La banque de données terminologiques et linguistiques du gouvernement du Canada.

BOOBOISIE [1 fiche]

Fiche 1 1995-06-22


Subject field(s)
  • Political Institutions

Undue increase of direct and participatory democracy criticized by technophobic elites.


Voters are more discerning than the critics of hyperdemocracy. Technology's new challenge ideally at least, is to re-empower voters and revitalize democracy through more direct popular representation. Pitfalls do abound. The same technology able to identify and link citizens and political institutions will also necessarily facilitate nationwide identification systems and increased governmental surveillance. This will undoubtedly prompt a second neo-Orwellian howl to accompany an elitist shudder over entrusting the people - the booboisie as a 21st century cybermob. But overall, the favorable balance that should result is compelling. Here are five critical circumstances and developments that we should all monitor carefully in the future: putting politics on line, creating virtual Washington, expanding individual voting, creating national referendums, and increasing choice of parties.

  • booboisie


  • Institutions politiques


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