La banque de données terminologiques et linguistiques du gouvernement du Canada.


Fiche 1 2011-03-21


Subject field(s)
  • Textile Industries
  • Paints and Varnishes (Industries)
  • Strength of Materials
  • Engineering Tests and Reliability

Taber Instruments. The need to test and measure material resistance to abrasion, stiffness and resiliency, and susceptibility to shear and scratch is a critical step in the production of flooring, textiles, carpeting, leather and vinyl goods ... For the makers of these products ... Taber Abrasers, Stiffness Testers, and Shear/Scratch Testers provide data in a matter of minutes ... Taber instruments deliver quick, exact measurements for materials research ... The Taber Abraser is available in two models ... .


The density of the coating is the size and number of the cells and pores within a given area. This can often be indirectly measured by using coating weights and the number of cycles on a Taber Abrasion tester, prior to breakthrough.


... The resistance to abrasion,which measures wear due to contact with an abrasive substance,is determined using the Taber abrasion tester.


The Physical Testing Laboratory offers services that encompass a wide variety of standard fiber, yarn and fabric tests ... Physical Testing Laboratory Equipment ... Taber abrasion tester ...


  • Industries du textile
  • Peintures et vernis (Industries)
  • Résistance des matériaux
  • Fiabilité, contrôle et essais (Ingénierie)

Abrasion et usure par frottement coulissant. La résistance à l'abrasion [...] est déterminée en utilisant l'appareil de contrôle d’abrasion de Taber.


Conserver la fiche 1

Fiche 2 1998-09-30


Subject field(s)
  • Textile Industries
  • Strength of Materials
  • Engineering Tests and Reliability

The Taber abrasion test is commonly used for wear testing ... Taber abrasion test is most representative test in USA,


... This same tank chemistry also produced 60 degree coatings which passed Taber abrasion testing and coating weights ... .


... The need to test and measure material resistance to abrasion, stiffness and resiliency, and susceptibility to shear and scratch is a critical step in the production of flooring, textiles, carpeting, leather and vinyl goods, paints, coatings, paper and glass. For the makers of these products ... Taber Abrasers, Stiffness Testers ... provide data in a matter of minutes ... Taber instruments deliver quick, exact measurements for materials research and development, product improvement, testing and evaluation for the production of higher quality, more competitive materials.


  • Industries du textile
  • Résistance des matériaux
  • Fiabilité, contrôle et essais (Ingénierie)


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