La banque de données terminologiques et linguistiques du gouvernement du Canada.


Fiche 1 2011-03-08


Subject field(s)
  • Soil Science
  • Scientific Measurements and Analyses

Error analysis of the heat pulse method for measuring soil heat capacity, diffusivity, and conductivity.


Since the low cost sensor technologies available present several limitations to their inclusion in this system, it was developed and implemented a low cost sensor, as described by Valente et al.(1997), based on the heat-pulse and capacitance methods. In the first method the maximum temperature rise measured at some distance from a line heat source can be used to determine the volumetric heat capacity and hence the water content of a porous media, such as soil. The second method relates the volumetric water content with the capacitance change of a probe, inserted in the soil, according to its dielectric properties. Simultaneous use of both methods improves sensor accuracy, gives built-in fault detection capability, and makes possible self-calibration procedures.


  • Science du sol
  • Mesures et analyse (Sciences)

Mesure de l'humidité du sol. On citera en particulier : - La méthode par prélèvement d'échantillons du sol [...] - La méthode neutronique (sonde à neutrons) [...]. - La méthode par choc thermique permettant d'évaluer la capacité calorifique du sol, laquelle dépend de la teneur en eau.


Conserver la fiche 1

Fiche 2 2011-03-08


Subject field(s)
  • Soil Science
  • Scientific Measurements and Analyses

Since the low cost sensor technologies available present several limitations to their inclusion in this system, it was developed and implemented a low cost sensor, as described by Valente et al.(1997), based on the heat-pulse and capacitance methods. In the first method the maximum temperature rise measured at some distance from a line heat source can be used to determine the volumetric heat capacity and hence the water content of a porous media, such as soil. The second method relates the volumetric water content with the capacitance change of a probe, inserted in the soil, according to its dielectric proprieties. Simultaneous use of both methods improves sensor accuracy, gives built-in fault detection capability, and makes possible self-calibration procedures.... In a capacitance-based method, the soil moisture can be obtained by measuring the capacitance that varies with the dielectric properties of materials.


  • Science du sol
  • Mesures et analyse (Sciences)

Mesure de l'humidité du sol. On citera en particulier : - La méthode par prélèvement d'échantillons du sol [...] - La méthode neutronique (sonde à neutrons) [...]. - La méthode par choc thermique [...]. - Les méthodes basées sur la mesure d'une résistance ou d'une capacité électrique du sol ou d'éléments hygroscopiques laissés à demeure et en équilibre d'humidité avec le sol. Ces méthodes s'avèrent généralement peu fiables.


Conserver la fiche 2

Fiche 3 2002-11-19


Subject field(s)
  • Weapon Systems
  • Military Equipment Maintenance
  • Engineering Tests and Reliability


  • Systèmes d'armes
  • Maintenance du matériel militaire
  • Fiabilité, contrôle et essais (Ingénierie)


Conserver la fiche 3

Fiche 4 1989-07-23


Subject field(s)
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Software

A method for using design redundancy for creating a fault tolerant system... requires that the software system be structured into pre-specified blocks called recovery blocks. Each block contains within itself the operations of error detection and recovery and any stand-by spares.


  • Intelligence artificielle
  • Logiciels


Conserver la fiche 4

Fiche 5 1980-08-27


Subject field(s)
  • Aeroindustry

The AFCS [automatic flight control system] includes fault detection, monitoring circuits, built-in test equipment(BITE), barometric altitude control, and magnetic anomaly detection(MAD) control for Submarine Detecting Set(...) calibration.


  • Constructions aéronautiques


Conserver la fiche 5

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