La banque de données terminologiques et linguistiques du gouvernement du Canada.

ORDINARY PASS [9 fiches]

Fiche 1 2022-02-18


Subject field(s)
  • Degrees and Diplomas (Educ.)

[A university] degree with honours, resulting from a more specialized course of study than that of an ordinary or pass degree.


An honours bachelor’s degree is a degree which normally takes four years to complete, if you are studying full-time. An honours degree is normally required for admission to a graduate (master’s) program.

  • honor degree
  • honour degree


  • Grades et diplômes

Premier grade universitaire décerné à un étudiant qui a terminé avec succès quatre années d'études avec spécialisation.


[Le] baccalauréat peut prendre plusieurs formes : baccalauréat spécialisé, bidisciplinaire ou par cumul, avec ou sans appellation.


Conserver la fiche 1

Fiche 2 2016-02-25


Subject field(s)
  • Examinations and Competitions (Education)
  • Psychometry and Psychotechnology

a score that divides those individuals earning scores above and below it into two groups with reference to some purpose or criterion.


Cut-off point between failure and success in an examination or test.


Passing score. If it is appropriate for the context of the test, there will be a passing score. There are no convincing arguments for any one cutoff score; rather, the content, context, and type of student will determine the passing level. It will also depend on your intentions for the test. A mastery test will require a very high pass mark, while an ordinary quiz or classroom test is likely to be less stringent. Sometimes a test may have no passing grade at all, as when its intention is to locate areas of weakness rather than to categorize or grade students.


  • Docimologie
  • Psychométrie et psychotechnique

Note en dessous de laquelle un candidat échoue.


Marque minimale nécessaire à la réussite d'un examen ou d'une épreuve.

  • minimum de points
  • moyenne
  • moyenne d'admissibilité


Conserver la fiche 2

Fiche 3 2013-06-27


Subject field(s)
  • Aerodynamics and Theory of Gases
  • Wind Energy

An increase in wind speed induced by terrain features, such as the curvature of a hill.


Speed up effects : Tunnel effect. If you push an ordinary bicycle air pump,... you will notice that the air leaving the nozzle moves much faster than the speed with which you are pushing. The reason, of course, is that the nozzle is much narrower than the cylinder in the pump. If you take a walk between tall buildings, or in a narrow mountain pass, you will notice that the same effect is working : the air becomes compressed on the windy side of the buildings or mountains, and its speed increases considerably between the obstacles to the wind. This is known as a "tunnel effect. "So, even if the general wind speed in open terrain may be, say, 6 metres per second, it can easily reach 9 metres per second in a natural "tunnel. "Placing a wind turbine in such a tunnel is one clever way of obtaining higher wind speeds than in the surrounding areas.


  • Théorie des gaz et aérodynamique
  • Énergie éolienne

Augmentation de la vitesse du vent résultant des particularités physiques d'un site, telles que la courbe d'une colline.


[L']effet accélérateur [est un] phénomène cinétique propre à un site dont la rugosité de surface est telle qu'elle engendre une accélération de la vitesse du vent, permettant à l'éolienne installée sur ce site de capter une énergie cinétique du vent plus importante.


Campo(s) temático(s)
  • Aerodinámica y teoría de los gases
  • Energía eólica
Conserver la fiche 3

Fiche 4 2013-06-27


Subject field(s)
  • Mechanical Components
  • Wind Energy

A speed-up effect created by wind pressure in a natural corridor which allows a wind turbine to harness wind kinetic energy stronger than in the surrounding area.


Speed up effects : Tunnel effect. If you push an ordinary bicycle air pump,... you will notice that the air leaving the nozzle moves much faster than the speed with which you are pushing. The reason, of course, is that the nozzle is much narrower than the cylinder in the pump. If you take a walk between tall buildings, or in a narrow mountain pass, you will notice that the same effect is working : the air becomes compressed on the windy side of the buildings or mountains, and its speed increases considerably between the obstacles to the wind. This is known as a "tunnel effect. "So, even if the general wind speed in open terrain may be, say, 6 metres per second, it can easily reach 9 meters per second in a natural "tunnel". Placing a wind turbine in such a tunnel is one clever way of obtaining higher wind speeds than in the surrounding areas.


  • Composants mécaniques
  • Énergie éolienne

Effet accélérateur engendré par la compression du vent dans un couloir naturel et qui permet à l'éolienne qui y est installée de capter une énergie cinétique du vent supérieure à celle de la zone ambiante.


Campo(s) temático(s)
  • Componentes mecánicos
  • Energía eólica

Efecto túnel. Si tomamos un camino entre dos edificios altos o en un paso estrecho entre montañas observaremos que el aire al pasar a su través se comprime en la parte de los edificios o de la montaña que está expuesta al viento, y su velocidad crece considerablemente entre los obstáculos del viento. Esto es lo que se conoce como efecto túnel.

Conserver la fiche 4

Fiche 5 2012-09-21


Subject field(s)
  • Property Law (common law)
  • Municipal Law

Levies in cases of exempt land... the city may pass the usual special assessment by-law as in ordinary cases and may assume as part of its share of the cost of the work the levies for the work which it might have made against the exempt land if it had not been so exempt...


  • Droit des biens et de la propriété (common law)
  • Droit municipal

[...] la ville peut prendre l'arrêté habituel imposant une cotisation spéciale comme dans les cas ordinaires et peut prendre à sa charge, comme partie de sa part du coût des travaux, les cotisations qu'elle aurait pu établir à l'égard du bien-fonds exonéré n'eut été de son exonération.

  • bien-fonds exempté


Conserver la fiche 5

Fiche 6 - données d’organisme externe 2011-10-27


Subject field(s)
  • Atomic Physics
  • Compartment - Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission

Ionizing radiation consisting of a stream of beta particles emitted by radioactive substances at high velocity.


In beta radiation the rays travel distances of up to a few millimeters in human soft tissues before they are fully absorbed.


Beta radiation consists of fast moving electrons ejected from the nuclei of atoms. More penetrating than alpha radiation, beta radiation can pass through up to two centimetres of water or human flesh, but is stopped by a sheet of ordinary window glass.

  • β radiation
  • β rays
  • β ray
  • beta ray


  • Physique atomique
  • Tiroir - Commission canadienne de sûreté nucléaire

Particules atomiques très mobiles et peu pénétrantes.


Les rayons bêta sont émis par les électrons éjectés du noyau des atomes et se déplacent rapidement. Ils sont plus pénétrant que les rayons alpha et peuvent traverser 1 ou 2 centimètres d'eau ou de chair, mais pas une vitre ordinaire.


On les utilise souvent en médecine ou en recherche.

  • rayonnement β
  • rayons β
  • rayon β
  • rayon bêta


Campo(s) temático(s)
  • Física atómica
  • Compartimiento - Comisión Canadiense de Seguridad Nuclear
  • rayo beta
  • rayos β
  • rayo β
Conserver la fiche 6

Fiche 7 2010-10-15


Subject field(s)
  • Form Titles (Armed Forces)
Universal entry(ies)
CF 1121
code de formulaire, voir observation

CF 1121: Code of a form used by the Canadian Forces.


  • Titres de formulaires (Forces armées)
Entrée(s) universelle(s)
CF 1121
code de formulaire, voir observation

CF 1121 : Code d’un formulaire employé par les Forces canadiennes.


Liste informatisée des Forces canadiennes.


Conserver la fiche 7

Fiche 8 1994-02-03


Subject field(s)
  • Law of Contracts (common law)

... means that the consumer goods meet each of the following :(1) Pass without objection in the trade under the contract description.(2) Are fit for the ordinary purposes for which such goods are used.(3) Are adequately contained, packaged, and labeled.(4) Conform to the promises or affirmations of fact made on the container or label. Calif. Civil Code. art. 1791. 1


  • Droit des contrats (common law)


Conserver la fiche 8

Fiche 9 1976-06-19


Subject field(s)
  • Forms Design


  • Imprimés et formules


Conserver la fiche 9

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