La banque de données terminologiques et linguistiques du gouvernement du Canada.


Fiche 1 2017-03-29


Subject field(s)
  • Practice and Procedural Law

A suit or action.


Before the Judicature Acts, 1873-1875, "cause" was the generic term for ordinary civil proceedings, whether at law or in equity, and therefore included actions and suits, but not statutory proceedings in equity commenced by petition, motion, summons, etc., which were and are known as "matters".


  • Droit judiciaire

[Le terme] «cause» comprend une action, un procès ou toute autre procédure introductive d'instance entre un demandeur et un défendeur.


Campo(s) temático(s)
  • Derecho procesal
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Fiche 2 2015-09-18


Subject field(s)
  • Law of Security

When the landowner defaulted, courts of equity were again asked to respond, and developed the system of equitable foreclosure. The landowner's failure to repay the loan no longer resulted in an automatic forfeiture of their ownership interest in the land to the lender. Instead, the lender would have a right to petition a court for a decree of foreclosure, the granting of which would bar the landowner's right to the equity of redemption. The lender would thereby recoup his investment by taking title and possession of the property if the landowner failed to repay the loan within a time fixed by the court. The equitable foreclosure system was slow but fair : the lender could petition the court to give ownership of the land to the lender to repay the loan, but the landowner would have a chance to remedy the default or explain the default when the lender had not behaved reasonably.


  • Droit des sûretés

forclusion en equity : terme normalisé par le Comité de normalisation, Promotion de l’accès à la justice dans les deux langues officielles (PAJLO).


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Fiche 3 2005-08-02


Subject field(s)
  • Legal Actions

In the Court of Chancery prior to 1875 an ordinary suit was begun by filing or exhibiting a bill of complaint in the form of a petition to the Lord Chancellor, asking for certain relief. The term "bill" was accordingly frequently used as equivalent to "suit" or "claim in the Chancery court". There were many kinds of bills, varying according to the relief sought.


  • Actions en justice

Acte introductif (d'instance) à la Cour de la Chancellerie d'autrefois.


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