La banque de données terminologiques et linguistiques du gouvernement du Canada.

REGATEO PENA [2 fiches]

Fiche 1 2010-05-05


Subject field(s)
  • Sentencing

plea discussions: term usually used in the plural in this context.


Plea bargaining. ... Crown counsel and defence counsel negotiate out of court, and reach an agreement. Without purporting rigidly to limit the area on which agreements may be made, we say that usually such agreements are: 1. That Crown counsel will, if the accused pleads guilty to a lesser charge, withdraw a major charge. ... 2. That Crown counsel, in return for a plea of guilty by the accused to a charge, will recommend to the Court the imposition of some lenient form of sentence, say probation. Or there may be a bargain which embraces both the above factors.


People in the business like to call it plea negotiation.


For reasons that will become evident in the course of this working paper, ... we prefer to abandon the expression "plea bargaining" (which, to some, has an inherently negative connotation) in favour of more neutral terminology. In our view, the process with which we are concerned (though unquestionably flawed) may better be described as that of "plea negotiation", or the holding of "plea discussions". The object of that process is to reach a satisfactory agreement, not to give the accused a "bargain." Accordingly, our recommendations eschew the expression "plea bargain" and replace it with "plea agreement". We define that expression (again, in neutral terms) as "any agreement by the accused to plead guilty in return for the prosecutor's agreeing to take or refrain from taking a particular course of action".


  • Peines

[...] le marchandage de plaidoyers est une entente intervenue hors de cour entre d'une part un procureur de la Couronne, - qui cherche à régler la cause avec un minimum de temps et de frais, - et, d'autre part, l'accusé qui espère voir réduire le nombre ou la gravité des accusations portées ou obtenir le choix d'un procès sommaire ou une réduction de peine. Par une telle entente le procureur de la Couronne promet à l'accusé, en échange de son consentement à plaider coupable, de recommander au juge d'entériner cette promesse.


Les spécialistes préfèrent parler de négociation de plaidoyers.


plea bargaining (en italique) : Cette expression anglaise est consacrée par la pratique.


Campo(s) temático(s)
  • Penas

Práctica judicial [...] mediante la cual la procuraduría puede optar por reducir los cargos que pesan sobre un inculpado, si éste denuncia a otros culpables.

Conserver la fiche 1

Fiche 2 2004-11-15


Subject field(s)
  • Penal Law

Abolitionists ... tend to characterize the plea negotiation process as unnecessary, improper and degrading to our criminal justice system ...


  • Droit pénal


Campo(s) temático(s)
  • Derecho penal
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