La banque de données terminologiques et linguistiques du gouvernement du Canada.


Fiche 1 2014-07-16


Subject field(s)
  • Investment
  • Loans
  • Plywood


  • Investissements et placements
  • Prêts et emprunts
  • Contreplaqués


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Fiche 2 1994-01-05


Subject field(s)
  • Medication

By giving a cognitive enhancer, with minimal side effects, to people without a mental deficit, they may end up with cognitive credit, i. e. smarter. Some elements within the scientific establishment continue to deny the potential of cognitive enhancers. They believe that the optimal brain cannot be improved upon by throwing in, a "chemical spanner". But optimal memory can be improved, for example, by employing "mnemonics", which is as "artificial" as a chemical lift from a pill. Would they also resist cognitive enhancement by other artificial methods such as food-a "chemical spanner" if ever there was one-and education? The United States Congress has declared the 1990s the "Decade of the Brain". Smart drugs will, if regulated, treat a recently officially recognized disease, the Age-Associated Memory Impairment(AAMI)-a noticeable mental decline due to the normal ageing process. A futures analyst, Decision Resources, predicts that smart drugs could benefit 600 million people this decade, including 60 million people with AAMI, 20 million students who want to improve scholastic performance, and 270 million people hoping to improve their efficiency at work(Suppl. The World in 1994).


See "cognitive enhancer".


  • Médicaments

amélioration: fait de devenir meilleur, plus satisfaisant. Voir améliorant.


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