La banque de données terminologiques et linguistiques du gouvernement du Canada.

MEDIA RELEASE [16 fiches]

Fiche 1 2020-12-16


Subject field(s)
  • Environmental Law

... a numerical standard that defines the concentrations of hazardous materials that may be permitted to remain in any environmental media after [the] investigation, remediation or containment of a release of hazardous materials.


The Canada-Wide Standard for Petroleum Hydrocarbons in Soil (PHC CWS) is a remediation standard that sets out the levels to which PHC [petroleum hydrocarbon] impacted sites must be cleaned up to – if and when they are subject to remediation.


  • Droit environnemental

Le standard pancanadien relatif aux HCP [hydrocarbures pétroliers] dans le sol est un standard correcteur qui établit les niveaux auxquels il convient de décontaminer les lieux contaminés par des HCP – à supposer que des mesures correctives s'imposent.


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Fiche 2 2020-09-30


Subject field(s)
  • Wastewater Treatment
  • Water Treatment (Water Supply)

The process of passing a liquid through a biological filter containing fixed media on the surfaces of which develop zoogleal films that absorb and adsorb fine suspended, colloidal, and dissolved solids and release end products of biochemical action.

  • bio-filtration


  • Traitement des eaux usées
  • Traitement des eaux

Procédé qui consiste à faire passer un liquide à travers un lit bactérien contenant des éléments filtrants dont la surface se couvre d'une zooglée favorisant par absorption et adsorption la biodégradation de la matière organique.


Campo(s) temático(s)
  • Tratamiento de aguas residuales
  • Tratamiento del agua

Biodegradación de la materia orgánica de un agua residual por su paso a través de un lecho bacteriano.

Conserver la fiche 2

Fiche 3 2016-05-31


Subject field(s)
  • Information Sources (Journalism)
  • Communication (Public Relations)
  • Collaborative and Social Communications

A social media release at its most basic is easy for readers to scan, includes elements(text, multimedia, etc.) that are easy to share, and offers readers ready access to a collection of associated, relevant information.


  • Sources d'information (Journalisme)
  • Communications (Relations publiques)
  • Communications collaboratives et sociales


Conserver la fiche 3

Fiche 4 2012-09-27


Subject field(s)
  • Emergency Management
  • Communication and Information Management

A designated facility established to monitor and coordinate emergency information activities and to disseminate emergency information to the media and the public.


Activities commonly carried out in an emergency information centre include media check-in and inquiries, news conferences and briefings, media monitoring, the drafting of products for release to the media and the public, the arranging of site and facility tours and the administration of the emergency information function.


An emergency information centre includes representatives from federal, provincial, territorial and municipal levels of government, First Nations, voluntary organizations, the Office of the Premier or other ministries as appropriate, and emergency information centre operations functional staff.


emergency information centre; EIC: term, abbreviation and definition standardized by the Canadian Capability-Based Planning Terminology Committee and the Translation Bureau.

  • emergency information center


  • Gestion des urgences
  • Gestion des communications et de l'information

Installation désignée qui est mise sur pied pour surveiller et coordonner les activités d'information d'urgence et pour diffuser l'information d'urgence aux médias et au public.


Les activités habituelles du centre d'information d'urgence comprennent l'inscription et les demandes de renseignement des médias, les conférences de presse et les breffages, la surveillance des reportages des médias, la rédaction de documents destinés aux médias et au public, l'organisation de visites des lieux et des installations et l'administration de la fonctiond'information d'urgence.


Un centre d'information d'urgence est composé de représentants des ordres de gouvernement fédéral, provincial, territorial et municipal, des Premières Nations, d'organismes bénévoles, du Cabinet du premier ministre ou d'autres ministères provinciaux s'il y a lieu, et du personnel des services fonctionnels du centre d'information d'urgence.


centre d'information d'urgence : terme et définition normalisés par le Comité de terminologie de la planification axée sur les capacités au Canada et le Bureau de la traduction.


Conserver la fiche 4

Fiche 5 2011-01-26


Subject field(s)
  • Information Sources (Journalism)
  • Communication (Public Relations)

A document written for the media that is normally used for major announcements, or to provide information on policies, programs or activities.


Usually a Press release should be sent to local and national publications, radio and TV at least three weeks in advance, summarising the aims of the conference, the participants, the likely outcome, and the dates and times of lectures and discussions.


media release : term and definition standardized by the Translation Bureau and the Office of Critical Infrastructure Protection and Emergency Preparedness(OCIPEP).

  • newsrelease


  • Sources d'information (Journalisme)
  • Communications (Relations publiques)

Document destiné aux médias, qui sert généralement à faire des annonces importantes ou à donner de l'information sur les politiques, les programmes ou les activités.


communiqué de presse : terme et définition normalisés par le Bureau de la traduction et le Bureau de la protection des infrastructures essentielles et de la protection civile (BPIEPC).


Campo(s) temático(s)
  • Fuentes de información (Periodismo)
  • Comunicación (Relaciones públicas)
Conserver la fiche 5

Fiche 6 2010-11-02


Subject field(s)
  • Public Relations
  • Military (General)

A package of information to support the public discussion of defense issues and operations.


Such guidance can range from a telephonic response to a specific question to a more comprehensive package. Included could be an approved public affairs policy, contingency statements, answers to anticipated media questions, and community relations guidance. The public affairs guidance also addresses the method(s), timing, location, and other details governing the release of information to the public.


  • Relations publiques
  • Militaire (Généralités)


Conserver la fiche 6

Fiche 7 2010-10-22


Subject field(s)
  • Environment

Therefore, it can be concluded that when [the] chemical is released into the environment, the major media of concern are expected to be soil, sediment, and to a lesser extent water(depending on the medium of release).


media of concern: term used by Environment Canada.


  • Environnement

On peut donc conclure que, lorsque [la] substance passe dans l'environnement, les principaux milieux préoccupants devraient être le sol, les sédiments et, dans une moindre mesure, l'eau (selon le milieu dans lequel est rejetée la substance).


milieu préoccupant : terme en usage à Environnement Canada.


Conserver la fiche 7

Fiche 8 2007-07-19


Subject field(s)
  • Titles of National Laws and Regulations (Non-Canadian)
  • Audiovisual Techniques and Equipment
  • Audio Technology

The main threat so far to the recording industry, is that as each successive copy is identical to the original; there is no loss in quality no matter the generation of the copy. It was precisely for this reason that the recording industry so fervently opposed the introduction of DAT[2] technology in the late 1980s, and succeeded in the passage of the Audio Home Recording Act of 1992. The issue of copying music onto a cassette did not cause much concern prior to the introduction of DAT as the cost of making copies was restricted by the price of cassette tapes - and each successive copy was of poorer quality than the last. There was little market for second-, third-, or fourth-generation scratchy home recordings.


The Audio Home Recording Act of 1992(AHRA) amended the United States copyright law by adding chapter 10 "Digital Audio Recording Devices and Media. "The act enabled the release of recordable digital formats such as Sony and Phillips’ Digital Audio Tape DAT without fear of contributory infringement lawsuits. The RIAA and music publishers, concerned that consumers ability to make perfect digital copies of music would destroy the market for audio recordings, had threatened to sue both companies and lobbied Congress to pass lesgislation imposing mandatory copy protection technology and royalties on devices and media. The AHRA is often overlooked, but it establishes a number of important precedents in US copyright law that that defined the debate between device makers and the content industry for the ensuing two decades.


  • Titres de lois et de règlements nationaux non canadiens
  • Audiovisuel (techniques et équipement)
  • Électroacoustique

Le 15 juin 1999, la Cour d'appel du 9ème circuit a mis un terme aux débats relatifs à l'application du Audio Home Recording Act de 1992 aux appareils Rio MP3 commercialisés par la société Diamond. Ladite loi, adoptée principalement pour encadrer l'utilisation des lecteurs de cassettes DAT (Digital Audio Tape), oblige les distributeurs et fabricants d'appareil d'enregistrement numérique à équiper ces derniers d'un système empêchant la copie de deuxième génération.


Conserver la fiche 8

Fiche 9 2006-10-24


Subject field(s)
  • Business and Administrative Documents
  • Communication (Public Relations)
  • News and Journalism (General)

An in-depth document written for the media that provides detailed information about a product, service, organization or event in the context of its necessity, its place in industry and its place in history.


A backgrounder often accompanies a media release, providing additional information such as historic or technical details, or related policy information.


backgrounder: term and definition standardized by the Translation Bureau and the Office of Critical Infrastructure Protection and Emergency Preparedness (OCIPEP).


  • Écrits commerciaux et administratifs
  • Communications (Relations publiques)
  • Information et journalisme (Généralités)

Document rédigé à l'intention des médias, qui donne sur un produit, un service, une organisation ou un événement des renseignements détaillés concernant son utilité, sa place dans l'industrie et sa place dans l'histoire.


Le document d'information accompagne souvent les communiqués de presse; il fournit alors des renseignements additionnels comme des détails historiques ou techniques, ou encore des renseignements généraux connexes.


document d'information : terme et définition normalisés par le Bureau de la traduction et le Bureau de la protection des infrastructures essentielles et de la protection civile (BPIEPC).


Campo(s) temático(s)
  • Documentos comerciales y administrativos
  • Comunicación (Relaciones públicas)
  • Noticias y periodismo (Generalidades)
Conserver la fiche 9

Fiche 10 2003-05-13


Subject field(s)
  • Audiovisual Journalism

A video distributed by satellite to TV stations who may or may not choose to air it on TV.


A new form of press release.


  • Presse audiovisuelle

Diffusion d'un vidéo auprès des médias.


Conserver la fiche 10

Fiche 11 2003-01-27


Subject field(s)
  • Environmental Studies and Analyses
  • Air Pollution

Bulk samples are taken from the suspect material. These may be swab samples, bulk dilution samples, or Rodac plate samples. For duct insulation, the following numbers are rough rules of thumb used to assess fungal contamination using a dilution sample. Qualitative Assessment of Contamination (concentration -units/gram): low: less than 10,000; medium: 10,000 to 100,000; medium to heavy: 100,000 to 1,000,000; heavy: greater than 1,000,000.


The Toxic Chemical Release Inventory(TRI) contains information on the annual estimated releases of toxic chemicals into the environment. This information may be useful in the qualitative assessment of contamination found in on-or off-site environmental media.


  • Études et analyses environnementales
  • Pollution de l'air


Conserver la fiche 11

Fiche 12 2002-12-11


Subject field(s)
  • Business and Administrative Documents
  • Information Sources (Journalism)
  • Communication (Public Relations)

An abbreviated media release that gives basic information about an activity, and that is often used to invite the media to an event, such as a news conference or an emergency site visit.


A media advisory should not be used to update previously released information; a media release is more appropriate for that purpose.


media advisory: term and definition standardized by the Translation Bureau and the Office of Critical Infrastructure Protection and Emergency Preparedness (OCIPEP).


  • Écrits commerciaux et administratifs
  • Sources d'information (Journalisme)
  • Communications (Relations publiques)

Bref communiqué de presse qui donne aux médias de l'information de base sur une activité et sert souvent à les inviter à un événement, par exemple une conférence de presse ou la visite du lieu d'un sinistre.


L'avis aux médias ne doit pas servir à actualiser l'information préalablement diffusée; le communiqué de presse convient mieux dans ce cas.


avis aux médias : terme et définition normalisés par le Bureau de la traduction et le Bureau de la protection des infrastructures essentielles et de la protection civile (BPIEPC).


Conserver la fiche 12

Fiche 13 2001-01-10


Subject field(s)
  • Stock Exchange
  • Investment

An obligation imposed by securities administrators on companies, their officers and directors to release promptly to the news media any favorable or unfavorable corporate information which is of a material nature.


  • Bourse
  • Investissements et placements

Informations que sont tenus de communiquer séance tenante aux médias les sociétés, leurs dirigeants ou leurs administrateurs à la demande des commissions des valeurs mobilières lorsque surgit tout fait nouveau favorable ou défavorable au sein de leur entreprise.


Conserver la fiche 13

Fiche 14 1997-11-25


Subject field(s)
  • Ecology (General)
  • Brush, Prairie and Forest Fires

The study of relationships between fire, the environment and living organisms.


Most people think of fire as destructive and harmful. But scientists have learned fire can actually be good for the ecology of a forest. Scientists who study ecopyrology - the effects of fires in different environments - have found that fires like surface fires are important to the survival of many plants and animals.


ecopyrology : Term used in a media release issued by the International Union of Forestry Research Organizations(IUFRO) at its 19th World Congress.


fire ecology: term used by Parks Canada.


  • Écologie (Généralités)
  • Incendies de végétation

L'écologie du feu [...] De nombreux écosystèmes doivent leur évolution au feu et dépendent de lui pour se renouveler. Un site récemment brûlé peut sembler mort, mais bien des formes vivantes y subsistent pour donner naissance à une nouvelle forêt. Le feu provoque les conditions idéales à la croissance et stimule ainsi la régénération.


écologie relative aux feux de forêt; écologie du feu : termes en usage à Parcs Canada.


Conserver la fiche 14

Fiche 15 1993-07-14


Subject field(s)
  • Ovens, Furnaces and Boilers (Heating)
  • Biomass Energy

In recent years, fluidized bed combustion of biomass has become commercial practice. Two types of combustors have been developed :(1) the conventional dense-phase or bubbling bed combustor, and(2) the circulating fluidized bed combustor. Fluidized bed combustors offer several advantages. There is a high mass of inert material in the combustor, capable of absorbing energy from fuels that combust in a highly volatile fashion. The bed media contain sufficient energy that very wet fuels(e. g., 65% MCg) can be burned successfully.... Conventional dense-phase fluidized bed systems have grate release levels in the vicinity of 5. 6 GJ/m2 grate equivalent and 470 MJ/m3 of volume(Envirosphere, 1980). Rates of heat release for circulating fluidized beds are somewhat higher.


  • Fours et chaudières (Chauffage)
  • Énergie de la biomasse

Voir "lit fluidisé à bulles" dans la Revue de l'Énergie, no 34, janvier-février 1982, p. 181.


Conserver la fiche 15

Fiche 16 1989-07-18


Subject field(s)
  • News and Journalism (General)

The attached press release was sent to the national media desk.


  • Information et journalisme (Généralités)


Conserver la fiche 16

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