La banque de données terminologiques et linguistiques du gouvernement du Canada.


Fiche 1 2012-10-02


Subject field(s)
  • Applications of Automation

A robot whose computer control system describes a desired path between any preprogrammed points. Each axis or degree of freedom can be controlled and actuated simultaneously to move to those points. The computer calculates both the desired path and the acceleration, deceleration, and velocity of the robot arm along the path.


  • Automatisation et applications


Conserver la fiche 1

Fiche 2 2012-10-02


Subject field(s)
  • Applications of Automation

A system that gives the operator coordinated control of the robot axes when teaching the device, and total position, velocity, and acceleration control of the robot end effector along a desired path between programmmed points in the replay or automatic mode of operation.


  • Automatisation et applications


Conserver la fiche 2

Fiche 3 2012-09-25


Subject field(s)
  • Orbital Stations
  • Remote Sensing

Navigation, which requires knowing ISS's [International Space Station] position and velocity as well as attitude is determined by the American Global Positioning System(GPS), and the Russian counterpart, the Global Navigational Satellite System(GLONASS) that feeds data to Russia's motion control system.


  • Stations orbitales
  • Télédétection


Conserver la fiche 3

Fiche 4 2011-12-12


Subject field(s)
  • System Names
  • Radar, Radio Guidance and Goniometry
  • Air Navigation Aids

The Position and Azimuth Determining System(PADS) is a self-contained surveying system which provides fourth-and fifth-order control for U. S. [United States] Army Artillery surveys. The PADS is essentially a velocity aided inertial navigation system which has been designed to provide positional accuracy to 20 meters circular error probable(CEP) and height accuracy to 10 meters probable error(PE) over a 6-hour mission which starts at a "known" survey control point.


Position and Azimuth Determination System (PADS): term and abbreviation used at Natural Resources Canada - Earth Sciences Sector.


  • Noms de systèmes
  • Radar, radioguidage et radiogoniométrie
  • Aides à la navigation aérienne

FV 514 véhicule d'observation d'artillerie.- En dotation dans les unités d'artillerie, il équipe les unités d'observation (Observation Post Vehicle ou OPV). Il est doté d'un mât avec un radar de surveillance et d'acquisition de cible (Man-packable Surveillance and Target Acquisition Radar ou MSTAR) ainsi que d'un système de positionnement et de détermination d'azimut (Position and Azimuth Determining System ou PADS). Il dispose aussi de systèmes d'intensification de lumière et de vision infra-rouge.


système de détermination des positions et azimuts : terme en usage à Ressources naturelles Canada - Secteur des sciences de la Terre.


Conserver la fiche 4

Fiche 5 2011-11-25


Subject field(s)
  • Weapon Systems (Land Forces)
  • Target Acquisition

... the gun barrels are fitted with muzzle velocity sensors, which are linked to the fire control computer, so the actual speed of the round can be taken into account when the computer calculates the lead angle necessary to hit a moving target. This is necessary as the speed of the round when leaving the barrel may vary depending on the ammunition manufacture date and age, moisture content, the barrel wear, etc.


Projectile muzzle velocity sensor mounted on T-84 MBT [main battle tank] turret roof. As an option, the tank fire-control system can also include a projectile muzzle velocity sensor, which measures the velocity in question and feeds information to the tank's fire control ballistic computer after each firing of the gun to allow to automatically correct for gun bore wear, charge temperature and other factors.


  • Systèmes d'armes (Forces terrestres)
  • Acquisition d'objectif


Conserver la fiche 5

Fiche 6 2011-11-24


Subject field(s)
  • Clothing (Military)
  • Modernization of Military Equipment

The SIHS [Soldier's Integrated Headwear System] headborne system should be designed with warfighting in mind; predominantly for high tempo operations... The highest priority system capability for the headborne system is protection. Chief among these is protection against high and low velocity fragments [and] blast... Similarly, blast and impulse noise injury to the ears has been identified as important from both a protection and a command and control perspective. The future headborne system also needs to integrate CB [chemical and biological] protection for skin and respiration [and needs to include GPS [global positioning system] and radio antennae on the helmet, as well as any combat [identification] detector technology. For camouflage,... temperate and hot environments [are] important and... any future system [needs] to manage light, noise and thermal emissions to avoid detection by the enemy.... Compatibility with weapons, CB protective equipment, and corrective vision spectacles were seen to be essential for the dismounted rifleman role.


  • Habillement (Militaire)
  • Modernisation du matériel militaire


Conserver la fiche 6

Fiche 7 2003-10-09


Subject field(s)
  • Launching and Space Maneuvering

TORU(teleoperator control system) is a manual mode system through which a crewmember, located in the Service Module, performs necessary guidance functions in the event of a failure of the automated Kurs rendezvous/docking system of a Progress cargo vehicle(TGK). In this case, the ship's motion will be manually controlled from the TORU control panel, using two hand controllers and a situational display of television signals(ISS) [International Space Station] image plus range, velocity, and relative angular position data from a Progress-mounted Klest-M video camera, shown on two monitors(VKU and Simvol-Ts).


TORU docking system: term officially approved by the International Space Station official approval Group (ISSOAG).


Teleoperator Control System (TORU); telerobotically operated (TORU) manual docking system.


  • Lancement et manœuvres dans l'espace

système d'amarrage TORU : terme uniformisé par le Groupe de travail de la terminologie de la Station spatiale internationale (GTTSSI).


Conserver la fiche 7

Fiche 8 2002-11-05


Subject field(s)
  • Spacecraft

The POES satellites include an integrated system for guidance and control of orbital injection following separation from the Atlas vehicle. The Reaction Control Equipment(RCE) provides ascent phase, attitude control(3 axis), and orbital velocity trim for final injection. The RCE is operational from Atlas separation to handover to the orbital control system.


  • Engins spatiaux


Conserver la fiche 8

Fiche 9 2000-10-26


Subject field(s)
  • Plywood
  • Facilities and Equipment (Wood Industries)

The curtain coater comes in two types :(1) pressure head and(2) gravity feed. The pressure head is essentially a V-shaped reservoir made airtight by a removable cover and fitted across the bottom with an adjustable gap. A variable-speed, positive-displacement pump sends adhesive into the reservoir. Spread control is determined by the width of the knife gap, the pump speed, and the viscosity of the glue... The gravity feed system is the forerunner of the pressure head. The application method is quite similar, with one important difference : the curtain velocity cannot be controlled. The curtain falls as a waterfall, the weight controlled by mass and height.


curtain coating: A method of glue application in which the veneer passes through a "curtain" of adhesive.


  • Contreplaqués
  • Installations et équipement (Industr. du bois)

Encolleuse à rideau [...] Principe de fonctionnement. Le système comporte : un bâti, un réservoir à produit pouvant être muni d'un dispositif de chauffage, une pompe, un filtre, une tête d'application, une goulotte de récupération, des canalisations reliant la pompe à la tête d'arrosage et la goulotte de récupération au réservoir, ainsi qu'un tapis transporteur pour les pièces à encoller. L'enduction du subjectile se réalise par passage de ce dernier à travers un rideau de produit. La tête d'application appelée également tête d'arrosage, est une sorte de réservoir [Elle] peut être d'exécution «ouverte» ou «fermée». En exécution ouverte, le rideau se forme par gravité; la quantité déposée dépend de l'ouverture des lèvres et de la vitesse de passage à travers le rideau de la pièce à traiter. En exécution fermée, on a la possibilité de travailler soit par gravité, soit sous légère pression ou dépression.


Conserver la fiche 9

Fiche 10 1999-12-23


Subject field(s)
  • Weapon Systems (Naval Forces)

The gun system carries a fixed muzzle velocity radar to supply data to a fire control computer for calculating ballistics and point of impact.


  • Systèmes d'armes (Forces navales)

Un radar de vitesse en sortie de bouche mesure les paramètres ballistiques de chaque projectile et la communique au calculateur de conduite de tir qui effectue les corrections et calcule le point d'impact.


Conserver la fiche 10

Fiche 11 1999-12-16


Subject field(s)
  • Cooling and Ventilating Systems

Dedicated outside air injection fan can be utilized to assure building outside air supply. Tracking these fans--i.e., air flow monitoring and measurement--is more easily accomplished than other methods, which use return air fan tracking with the supply fan or return air/outside air mixing chamber pressure controls.


Figure 2 shows a simplified drawing of a control system using a separate injection fan, which ensures that the minimum outdoor air is supplied. The injection fan runs whenever the system requires outdoor air. Its ductwork is sized so that velocity pressures are easily readable. An airflow-measuring station... adjusts the injection fan volume to correct for wind effects or back pressures.


  • Systèmes de refroidissement et de ventilation

Suivant la position du ventilateur sur [le] réseau, le ventilateur est dit introducteur, extracteur ou recycleur; un introducteur d'air souffle dans un local de l'air pris à l'extérieur et mélangé éventuellement avec de l'air repris dans le local lui-même; cette disposition met le local en surpression et tend à combattre les infiltrations d'air venant de l'extérieur du local; [...]


insufflateur. Aérateur équipé d'un ventilateur électrique, ouvrant en partie basse d'une paroi de chaufferie ou d'un local en sous-sol dont la ventilation nécessite une entrée d'air frais en surpression. Appareil fonctionnant à l'inverse de l'extracteur d'air.


Conserver la fiche 11

Fiche 12 1999-01-15


Subject field(s)
  • Applications of Automation

A control scheme whereby the velocity vector of the end point of a manipulator arm is commanded and the computer determines the joint angular velocities to achieve the desired result. Coordination of a robot's axes so that the velocity vector of the end joint is under direct control. Motion in the coordinate system of the end point along specified directions or trajectories(line, circle, etc.) is possible. Used in manual control of manipulators and as a computational method for achieving programmed coordinate axis control in robots.


  • Automatisation et applications


Conserver la fiche 12

Fiche 13 1996-03-21


Subject field(s)
  • Life Cycle (Informatics)
  • Propulsion of Water-Craft
  • Sea Operations (Military)
  • Combat Systems (Naval Forces)

The gun system carries a fixed muzzle velocity radar to supply data to a fire control computer for calculating ballistics and point of impact.


  • Cycle de vie (Informatique)
  • Propulsion des bateaux
  • Opérations en mer (Militaire)
  • Systèmes de combat (Forces navales)

Un radar de vitesse en sortie de bouche mesure les paramètres ballistiques de chaque projectile et les communique au calculateur de conduite de tir qui effectue les corrections et calcule le point d'impact.


Conserver la fiche 13

Fiche 14 1989-07-23


Subject field(s)
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Software

(In the)... block diagram showing the relationship of the elements of control,... note that the feedback in(the) system, is concerned only with the position velocity of the robot itself. No information about the conditions of the outside world and the robot's impact on it is provided to the local controller. This type of robot controller... is thus called an open-loop controller and is characterized by its fixed strategy.


  • Intelligence artificielle
  • Logiciels

Voir "contrôleur" et "boucle" en informatique.


Conserver la fiche 14

Fiche 15 1984-08-24


Subject field(s)
  • Missiles and Rockets
  • Weapon Systems

The boost phase varies in duration from 1. 5 to 6 seconds depending on the range of the mission. Boost engine operation is terminated by the accelerometer of the velocity control(VC) system at a pre-set velocity.


This system is on the Lance tactical missile.


  • Missiles et roquettes
  • Systèmes d'armes

La phase de fonctionnement du moteur de démarrage varie, en durée, de 1,5 à 6 secondes, suivant la distance de tir. Elle prend fin sur commande de l'accéléromètre du système de contrôle de la vitesse (VC), dès qu'une vitesse prédéterminée a été atteinte.


Le système se trouve dans le missile tactique Lance.


Conserver la fiche 15

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