(s)
  • Acondicionamiento de aire y calefacción
  • Métodos de construcción modernos

Otro uso del almacenamiento estacional de energía térmica (STES por sus siglas en inglés) es el almacenamiento del frío invernal en forma subterránea, para ser utilizado en verano para aire acondicionado

Conserver la fiche 1

Fiche 2 2017-07-05


Subject field(s)
  • Fixed Rescue Facilities (fire)

Rack storage sprinklers, sometimes referred to as intermediate level or baffle sprinklers, have large discs(baffles) designed to shield the thermosensitive assembly from impingement from the spray of sprinklers suspended at higher levels. Without the protective discs, the impinging water could cool the thermosensitive element and retard sprinkler operation.


intermediate level sprinkler: term officially approved by the Lexicon Project Committee (New Brunswick).


  • Installations fixes de secours (incendies)

Dispositions spéciales applicables à la tuyauterie. Pour les extincteurs automatiques d'entreposage sur étagères [...]


extincteur automatique de niveau intermédiaire : terme uniformisé par le Comité du projet de lexiques (Nouveau-Brunswick).


Conserver la fiche 2

Fiche 3 2011-08-31


Subject field(s)
  • Refrigeration Engineering

The time required to reduce the temperature of a product or substance halfway between its initial temperature and the final temperature at the end of the cooling process.


The half cooling time measures the time that is taken to remove 50% of the heat from the apple. For example, if fruit temperatures are at 72°F in storage room at 32°F, the temperature difference between the fruit and final desired temperature is 40°F. A half cooling time of 8 hours means that it will take that time to reduce fruit temperatures by half this amount, i. e., 20°F, to reach a temperature of 52°F, and a further 8 hours to reduce fruit temperatures by 10°F to 42°F. In practice, we consider that it takes three half cooling times to "cool" a product.


  • Techniques du froid

Temps nécessaire pour réduire la température d'un produit à mi-chemin entre sa température initiale et la température à atteindre en fin du processus de refroidissement.


Conserver la fiche 3

Fiche 4 2011-06-20


Subject field(s)
  • Cold Storage
  • Freezing and Refrigerating
  • Food Industries

A single floor cold storage facility too high to be served by normal fork lift trucks.


In 1971, P&O entered into a joint management arrangement when they purchased Brisbane Cool Store at Eagle Farm. This was the first "high rise" cold store in Australia, storing warehoused general cold storage products including frozen export cartoned meat; poultry; frozen orange juice concentrate; and chilled peanuts. In 1978, P&O bought out its partner and operated the "high rise" store as a General Public Cold Store up to 1989 when the complex was sold to Hans Smallgoods.

  • high-rise store
  • high-rise cold store
  • high-rise cold facility
  • high-rise cold warehouse
  • high-rise cold storehouse


  • Entreposage frigorifique
  • Congélation, surgélation et réfrigération
  • Industrie de l'alimentation

Installation d'entreposage réfrigérée d'un seul niveau dont la très grande hauteur exige des dispositifs de levage autres que les chariots à fourche courants.


Conserver la fiche 4

Fiche 5 2011-06-17


Subject field(s)
  • Freezing and Refrigerating
  • Food Industries

A cooling process whereby the product to be cooled is immersed in chilled water.


Fruit Cooling. Requirement :Cool on the same day as picked from the orchard, hundreds of crates of fruit from the field temperature(core at perhaps 95 degrees) to as close as 33 degrees storage temperature as possible prior to passage to the storage rooms. This requires a hydro-cooling system that will deliver large quantities of recirculated water at 33 degrees that can be flooded over the warm fruit on a conveyor belt that accepts fruit from the field and delivers it to the storage rooms. During this flooding process, the water collects fruit residue(leaves, stems, dust) that must be settled from the return water before it is again cooled and delivered to the fruit flooding process.

  • flood hydrocooling
  • flood hydro-cooling


  • Congélation, surgélation et réfrigération
  • Industrie de l'alimentation

Procédé de réfrigération par lequel les denrées sont plongées dans de l'eau à une température d'environ 0 °C.


Conserver la fiche 5

Fiche 6 2011-06-14


Subject field(s)
  • Waste Management
  • Nuclear Waste Materials

All used nuclear fuel in Canada is currently held on site in interim storage facilities, which are safe, secure and environmentally sound. Interim storage of used nuclear fuel at a nuclear facility typically consists of two phases known as wet storage and dry storage. Initially, used nuclear fuel bundles are stored under water in bays or pools after they have been removed from the reactors. These reinforced, leak-proof facilities enable the fuel to cool off in a shielded and secure facility. After 6 to 10 years in wet storage, the used nuclear fuel can be safely transferred to dry storage in concrete canisters, containers or silos.


  • Gestion des déchets
  • Déchets nucléaires

Tout le combustible nucléaire est stocké temporairement dans des installations sûres, sécuritaires et sans danger pour l’environnement. Le stockage temporaire du combustible usé à une installation nucléaire comporte habituellement deux phases, soit le stockage humide et le stockage à sec. Dans un premier temps, après leur retrait du réacteur, les grappes de combustible irradié sont immergées dans des piscines étanches et renforcées spécialement conçues pour en assurer le refroidissement et pour protéger les travailleurs contre les rayonnements. Après 6 à 10 années de stockage humide, le combustible irradié est transféré de façon sûre dans les installations de stockage à sec (silos ou conteneurs en béton).


Conserver la fiche 6

Fiche 7 2007-07-23


Subject field(s)
  • Orbital Stations

The -196°C Quick/Snap Freezer is a portable -196°C freezer capable of vitrifying small tissue samples and quick freezing medium sized contained samples while being operated in the Life Science Glovebox.


The Quick/Snap Freezer will be used to cool all samples before they are inserted into the storage freezer and will also provide a means to transport cooled samples between the Life Sciences Glovebox, the X-ray Crystallography Facility, and the Cryogenic Storage Freezer. It will "quick freeze" 2 ml(0. 1 in. n) contained samples and ultra-rapidly freeze("snap freeze") small(1 x 2 x 1 mm or 0. 04 x 0. 08 x 0. 04 in.) tissue samples. The unit will be accessible from within the work volume of the Life Science Glovebox.


quick/snap freezer: term officially approved by the International Space Station official approval Group (ISSOAG).

  • quick snap freezer


  • Stations orbitales

congélateur ultra-rapide : terme uniformisé par le Groupe de travail de la terminologie de la Station spatiale internationale (GTTSSI).


Conserver la fiche 7

Fiche 8 - données d’organisme externe 2005-12-21


Subject field(s)
  • Nuclear Fission Reactors
  • Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulics (Physics)
  • Compartment - Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission

The bleed cooler lowers the coolant temperature to protect the purification resins and feed pump seals. The low-pressure storage tank also requires cool D2O.


  • Réacteurs nucléaires de fission
  • Mécanique des fluides et hydraulique (Physique)
  • Tiroir - Commission canadienne de sûreté nucléaire

Le refroidisseur de purge fait baisser la température du caloporteur afin de protéger les résines d'épuration et les joints de pompe d'alimentation. Le réservoir de stockage basse pression exige également du D[ìndice 2]O froid.


Conserver la fiche 8

Fiche 9 - données d’organisme externe 2005-08-19


Subject field(s)
  • Storage of Water
  • Nuclear Fission Reactors
  • Compartment - Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission

The cool, clean D2O is stored in the low-pressure storage tank, or sent to the feed pumps for return to the main system.

  • low pressure storage tank


  • Stockage des eaux
  • Réacteurs nucléaires de fission
  • Tiroir - Commission canadienne de sûreté nucléaire

Le D2O froid et propre est stocké dans le réservoir de stockage à faible pression, ou est envoyé vers les pompes d'alimentation pour être retourné dans le circuit principal.


Conserver la fiche 9

Fiche 10 2002-01-29


Subject field(s)
  • Real Estate

These range from energy efficient... thermal cool storage, energy management control systems, ground source heat pumps, upgrading insulation and co-generation.

  • ground source heat pump


  • Immobilier

Les nouvelles techniques et les outils de gestion de l'énergie qui existent aujourd'hui offrent la possibilité de réaliser des économies encore plus importantes, qu'on pense [...] au stockage thermique, aux mécanismes de contrôle de gestion de l'énergie, aux thermopompes utilisant le sol comme source de chaleur, aux possibilités d'améliorer l'isolation des installations et à la cogénération.


Conserver la fiche 10

Fiche 11 2001-10-25


Subject field(s)
  • Orbital Stations

The PVR [Photovoltaic Radiator] is a critical component of the space station's thermal control system. It will cool the photovoltaic power system electronic equipment and the batteries used for power storage. The PVR will also provide environmental cooling for the service module during early phases of the space station. Each PVR Orbital Replacement Unit(ORU) consists of 7 radiator panels, each about 6 feet by 12 feet in size. The radiator panels are designed to deploy on orbit from a stowed position about 2 feet high to an extended position about 50 feet in length. Each ORU weighs about 1, 600 pounds, with a total of 4 units in the final space station configuration.


photovoltaic radiator; PVR: term and abbreviation officially approved by the International Space Station official approval Group (ISSOAG).


  • Stations orbitales

radiateur photovoltaïque; PVR : terme et abréviation uniformisés par le Groupe de travail de la terminologie de la Station spatiale internationale (GTTSSI).


Radiateur photovoltaïque des panneaux solaires.


Conserver la fiche 11

Fiche 12 1995-02-09


Subject field(s)
  • Work Clothes

Firefighting procedure : Keep storage containers cool with water spray. Positive-pressure, self-contained, breathing apparatus(SCBA) and structural firefighters’ protective clothing will provide limited protection.


  • Vêtements de travail

Combinaison faite d'une seule pièce et qui a la fonction de protection contre le feu.


Conserver la fiche 12

Fiche 13 1995-01-04


Subject field(s)
  • Work Clothes

Fire fighting procedure : Keep storage containers cool with water spray. Positive-pressure, self-contained breathing apparatus(SCBA) and structural firefighters’protective clothing will provide limited protection.


  • Vêtements de travail

Combinaison faite d'une seule pièce et qui a la fonction de protection contre le feu.


Conserver la fiche 13

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