La banque de données terminologiques et linguistiques du gouvernement du Canada.


Fiche 1 2012-06-26


Subject field(s)
  • Waste Management
  • Nuclear Waste Materials

Different disposal modules are used in some places for specific purposes. Pits are used for disposal of bulky, non-compactible wastes such as tanks, piping and large items of equipment. As the pit is filled, the disposed wastes are backfilled and covered with soil or concrete. Other disposal modules, such as lined shallow wells and shafts, may be provided with engineered barriers ....


The concept [burying the waste deep underground in the Canadian Shield] isolates used fuel from the environment using a series of natural as well as manmade barriers. Used nuclear fuel bundles would be contained in vaults 500 to 1,000 metres below ground. These vaults would consist of a network of tunnels and disposal rooms about 2 kilometres by 2 kilometres that could hold 191,000 tonnes of used fuel.


Typically, each [shallow land burial] trench has a sloping floor cut into the natural soil and a French drain of gravel down one of the long sides. The trench bottom is covered with a foot or two of sand to allow water to flow freely into the French drain, especially when the trench is open during operations. Sampling pipes or tubes are placed against the trench wall, with their lower ends in the French drain, when the trench is dug. Monitoring of each disposal unit(engineered trench) is accomplished by sampling any water found in the French drain through these tubes and analyzing its contents.


... the aboveground vault is a large steel-reinforced concrete structure with vertical access (through an open top) for placement of the waste. Within each structure there are numerous disposal units. Each disposal unit is sealed when filled to capacity. Individual units are sized to accommodate waste deliveries for about 1 to 2 weeks.


  • Gestion des déchets
  • Déchets nucléaires

C'est l'association des propriétés cumulées du déchet, de sa matrice d'enrobage ou de blocage et, dans certaines conditions, de l'enveloppe des colis et des éléments constitutifs des modules de stockage (plates-formes et alvéoles), qui constitue le premier système de barrières d'isolement des déchets.


Pour les déchets d'activité moyenne, des monolithes de béton peuvent être obtenus à partir de tranchées bétonnées dans lesquelles on dispose les déchets et qui sont ensuite obturées par injection d'un coulis de ciment. Pour les déchets de faible activité, on peut constituer un tumulus sur des aires aménagées, planes, bétonnées et drainées. La figure 18 montre schématiquement l'exemple d'un stockage mixte tumulus sur monolithe. On y voit le réseau de canalisations enterrées qui ceinture chaque module de stockage et qui est destiné à contrôler l'efficacité des barrières et en particulier de la couche argileuse. [...] Les tumulus comprennent les blocs de béton en rangées de 5 m de haut constituant des cellules de 10 m X 30 m.


Unité de stockage de combustible irradié.


Voir aussi «case (bétonnée)» et «monolithe».


Campo(s) temático(s)
  • Gestión de los desechos
  • Desechos nucleares
Conserver la fiche 1

Fiche 2 2011-06-10


Subject field(s)
  • Hydrology and Hydrography
  • Anti-pollution Measures
  • Nuclear Waste Materials
  • Radiation Protection

Monitoring wells should effectively achieve one or more of the following objectives: Provide access to the groundwater system for collection of water samples ... Measure the hydraulic head at a specific location in the groundwater flow system ... Provide access for conducting tests or collecting information necessary to characterize the aquifer materials or their hydrologic properties.


Figure 6. 1 illustrates a typical open disposal trench at the Barnwell facility. The trench floor is sloped slightly and covered with a layer of sand to facilitate collection of percolating water in a French drain. A number of pipes allow any water that may collect in the French drain to be removed and analyzed. Presently waste, primarily in boxes, drums and cask liners, is stacked neatly in the trench... As the level of the waste reaches the design level, 2 m below grade, a layer of dry soil is added and allowed to filter down between the waste containers. When a trench is filled, it is covered with a cap of at least 0. 6 m of compacted native clay, followed by at least 0. 9 m of soil. The cap is graded to shed water and seeded with grass. The sump in each trench is monitored for at least 5 years and any subsidence in the cap is filled to maintain its water-shedding ability. Monitoring wells at the perimeter of the facility have not detected migration of nuclides after more than 15 years of operation.


  • Hydrologie et hydrographie
  • Mesures antipollution
  • Déchets nucléaires
  • Radioprotection

Puits d'observation servant à détecter l'apparition de signes prémonitoires d'une évolution prévisible, préjudiciable en général, soit des niveaux, soit de la qualité de l'eau d'une nappe, pour avertir de l'opportunité des mesures de prévention ou de précaution à prendre.


Campo(s) temático(s)
  • Hidrología e hidrografía
  • Medidas contra la contaminación
  • Desechos nucleares
  • Protección contra la radiación

pozo indicador: Pozo de observación que se utiliza para observar la aparición de una condición prevista, generalmente no deseable, como el avance del frente de agua salada en el área costera donde se produce la intrusión de agua salada, o el movimiento de un contaminante que se introduce en una fosa séptica.

Conserver la fiche 2

Fiche 3 2001-08-01


Subject field(s)
  • Modelling (Mathematics)
  • Environmental Studies and Analyses
  • Waste Management

STFATE is the most sophisticated software currently available for modelling accumulation of dredged material dumped on the sea floor and diffusion in the water column of contaminants associated with dredged sediment.


The model assumes three separate phases in the behaviour of dredged material dumped in open water : 1) Convective descent. The dredged material forms a cloud whose descent is dominated by gravity. 2) Dynamic collapse. The cloud hits the sea floor or reaches a depth where its buoyancy becomes neutral and horizontal spreading dominates. 3) Passive transport-diffusion. At this stage, behaviour is determined more by ambient conditions than by the dynamics of the disposal operation.


  • Modélisation (Mathématique)
  • Études et analyses environnementales
  • Gestion des déchets

Le modèle STFATE est présentement l'outil informatique le plus au point pour modéliser l'accumulation des rejets de dragage sur le fond marin aussi bien que la dispersion dans la colonne d'eau des contaminants associés aux sédiments de dragage.


Ce modèle suppose que l'évolution des déblais déversés en mer se comportera selon trois phases distinctes : 1) la descente convective, durant laquelle les déblais, formant un nuage, descendent sous l'effet de la gravité; 2) le collapse dynamique qui se produit lorsque le nuage percute le fond ou lorsqu'il arrive à une profondeur ou sa flottaison devient neutre, et que la dispersion horizontale devient importante; 3) et l'advection-diffusion causée par les conditions synoptiques du milieu plutôt que par les forces associées à un déversement.


Conserver la fiche 3

Fiche 4 2001-01-09


Subject field(s)
  • Dredging
  • Waste Management

In other words, the report deals mainly with the impacts of dredging properly speaking and those of methods of sediment disposal in aquatic environments-open-water disposal and capping, for example.

  • open water disposal


  • Dragage
  • Gestion des déchets

Le document s'attarde donc davantage sur les répercussions du dragage proprement dit ainsi que sur celles découlant des modes de mise en dépôt en milieu aquatique tels que le rejet en eaux libres et le recouvrement en milieu aquatique.


Conserver la fiche 4

Fiche 5 2000-07-17


Subject field(s)
  • Dredging
  • Environment

Open-water disposal of sediment can alter the nature and profile of the disposal site floor.

  • open water disposal of sediment
  • sediment open water disposal
  • sediment open-water sediment


  • Dragage
  • Environnement

Le rejet des sédiments en eaux libres peut entraîner la modification de la nature et du profil du fond au site de rejet.


Conserver la fiche 5

Fiche 6 1999-10-21


Subject field(s)
  • Dredging
  • Waste Management

Changes in bathymetry, currents and sediment structure at dredging site and open-water disposal site.


Give preference to open-water disposal sites in quiescent waters.

  • open water disposal site


  • Dragage
  • Gestion des déchets

Modification de la bathymétrie, des courants et du régime sédimentologique au site de dragage et au site de rejet en eaux libres.


Favoriser les sites de dépôt en eaux libres à faible régime hydrodynamique.


Conserver la fiche 6

Fiche 7 1996-06-05


Subject field(s)
  • Waste Management
  • Nuclear Waste Materials
  • Radiation Protection

Typically, each [shallow land burial] trench has a sloping floor cut into the natural soil and a french drain of gravel down one of the long sides. The trench bottom is covered with a foot or two of sand to allow water to flow freely into the french drain, especially when the trench is open during operations. Sampling pipes or tubes are placed against the trench wall, with their lower ends in the french drain, when the trench is dug. Monitoring of each disposal unit(engineered trench) is accomplished by sampling any water found in the french drain through these tubes and analyzing its contents. Sampling wells are placed around the perimeter of the facility, and elsewhere if desired, and air sampling is conducted at least until the end of the operations.


  • Gestion des déchets
  • Déchets nucléaires
  • Radioprotection


Campo(s) temático(s)
  • Gestión de los desechos
  • Desechos nucleares
  • Protección contra la radiación
Conserver la fiche 7

Fiche 8 1996-06-05


Subject field(s)
  • Waste Management
  • Nuclear Waste Materials

Shallow land burial trenches are typically long, narrow, excavations with an engineered floor, an engineered drainage collection and monitoring system, and an engineered cover system.


As used in this context, the word "engineered" refers to the fact that features and materials have been designed or selected to accomplish certain functions. In shallow land burial the materials are usually natural rather than man-made.


Typically, each [shallow land burial] trench has a sloping floor cut into the natural soil and a French drain of gravel down one of the long sides. The trench bottom is covered with a foot or two of sand to allow water to flow freely into the French drain, especially when the trench is open during operations. Sampling pipes or tubes are placed against the trench wall, with their lower ends in the French drain, when the trench is dug. Monitoring of each disposal unit(engineered trench) is accomplished by sampling any water found in the French drain through these tubes and analyzing its contents. Sampling wells are placed around the perimeter of the facility, and elsewhere if desired, and air sampling is conducted at least until the end of the operations.

  • shallow-land burial trench
  • shallow ground disposal trench
  • near surface disposal trench


  • Gestion des déchets
  • Déchets nucléaires


Campo(s) temático(s)
  • Gestión de los desechos
  • Desechos nucleares
Conserver la fiche 8

Fiche 9 1996-05-21


Subject field(s)
  • Waste Management
  • Nuclear Waste Materials

Figure 6. 1 illustrates a typical open disposal trench at the Barnwell facility. The trench floor is sloped slightly and covered with a layer of sand to facilitate collection of percolating water in a french drain. A number of pipes allow any water that may collect in the french drain to be removed and analyzed. Presently waste, primarily in boxes, drums and cask liners, is stacked neatly in the trench, starting at the high end and progressing toward the low end. High specific activity waste is usually placed at the bottom of the trench. A separate narrower shielded trench is used at Barnwell for waste that has very high dose rates at the package surface. As the level of the waste reaches the design level, 2 m below grade, a layer of dry soil is added and allowed to filter down between the waste containers. When a trench is filled, it is covered with a cap of at least 0. 6 m of compacted native clay, followed by at least 0. 9 m of soil.


"Disposal" usually refers to permanent storage.

  • open trench


  • Gestion des déchets
  • Déchets nucléaires

On doit reserver le terme «évacuation» au stockage permanent.


Campo(s) temático(s)
  • Gestión de los desechos
  • Desechos nucleares
Conserver la fiche 9

Fiche 10 1996-03-05


Subject field(s)
  • Waste Management
  • Nuclear Waste Materials

Sand used to cover the floor of an open disposal trench in order to facilitate the collection of percolating water in a French drain.


The "buffer sand" is illustrated in Figure 6.1, showing a conceptual sketch of the trench drain and collection of an unlined trench used for the disposal of radioactive wastes and situated in Barnwell, South Carolina. The following context situates the term "sand" and gives some information on its utility in the disposal trench.


Figure 6. 1 illustrates a typical open disposal trench at the Barnwell facility. The trench floor is sloped slightly and covered with a layer of sand to facilitate collection of percolating water in a french drain. A number of pipes allow any water that may collect in the french drain to be removed and analyzed.


  • Gestion des déchets
  • Déchets nucléaires


Campo(s) temático(s)
  • Gestión de los desechos
  • Desechos nucleares
Conserver la fiche 10

Fiche 11 1993-07-04


Subject field(s)
  • Titles of Documents and Works
  • Hydrology and Hydrography


  • Titres de documents et d'œuvres
  • Hydrologie et hydrographie

Document non traduit; l'équivalent est tiré du corps d'un texte traitant de ces directives. Source : Information-Environnement, gouvernement de l'Ontario.


Conserver la fiche 11

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