La banque de données terminologiques et linguistiques du gouvernement du Canada.

LOW SPOT [8 fiches]

Fiche 1 2011-05-17


Subject field(s)
  • Trade Names
  • Genetics

The AccuPinTM is a pin for the DNA chip arrayer that can be used not only for the Bioneer DNA HT-Arrayer and HT-Mini Arrayer but also arrayers from other companies. The Accupin is a capillary type pin that is more rugged than a steel pin, and shows no change in spot size even after 1,000,000 spottings. The Printhead is also produced to be compatible with every type of arrayer, and allows more even spots during DNA chip production.


Bioneer's AccuPin is the world's first spotting pin composed of glass. Compared to stainless steel, AccuPin can spot efficiently even at low impact speeds, and has a high durability, so that the tip does not become dull.


AccuPin™: A trademark of Bioneer.


  • Appellations commerciales
  • Génétique

AccuPinMC : Marque de commerce de la société Bioneer.


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Fiche 2 2010-03-01


Subject field(s)
  • Atomic Physics
  • Nuclear Fission Reactors

Improved uniformity of the laser for-al spot profile is a necessary criterion for the success of high intensity laser fusion and to improve the quality of data from moderate intensity laser driven shock experiments in solids. Recently developed laser smoothing techniques rely on both temporal smoothing and thermal smoothing to produce uniform ablation pressures on the target surface. Thermal smoothing is not effective during the low intensity portion of a laser pulse and the resultant shock structure mirrors the residual laser nonuniformities. The impact of the first(nonuniform) shock can be diminished by using foam layers, a precursor flash, shallow angles of incidence, and by adiabatically compressing the target with a temporally long, slowly rising laser pulse.


  • Physique atomique
  • Réacteurs nucléaires de fission

[...] il faut au départ et au cours de l'impulsion réaliser une interface aussi régulière que possible. Les irrégularités restantes ne pourront être qu'amplifiées au cours du temps (d'autres effets comme le lissage thermique viennent un peu atténuer le propos).


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Fiche 3 2003-05-27


Subject field(s)
  • Plans and Specifications (Construction)
  • Earthmoving
  • Site Development

A working drawing showing the existing and proposed vertical dimensions of a site layout, by means of contour lines and spot elevations at high and low points.


A grading plan shows both existing and proposed contour lines as well as the outline of all buildings, roads, walks, walls, and other structural elements of the design. The grading plan ... also shows the location of drainage structures such as drop inlets and catch basins...


  • Devis, cahiers des charges et plans (Construction)
  • Terrassement
  • Aménagement du terrain

Détermination officielle des cotes de nivellement des diverses voies publiques.


Le plan de nivellement indique les cotes existantes et les cotes futures (ces dernières à l'intérieur d'un cercle ou soulignées).


Campo(s) temático(s)
  • Planos y pliegos de condiciones (Construcción)
  • Remoción de tierras
  • Preparación del terreno
Conserver la fiche 3

Fiche 4 2002-02-20


Subject field(s)
  • Sewers and Drainage

Mountain biking term as well.


  • Égouts et drainage

Terme de vélo tout-terrain aussi.


Campo(s) temático(s)
  • Alcantarillas y drenaje

Término de bicicleta de montaña también.

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Fiche 5 2000-11-14


Subject field(s)
  • Paper Manufacturing Processes

A spot along the length of a roll that is flabby compared to the adjacent parts of the roll, primarily because of low caliper or low basis weight at that spot across the component web.


  • Fabrication du papier


Conserver la fiche 5

Fiche 6 2000-07-25


Subject field(s)
  • Types of Aircraft
  • Air Forces

[The] B-2 Spirit originally started as Project Senior CJ and [was] later renamed as ATB(Advance Tactical Bomber). The B-2 uses four F-118 Turbofans.... The turbofan has intake and exhaust at the top of the aircraft to prevent ground control to spot them. The pilot and co-pilot are seated side by side in a zero-zero vertically ejecting ACES II seats.... a B-2 can get updates for GPS satellites to avoid ground firing while the pilot spots the target. Once the target is found, the pilot will turn on special radar, which only scan the target area and once spotted the B-2 will launch its nuclear ordnance or SRAM II missiles.... the B-2 provides the penetrating flexibility and effectiveness inherent in manned bombers. Its low-observable, or "stealth, "characteristics give it the unique ability to penetrate an enemy's most sophisticated defenses and threaten its most-valued, and heavily defended targets. Its unrefueled range is approximately 6, 000 nautical miles(9, 600 kilometers). The B-2's low observability is derived from a combination of reduced infrared, acoustic, electromagnetic, visual and radar signatures.


  • Types d'aéronefs
  • Forces aériennes

Investir dans des forces aériennes de longue portée: B-2 [...]


Conserver la fiche 6

Fiche 7 1998-07-08


Subject field(s)
  • Lithography, Offset Printing and Collotype

Permanent compression of a zone of a blanket equating to a lower caliper which results in a low pressure printing zone against the paper, plate or both. The image corresponds to that part of the print will be of lower print density.


  • Lithographie, offset et phototypie

Zone du blanchet de moindre épaisseur résultant en une pression locale plus faible. La partie correspondante de l'imprimé est de moindre densité.


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Fiche 8 1990-01-16


Subject field(s)
  • Aeronautical Engineering and Maintenance


  • Aérotechnique et maintenance


Conserver la fiche 8

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