La banque de données terminologiques et linguistiques du gouvernement du Canada.

GOD GUN [1 fiche]

Fiche 1 2003-07-28


Subject field(s)
  • Simulation (Cybernetic Systems)
  • Military Training

MILES is a system the Army uses for wargames. You mount a small box, the transmitter, on the end of the barrel of your weapon, and wear a harness that has several straps on the front and back with infrared receptors on them. You also have a key that is normally in the transmitter to enable it. The transmitter has a microphone in it, and whenever a shot is fired, the sound causes it to fire a coded IR laser beam. The sensors on the harness are wired to a box on the back which detects when you have been hit. If you are, a beeper starts sounding loudly. To turn it off you have to take the key out of the transmitter, thus disabling it, and put it in a switch in the harness. Then you are "dead", and have to wait for an observer to come around with a special key that can reset the harness. They can also use the God gun, which is so called because it can fire pulses that will "kill" you like the other transmitters, but it can also fire pulses that reset your harness (bring you back to life...)


  • Simulation (Systèmes cybernétiques)
  • Instruction du personnel militaire


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