La banque de données terminologiques et linguistiques du gouvernement du Canada.


Fiche 1 2001-11-27


Subject field(s)
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Computer Programs and Programming

Ted Nelson coined the expression "hypermedia" in the 70s in order to describe a new media form that utilised the power of the computer to store, retrieve and display information in the form of pictures, text, animations and sound. ... In a series of seminal articles and books, including Computer Lib and Dream Machines, Nelson develops the idea of "fantics" (the "showmanship of ideas"), "thinkertoys" (computer systems for helping to visualise "complex alternatives"), and "super virtualities" (the conceptual space of hypermedia). These ideas encapsulate his vision of hypertext and hypermedia, and explore the nature of how these media could be used for both education and entertainment.

  • intelligent toy


  • Intelligence artificielle
  • Programmes et programmation (Informatique)


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Fiche 2 2001-11-09


Subject field(s)
  • Informatics

What are the uses for this chip? We see the chip being embedded as part of an intelligent toy. The chip would do all recognition of a set of objects associated with a toy. For example, a toy soldier might have assorted jet airplanes, other soldiers. The soldier might also have a specially constructed landscape. The toy soldier would be able to scan landscape and recognize targets, triggering sounds or action.


  • Informatique


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