La banque de données terminologiques et linguistiques du gouvernement du Canada.

PVCOA [2 fiches]

Fiche 1 2007-03-17


Subject field(s)
  • Investment
  • Real Estate

... the cost stream elements (initial capital, O&M, taxes, management and additional downstream costs associated with the project) discounted from their date of occurrence back to the planning date minus the revenue stream from the private sector (if any) and the residual property value also discounted back to the planning date.


present value cost of accommodation is used to measure the cost to the Crown of providing the accommodation over the investment horizon and is comparable between alternatives with the same investment horizon.


  • Investissements et placements
  • Immobilier

Tous les coûts engendrés par l'exercice du droit de résiliation anticipée devront nécessairement être incorporés dans les calculs de la valeur actualisée du coût du logement (VACL) du RAI [Rapport d'analyse des investissements] appuyant la solution de rechange.


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Fiche 2 2002-11-06


Subject field(s)
  • Urban Housing
  • Real Estate

In cases where the accommodation is being replaced, the exercise of an early termination right is subject to obtaining project approval(eigther LPA [Lease Project Approval] or Effective Project Approval(EPA)) for the alternative solution. Accordingly, approval to terminate a lease early will form part of the approval process to implement the alternative accommodation solution. An IAR [Investment Analysis Report] will be required to support the LPA or EPA for the alternative accommodation. Any costs associated with exercising the right of early termination would necessarily be incorporated into the Present Value Cost of Accommodation(PVCOA) calculations in the IAR supporting the alternative solution.


  • Habitation et logement (Urbanisme)
  • Immobilier


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