La banque de données terminologiques et linguistiques du gouvernement du Canada.


Fiche 1 2017-07-17


Subject field(s)
  • International Bodies and Committees
  • Stamp and Postmark Collecting

The Society’s roots go back to the 1930’s when a small band of Scottish enthusiasts formed the Scottish Canadian Study Circle. After the Second World War in 1946 the Circle re-launched itself under [their] present name [Canadian Philatelic Society of Great Britain]. The aims of the Society include the promotion and study of all aspects of British North American philately. Membership is worldwide and there is, naturally, a strong representation in Canada and the USA.


The [purposes] of the Society [are] To associate those interested in the philately of Canada, those areas thereof which were seperate British Colonies prior to Confederation in 1867 or any part or parts thereof; which said territory is hereinafter referred to as "British North America"(BNA). To encourage study inter alia by the holding of meetings, publications of papers and the arrangement of private and public displays and exhibitions. To provide facilities for the disposal of members’ surplus material. To provide a Library of philatelic literature relating to British North America for use of members. To hold an annual Convention which normally shall meet in rotation in Scotland, the North of England and Wales, and the South of England.


  • Organismes et comités internationaux
  • Philatélie et marcophilie


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Fiche 2 1976-06-19


Subject field(s)
  • Library Science


  • Bibliothéconomie


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