La banque de données terminologiques et linguistiques du gouvernement du Canada.


Fiche 1 2004-07-30


Subject field(s)
  • Weather Stations and Meteorological Instruments and Equipment

A type of (non-recording) raingauge approved as standard at the national level.


[The National Weather Services uses] ... a "Standard Rain Gage" (SRG) [consisting] of a funnel 8 inches in diameter, leading to a tube inside the gage. The inside tube can hold up to 2 inches of rain; any excess will flow into the main container to be measured after the inside tube is emptied. The rainfall is measured using a specially calibrated dipstick. During the winter, the funnel and inside tube are removed; snow falls into the main container, and then is melted to determine the liquid equivalent of the snowfall.


The Universal [rain gauge] is a weighing type of gauge with mechanical linkages that lead to a pen on a strip-chart. In the NWS [National Weather Services], the gauge orifice has usually been 8 inches in diameter. The gauge is used in all seasons and has an antifreeze-type solution so the snow in winter melts and is added to the total liquid. ... The Standard Rain Gauge (SRG) is similar to the Universal in diameter but is simply a can that collects precipitation to be read manually. Both the Universal and the SRG could be considered a standard gauge with an 8 inch diameter.

  • standard raingage
  • standard rain-gage
  • universal rain-gauge
  • universal rain gauge
  • universal raingage
  • universal rain-gage
  • official raingauge
  • official rain-gauge
  • official rain gage
  • official raingage
  • official rain-gage


  • Stations, instruments et équipements météorologiques

Type de pluviomètre (non enregistreur) approuvé comme étalon au niveau national.


Campo(s) temático(s)
  • Estaciones, instrumentos y equipos meteorológicos

Pluviómetro (sin registro) reconocido a nivel nacional que se usa como referencia.

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