La banque de données terminologiques et linguistiques du gouvernement du Canada.

IMAGE 4 VUES [4 fiches]

Fiche 1 2017-01-13


Subject field(s)
  • Spacecraft
  • Scientific Instruments

An independent instrument which complements the main SPOT 4 payload, HRVIR (High Resolution Visible Infrared).


It is a complete and autonomous system made up of the following subsystems : an imaging instrument consisting of 4 independent cameras, an image processing module for synchronizing transmission rates and formatting, an onboard management system for activating and monitoring equipment, a recorder storing up to 97 minutes of imagery, X-band telemetry for transmitting recorded data, L-band telemetry for direct transmission of imagery, a control unit and calibration lamp as well as heaters for thermal control.


  • Engins spatiaux
  • Instruments scientifiques

La charge utile VÉGÉTATION est complémentaire et indépendante de la charge utile principale HRVIR (l’instrument Haute Résolution Visible Infra-Rouge) de SPOT 4.


Elle forme un système complet et autonome, constitué des sous-ensembles suivants : un instrument de prise de vue constitué de 4 caméras indépendantes, un traitement image qui assure la synchronisation des rythmes et le formatage, une gestion bord chargée de la mise en œuvre et de la surveillance des équipements, un enregistreur autorisant la mémorisation de 97 minutes de prise de vue, une télémesure bande X pour la transmission des données enregistrées, une télémesure bande L pour la transmission directe des prises de vues, un boîtier de commande des mécanismes et de la lampe d’étalonnage ainsi que des réchauffeurs pour la régulation thermique.


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Fiche 2 2007-08-17


Subject field(s)
  • Remote Sensing

"Path Image" products are recommended for individuals and organisations experienced in image processing. The "Path Image" product is aligned parallel to the satellite's orbit path. Latitude and longitude positional information has been added to represent the first, mid, and last pixel positions of each line of data. Data from all beam modes can be processed to this product.


The difference between "Path Image" and "Path Image Plus" processing lies in the procedure used to calibrate the data. "Path Image Plus" uses a smaller pixel spacing to retain full RADARSAT beam mode resolution which will enhance your ability to measure point targets. However, it will create a digital file which is considerably larger than a "Path Image" product.


"Path Image" and "Path Image Plus" for Standard and Fine beam modes. "Path Image" for ScanSAR Wide and Narrow beam modes.


"Path Image" product: term officially approved by the RADARSAT-2 Terminology Approval Group (RTAG).


  • Télédétection

Les produits RADARSAT sont disponibles en archive ou sur programmation à différents niveaux de traitement dont le niveau «Path Image». Caractéristiques :image d’amplitude corrigée radiométriquement, habituellement 4 vues, sauf pour ScanSar Narrow qui est de 2 vues. Traitements : analyses quantitatives, photo-interprétation et traitement d’images. Séries multitemporelles.


produit «Path Image» : terme uniformisé par le Groupe de travail de la terminologie de RADARSAT-2 (GTTR).


Conserver la fiche 2

Fiche 3 2006-10-26


Subject field(s)
  • Remote Sensing

"Path Image Plus" uses smaller pixel spacing than "Path Image" to retain full RADARSAT beam mode resolution. This will enhance your ability to make detailed analyses of point targets (e.g., ships, isolated buildings), linear features (e.g., pipelines, drainage networks), or to obtain subsequent spatial information if required. However, it will create a digital file that is considerably larger than a "Path Image" product. Data from all beam modes, with the exception of ScanSAR, can be processed to this product.


The difference between "Path Image" and "Path Image Plus" processing lies in the procedure used to calibrate the data. "Path Image Plus" uses a smaller pixel spacing to retain full RADARSAT beam mode resolution which will enhance your ability to measure point targets. However, it will create a digital file which is considerably larger than a "Path Image" product.


"Path Image" and "Path Image Plus" for Standard and Fine beam modes.


"Path Image Plus" product: term officially approved by the RADARSAT-2 Terminology Approval Group (RTAG).


  • Télédétection

«Path Image Plus»-caractéristiques :image d’amplitude 4 vues, corrigée radiométriquement. Traitements : taille du pixel plus fine que «Path Image». Analyses quantitatives, photo-interprétation et traitement d’images, séries multitemporelles.


produit «Path Image Plus» : terme uniformisé par le Groupe de travail de la terminologie de RADARSAT-2 (GTTR).


Conserver la fiche 3

Fiche 4 2002-11-13


Subject field(s)
  • Remote Sensing

The 4-look image is rather difficult to filter because the speckle is correlated.

  • four look image
  • 4 look image


  • Télédétection


Conserver la fiche 4

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