La banque de données terminologiques et linguistiques du gouvernement du Canada.


Fiche 1 - données d’organisme externe 2017-07-14


Subject field(s)
  • Compartment - Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP)
Universal entry(ies)
code de profession, voir observation

000195: Royal Canadian Mounted Police job code.


The member is responsible for : supervising permanent CMs(civilian members) and recruiting, hiring and training TCEs(temporary civilian employees) as intercept monitor analysts, including interpreters and translators; reporting to and advising management and others on the current status of personnel and project costs; analyzing and producing various reports simultaneously on intercepted live and recorded communications for project investigators; monitoring the work of others, resolving problems and evaluating personnel; providing guidance on Standard Operating Procedures(SOPs) regarding the monitoring of Part VI, authorization and Part XV, warrants of the CC(Criminal Code) ;producing and providing electronically-intercepted private communications pursuant to Part VI, authorization and Part XV, warrants of the CC, for court disclosure; providing testimony in Canadian and foreign courts as a subject matter expert for electronically-intercepted private communications pursuant to Part VI, authorization and Part XV, warrants of the CC; and operating computer-based and electronic equipment associated with Part VI, authorization and Part XV, warrants of the CC.


Intercept Monitor Analyst/Supervisor: Although this title is extracted from the Royal Canadian Mounted Police "Career Management Manual," "Intercept Monitor Analyst Supervisor" is preferable.

  • Intercept Monitor Analyst Superviser
  • Intercept Monitor Analyst/Supervisor
  • Intercept Monitor Analyst/Superviser
  • Monitor Transcriber Superviser


  • Tiroir - Gendarmerie royale du Canada (GRC)
Entrée(s) universelle(s)
code de profession, voir observation

000195 : code d'emploi de la Gendarmerie royale du Canada.


Le membre remplit les fonctions suivantes : superviser des m.c. (membres civils) permanents et recruter, engager et former des e.c.t. (employés de la fonction publique) comme analystes préposés à l'écoute, y compris des interprètes et des traducteurs; informer les cadres et d'autres employés de la situation actuelle concernant les coûts relatifs au projet et au personnel; analyser et produire simultanément, pour les enquêteurs du projet, divers rapports sur les communications vivantes et enregistrées interceptées; surveiller le travail d'autres employés, régler des problèmes et évaluer des employés; donner des indications sur les instructions permanentes d'opération (IPO) concernant l'écoute en vertu d'une autorisation aux termes de la partie VI ou d'un mandat aux termes de la partie XV du C.cr. (Code criminel); produire et fournir des communications privées interceptées électroniquement en vertu d'une autorisation aux termes de la partie VI ou d'un mandat aux termes de la partie XV du C.cr., à des fins de divulgation au tribunal; témoigner à titre d'expert en la matière devant des tribunaux canadiens et étrangers concernant des communications privées interceptées électroniquement en vertu d'une autorisation aux termes de la partie VI ou d'un mandat aux termes de la partie XV du C.cr.; faire fonctionner le matériel informatisé et électronique lié à l'autorisation prévue à la partie VI ou au mandat prévu à la partie XV du C.cr.

  • analystes préposés à l'écoute, superviseur
  • analystes préposés à l'écoute, superviseure


Conserver la fiche 1

Fiche 2 2016-02-25


Subject field(s)
  • Training of Personnel


  • Perfectionnement et formation du personnel

(...) le Programme (...) a pu être amélioré et affiné grâce à la constitution d'une équipe (...) de moniteurs "permanents" (...)


Conserver la fiche 2

Fiche 3 2010-11-29


Subject field(s)
  • Morphology and General Physiology
  • Scientific Research Equipment

The activity-recording system used to monitor circadian periodicity in pink bollworm moths... is presented. The actograph provides a permanent record while eliminating the use of light and direct observation for studying nocturnal periodicity.


"Actographic" qualifies examinations, determinations, etc., made with the use of an actograph.


  • Morphologie et physiologie générale
  • Matériel et équipement (Recherche scientifique)

[...] R.G. Busnel a mis en France, à la disposition de divers entomologistes, des appareils actographiques utilisant des capteurs électro-acoustiques, tel celui utilisé par A. Couturier, F. Antoine et A.J. Andrieu (1961) pour étudier l'activité de vol du hanneton.


Conserver la fiche 3

Fiche 4 2005-02-15


Subject field(s)
  • Petroleum Technology - Equipment
  • Photoelectricity and Electron Optics

Technology that combines sensors and remote control to detect production problems and solve them without costly well intervention.


... with advancements in material science, electronics, and data acquisition and processing, we have seen the use of sensors in oil well production turn in to what is now being referred to as "smart-well technology." With sensors located downhole (below ground), above ground, in the storage tanks, and even on the pump motors to detect low frequency vibrations that can indicate potential wear, "smart" is exactly what these wells are becoming. ... There are a variety of sensors currently used for downhole monitoring ranging from fiber optic to acoustic to quartz crystal sensors.


Representing a step-change in intelligent well control technology, the new multi-drop capability for hydraulic, downhole flow control valves supports the industry’s overall objectives. These include improving reservoir recovery, and removing complexity and operating capital for future interventions. They also include ... effective monitoring and control for production management.


Much has been... written about intelligent well technology(IWT), but not everyone agrees as to what constitutes an intelligent well(IW). Some feel that merely the use of permanent downhole gauges(PDGs) that monitor and collect wellbore and/or reservoir data, constitutes an IW. Then there are others who believe that use of simple hydraulic-controlled, remote-operated, downhole-flow-control devices with only on/off position control but no downhole monitoring, should be considered an IW. A definition accepted.... among others, is that an IW installation is one that includes all of the following capabilities : Monitoring : The ability to monitor wellbore and/or reservoir characteristics in real time; Optimization : Analyze the data from monitoring, and pro-actively adjust flow regimes from multiple zones or laterals; Flow control : Utilization of remotely operated downhole-flow-control devices... for adjustment of flow regimes.


The development of intelligent well technology began in the late 1980s. New downhole technology to better monitor and control production without intervention was seen as a solution to maximize the potential of aging reservoirs. Applications for permanent seismic sensing as a reservoir optimization tool grew out of conventional borehole seismic techniques that have been used for many years.

  • smart well technology


  • Appareillage (Technologie pétrolière)
  • Photo-électricité et optique électronique

Gestion intégrée des réservoirs permettant d'extraire jusqu'à 60 % des réserves au lieu des 35 % actuels (géophysique multidimensionnelle et multicomposantes, puits intelligents, réseaux de capteurs de contrôle permanent.


Conserver la fiche 4

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